Zeiss Rapid Z software Questions


Active Member
Ok, so I have a new 300 win mag topped with the Zeiss conquest with a rapid Z 8 reticle. It patterns the Barnes very well and I'm shooting those through it now. Shooting dead bull at 200 yards

To use the Zeiss software, I plug in all my info, then click optimize and it gives me an optimum power and ranges at each of the corresponding numbered hashes where it should impact at yardages roughly corresponding to 400-600-800 yards respectively.

My question is why if I change the scope magnification does is change the point of impact at the corresponding hash marks? My understanding is that whether the scope is on 4.5 or 14.5, it shouldn't change the bullet path out of the gun and impact point should be the same at each of the hash marks regardless of scope power so I am confused by the "optimize power" feature in the software.

That is probably clear as mud but I think anyone who can answer the question will understand what I'm asking.

I think I understand what your asking. I don't have a Zeiss scope
but the bullet path of your gun doesn't change because you change the power setting on your scope. The hash marks are probably set at 14.5. When you decrease your magnification you're opening up the distance between hash marks.
quest is right. My daughter has the Nikon Bdc. I have the ranges set on 9 power. The cross hair in the middle is ok to use at any power. Her cross hair in the middle is set on a 280 yard zero.So out to 330 yards she has a dead hold. After that she can use her Bdc rings and turn it up to 9 power for them. In the nikon program it prints the different yards for you at each power. Hope that helps
No, you can not vary the power.

When you hit the optimize power button it will tell you what magnification to set your scope at for the additional reticles to be alligned with your ballistics.

You can run the magnification setting anywhere you want and use the first crosshair as normal but you must set the magnification where they tell you to use the additional reticles.

The reason why the additional crosshairs zeros change when you change the magnification setting is because the distance(area in the field of view) between them and your center crosshair changes ( an increase or decrease) turning the magnification up or down.

As an example

Say you are looking at an area 400 yards in front of your rifle and you have your scope set at 6x, the vertical area of view between your center crosshair and your 800 yard crosshair is say just for examples sake a distance of 50 feet. Now when you crank the scope to twice the power of 12x that distance is cut in half to 25 feet .

If your optimized power is for example 12x and you try to use the reticles at 6x you are going to shoot over everything by a large ammount. If you set your scope to 14x and use the reticles you are going to shoot under everything.
FYI.. The Rapid Z 800 yd is set for Ultra Mag type velocity/drops so I hope you are using 150 or 160 grain TSX bullets in that 300 or keep your shots to 600 yds. I use the 600 yard reticle on a 25-06 which works pretty well.
Not true, its for standard magnum velocities.

I can not put one on my 7 ultra and get it to work with any loads but the 175 grain.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-11 AT 10:20PM (MST)[p]I use a Zeiss rapid z 600 for my Win .270 The bdc lines usage is only accurate when you hold your scope power to what it shows at optimized on the software. The center cross hair is not affected when the power is adjusted. Only when you use the lower bdc's.

Some loads are too fast to show an optimized power so you just have to adjust your zero mark.

For example:

I like to shoot the 130 grain XP3 by winchester. the muzzle velocity is too fast (3100fps) to show an optimized power for my scope because the rapid z 600 is only a 9 power. So to compensate, I had to change my zero mark to 175 yards instead of the recommended 200 yard mark. Which puts my optimize power at 8.9 power

The software RECOMMENDS you sight in to hit center cross hair at 200 yards. If you choose a load that can make this happen then it's easy to figure out. But if you choose a load that you can't do this then it makes things a little harder to figure it out. Either way, I had to play with the software a little bit to figure it out. I'm hitting pop cans consistently out to 495 yards.

BTW.. Timberbuck is right, if you adjust your power, it changes your impact because it changes the distance between your hash marks.
The Zeiss software gives the examples and all the information to figure it out. Spend the time to go through all the software and it will make sense to you.
Good luck
btw....the 5 mph and 10 mph compensation marks for wind are spot on and help tremendously. I have to use them shooting anything over 350 yards. So make sure you use them with long range shooting.
Great scope. Worth every penny I paid.
2nd focal plane vs front focal plane.
Vortex has some front focal plane scopes and the hash marks are good for any magnification. Most others are 2nd focal plane, designed to be used at one power or you create shoot cards for the different magnifications you want to use.

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