Your state, the expo, and the whining...



The commercialization of my former state (UTAH) is just amazing, 200 expo-tags, CWMU's, Mossback, gov tags, SFW, ECT...

I read comments from other members wishing for other states to participate in the "Western" expo tag drawings..most western states have not been sold out like this and thank god my state and many others do not participate and never will. All these tags taken from non-resident tag quotas?.(NR are the most exploited and hated by residents)

Having lived and hunted in three western states, Utah from 1995-2004, I feel I deserve an opinion. I have that many years worth of bonus points in Elk and Deer plus a few extra deer as a NR applicant, not to mention a couple antelope and moose. As of next year I will lose all my elk, moose, and antelope points, I will continue to apply for deer as that is my passion. All my years applying I have NEVER drawn a LE/OIL tag. In my current state and the one prior to Utah I would have drawn premium deer tags with less money and more than half the points. Already drew elk and antelope.

As for the EXPO, this thing is not "rigged" as the non-drawing whiners would believe. This is hunting exploited but not rigged. I agree anyone affiliate with the expo. John Bair, should be able to draw but he is able and he drew a tag, stop whining or quit participating if you dont like the way it is.

Should DWR employees not be able to draw a LE/OIL tag?

Yes I participate/give my money to DU, MDF, and RMEF. 3 more than most who whine.

FINAL STORY YET the most frustrating and biggest prob...

AS for CWMU- I once drew a cow tag for one, the operator kept pushing the hunt back stating to me he was still trying to get bull tags filled, then he allowed me to come one day in NOV telling me that was all I needed since he would put me on elk.. fine since it was not a trophy hunt and it was close to home. He did put me on elk and I killed a cow 10 mins after sunlight.. It was all good till he complained about me being there. He did not do anything but open a gate and tell me where to sit.

In 1996 I was learning about CWMU's (PHU's back then) and I called PHU Operator S. Wolstenhulme for a little info. I was told if I drew a tag I still had to pay guide fee's. He was short and irritated with my call. Until I die I will not forget that a hole and his complete lie. a man who believes in commercial hunting to his core.

Both complaints went unanswered by DWR.

My Final words...The DWR is the solution to and root of all your problems.
Utah has sold it's residents down the river. I can't believe that two sheep tags went to guys from Wyo and Montana! Both states have far better sheep opprotunity than Utah. I think the OIL tags should be left for the residents due to there very limited nature. Hopefully, the guys that drew the tags can afford a guide so Utah can get what they want/need, $$$$$. Commercialization of hunting is outta whack. It is ironic that hunting was perpetuated by common people even poor people relying on the need for food or creating family traditions. nowadays it has come to be all about $$$$$. That is why I don't golf anymore. A sport/game invented by poor people has become exploited to the point that to play regularly you have make six figures.
I apply & wait my turn for 12 years as a nonresident. Then the state changes the rules and baits/switches 1/2 the permits. Puts 200 in a raffle where the organizers are allowed to apply??? All this involving federal land?

Who's to not trust?

No way I even dreamed about buying SFW raffle tickets. I would never support something I didn't believe in. I can't understand why anybody would be surprised who drew the tags. Trust is something that is earned. That was lost long ago. The track record sits right out there for everyone to see.

If something looks like a skunk, smells like a's usually a skunk.
Neat little info, the DWR markets, sets up and "controls" CWMUs but they aren't licensed by them, the licenses are like any other license(plumber, beauticians etc.) so you can complain all day but the DWR can't do anything because they have no hammer, and they like the money so they wouldn't anyway. Thats how our good friend Rulon Jones can poach, I mean accidentally have a client kill a moose out of season and not loose his CWMU. He can claim in building permits that his hunting lodge is a barn and not have a road to his place that is accesible via emergency vehicles like any other lodge has to have but nothing happens to the guys CWMU.(Sorry founder but this isn't rumor or slander, its fact, check with Weber County, so it should be acceptable here). Despite being one of the top 2-3 industries in the state, the DWR is dependent on licenses and permit fees, plus the "habitat donations". The ski industry gets all kind of State budget money, there are no ski permits to support the industry, for some reason the DWR doesn't get tax money so they have to become whores to the rich to support there thirst for new trucks. Our DWR is interested in expanding CWMUs everywhere, and making it as difficult as possible for the rest of us so Idaho, Wyoming and Colorado can continue to count on seeing plenty of ski utah license plates.

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