Your Work Place


Long Time Member
I got this idea from another site and thought it was a good one. Lets see where some of you guys work or the view from where you spend your day working and surfing MM's (on break time of course). I'll go first.




No windows in my office, bummer :-( I spend about 1/3 of my time out in the field at job sites and the rest in here.

I'll bet there are lots of us looking at the same calendar!
OutdoorWriter- Dude, I'm sorry but that looks like an office from the 70's! Update a little....please. That computer looks like its from the mid 90's. The cassette player with the one big speaker in the front? What gives? Seriously? A cassette player? I think it's time you get a new electric clock as well. They make digital ones now that are quite cheap. They even make them with alarms and radios in the same unit! I'm just giving you a hard time. That office is......nice.:)

Outside my office. Thats me on the left and my horny secretary on the right. She gives great "dictation".
LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-10 AT 11:46AM (MST)[p]Steve,

As I are several years old. The computer was updated two years ago and my monitor is now a 21" flat screen. And there are TWO speakers, not just one!!! The little sound system, purchased at K-Mart for $69 about 15 years ago, actually is hooked up so everything from my computer goes through it. Thus I get a great stereo sound for music I often play when working.

EDIT: Whoops, I just realized what cassette player you saw. I thought you meant the one over my computer. The one on the table is also a radio, which I use when listening to Suns or D'backs games.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Tony- Nice to see you've made some changes. By a few years, I thought you meant like 5 years. As long as YOU'RE comfortable with it...

Whould you Guys quit joking around. Sorry about that Complete.

Here I am after another hard day at the office.

Nice photoshop, TAG. How'd you find a picture of my wife anyway?


Rug- At least you didn't have MM on the monitor screen when that pic was taken!

It's an FA-18 simulator.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
I've been retired for a couple yrs.If I'm not out volunteering,working on my house & yard or helping someone...lots of time spent hiking in the areas east of Pioche, NV. If and when I'm in my "office", kinda small, but works for me!

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