You've Been Handled



I have noticed lately that a few members on here have some pretty strange handles. Most are obvious but there are those that leave me scratching my head.

I thought it would be interesting to find out where everyones handle came from?

Was there a close second that you couldn't decide on?

If you could change your handle now what would it be?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-09 AT 11:23PM (MST)[p]I would change my handle from RugarM77 to RugerM77. Ya I spelled it wrong.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-09 AT 11:32PM (MST)[p]Sorry i missed it. Please don't ban me :)
>I would change my handle from
>RugarM77 to RugerM77. Ya I
>spelled it wrong.

Come on! What's wrong with rug arm? LMAO

We've been laughing about that one all night in Chatzy. Rug arm. LOL Nunya caught it first.

I'm sorry...but it's really, really funny.
LOL Holy S&!$ I dont think I would have admitted to that one buddy. LMAO

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-09 AT 11:50PM (MST)[p]Hey we all make miisstaks. Thanks for the love and who knows maybe Ruger firearms spelled it wrong and I fixed it??? LOL Jayson I mean Jason.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-09 AT 11:56PM (MST)[p]Hey Brian can you fix me?????????? I'm broken. I'm not a rug with an arm i promise.
I'm TripleK because it's a mom thing. My three sons have 'K' names. that's all it is. I wasn't even thinking about the OTHER group that goes by the KKK name when I did it and by the time I realized it, it was too late. So, I just kept it because I know what it stands for and I really don't care what other people think.
At least you spelled it right,,,,,,,, Words with more that one letter get me flustereddd. Jason. I mean just J. not to be confused with jasonarm76.
So, Bighorn... you're either a flasher or you always walk with a book in front of you?

Life member of: NRA
I can't sleep and I'm STILL cracking up over Rug Arm. LMAO

and you just don't even want to know the conversation that inspired. lol

Rug Arm. I may never get over it. LMAO
Well mine is pretty obvious as I have always hunted with my Winchester model 70 as I suspect I always will.

I was wondering if rug arm is the same as rug knees?
Those hurt like hell.
Jenn, I remember when you first signed on. You had some 'splaing to do. LOL!

When I signed up I knew nothing about the internet. My daughter bought me a computer and told me to have fun. When I put "eelgrass" in the box I thought it was like a secret code name or something. Before I knew it POOF! my name is eelgrass.

If I could change it, I would probably pick BOBCAT.

Eel for short
Years ago,there was a bar here in Richfield called Rodsroost.The owners first name was Rod.I live here now.I used to frequent Rods bar when I was trying to become a professional alcoholic in my younger age!Well,to make a long story short,since I have beat the booze for 11yrs,I still have some good memories of that time.Figure its a reminder of times past and future ahead,besides that,my name is Rod.(ROD)
TheGreatWhiteHunter = The Polar Bear

the greatest white hunter of them all

Colorado, U.S.A
RUG_ARM sounds a bit better than LimpWrist or wet rag.......sorry Jay.

P.S. It is still early as you only have a couple of hundred posts, start a new handle if it bothers you.
>P.S. It is still early
>as you only have a
>couple of hundred posts, start
>a new handle if it
>bothers you.

No! He can't change it now. He will, however; from this day forward, be affectionately called "Rug Burn". Nickname earned.

Ok, I've posted this before. I signed up for a yahoo account back in the 90's and wanted to sound really cool and I was sort of a motorhead so I picked Edelbrock, but miss spelled it Edlebrock. I've been using it ever since. So Rug Arm, you're not the only one with usernameitis.
My name came about two ways, my last name is Jones, and I am an archer...I hunt deer in Velvet...VelvetJones....and the character Eddie Murphy played was fricking funny, so I use his picture as my signature.

I misspelled beardedclameater....

no, i took this name because i am not afraid to eat tag soup if a buck of my standards doesn't come by, and because i usually blow stalks on bucks that do meet my standards...eitherway i eat a lot of tags.
...because I thought I'd save some other
poor basard from signing up with the goofy,
generic handle of LVE2143.

It worked. I feel like I took one for the team.

In my next life, I'll be MassMeasurement.....

good luck with that...

I'll somewhat quote what I wrote when I signed up to this forum:
I bought a Jeep last year, it's got a 5 1/2 Rubicon Express lift
plus a lot of aftermarket parts and broken axles. I got a good deal on it but it won't be on the road/trails until this summer.
The license was personalized "rockcrawler", I didn't mispell my handle for this site. I choose Rackcrawler because I like racks on 2 legs and 4.

Life member of: NRA
Yeah Jim yours is one of the more obvious ones ;-)

There have been some really good handles. I especially like the mis spelled ones. Damnit we are good ol boys that like to hunt and fish and tell dirty jokes not a bunch of computer nerds. Spelling is for sissies

Tag- Thats too funny. If only you would have used your spell check. . .
Im a small contractor with a business called Grizzly Plumbing, therefore I am the grizzlyplumber. Plus its nice that I never have to worry about someone else taking it first on a website. It is always available.
>Im a small contractor with a
>business called Grizzly Plumbing

I just thought of your new ad campaign slogan...

"Grizzly Plumbing. We know where the bear sh!ts."

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