Youth Hunter Ed


Active Member
I have a dilemma with my son. He is extremely busy with sports. Has anyone tried the online hunter's education course and taking the one day, pass or fail course? Is this possible for an 11 year old?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-14 AT 10:35PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-14 AT 10:31?PM (MST)

I teach Hunter Ed in CO...I only teach a standard course.

I have had 9 year olds pass my course...and also seen 9 years olds that couldn't pass the test. Attention spans are different and desire is also dif.

I have never seen a problem w/an 11 year old passing the must be because of their good instruction ;)

Additionally, last week I was listening to someone rave about how good the internet courses are and how much easier it is for a kid to pass them, than a standard course.

So, my gut feeling is this, that if your kid has any business running around w/a gun...that he'll pass it just fine.

He can read it as much as he wants to before taking the test and get as ready as he wants to.
John 14:6
I teach Hunter Ed in the Chester-Westwood Ca. area, have no experience with the on-line program. Just from what i see as test results from our regular 10-12 hr program, i'd think it awful tough for a 9 yr old to comprehend and digest all the necessary material in a one day on-line class.

I won't say that he can't do it because i don't know the test questions or how extensive it is but from the test that we give, i'd just think it awful tough to do so. These tests are no where near as easy as they were way back when i took mine 50 years ago.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
The on line course is a great tool to help your son learn the material. The CA Course has a nice audio feature where a person actually explains the material to the student. My Grandson took the course in his spare time. You can access the Course as many times and often as you like. The Archery Course has the same format.

Even as we had our Grandson learn as much as possible on line we still had him take the Hunter Safety Course in person with an instructor. At 11yrs. Our Grandson did fine because he learned so much and could understand what was being explained to him all of which helped him get ready from the on line class instruction.

Thanks for the information.
My understanding is the course is on line and then a day of hands on training/testing with guns and a written test.
If anyone else has had their son or daughter get there hunter ED this way let me know how it worked out .

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