Your HoneyHoles...

  • Thread starter coolspringoutfitters
  • Start date


Hi all, I have a Utah Rifle Deer tag and I was wondering if any of you would help a guy out. I want to shoot a decent deer maybe a 170" class or better. Could one of you give me some places to go? I don't want your honeyhole, just a place where I can shoot a decent buck. If you don't want everyone to see your spots, you can PM me with directions or just post them up here, I can shoot a long way, so I'm not worried about someone else getting my deer. A map would be helpful, but its not required. GPS coord. would work as well. Thanks for your help.
Oh ya, try to get it to me before Friday, I am going to go and get my gun sited in at Lee Kay so I may not have time to check the site after then...


It's all about the good times...



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you want to hunt an area you've never been to before?
I suppose you only have one day to get er done also?

I am not going to say anything more to fan the flames. Just that someone needs to do a little homework and put some boots on the ground. That is putting it as politely as possible.
OK, I am just kidding around. I have a limited entry tag but I have posted this for the last 5 years on this site and it is always entertaining... So I thought it would be fun to do it again... Have a great hunt and be safe, shoot straight!!!


It's all about the good times...

Go out west towards wendover. take the Airforce base exit and head out to the base. Lots of big bucks running around but you have to jump the fence in the dark and head to your spot. once its light be sure your in full camo and dont even move an inch. At this point you wont be worried if the deer see you, its more about the F-16's dropping bombs and security. If your lucky enough to get past the first few obsticals your in deer heaven. But if they do spot you, instantly drop your weapon and run like Hell. Its hard to outrun the eyes in the sky but I feel its your only shot at getting out of there without your body blown to a million bits.
If you are successful on your hunt congrats and you probably killed a great buck. If the story ends in the not so good way, at least you will be a great story on and someone will post the link on MM thus making you an instant legend that died doing what he loved.
Good luck
P.S. Please do not share this secret info with anyone else as you know how quickly a great spot can be ruined. And if your struggling to find a good buck head down towards the fire station. once it gets dark the bucks feed on that green grass next to the flag pole. You will be able to see because of the outside lighting. but make sure its a one shot kill as ususally they can pinpoint the second shot.
I would give you my honey hole but I'm sure you would not come out with a 170" class buck. If I was wanting a 170" class buck I would be looking in one of the following areas Southern, Southeastern, Northern, Northeastern, and Central areas. I pretty sure that you could come out with a 170" class buck in any of those areas.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-11 AT 12:43PM (MST)[p]Best talk to those guys who kill 170 class bucks every year, I can't help ya, I only have a couple that break that mark. LOL
Use a big feeder on the NW corner of your place will do the trick I'm thinking.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
You might try Antelope Island. However, this area might exceed your expectatoins. You may come out with a 230" buck and be totally disappointed that you overcame your goal by 50 inches. Good luck, If you find one of my tree stands out there, your welcome to use it, I won't be hunting there this year due to the current draw odds. Best of luck!
I know Andy but i am leaving Wednesday and i wanted to see the responses...
So far, I think the Air Force base sounds the best.


It's all about the good times...

With the high number of 200" deer killed by friends of the forum members here it shouldnt be hard to get one of them to throw you a bone,quads to a 180 deer shouldnt be to hard to came by!I would be more specific though,a high 180s deer within 1/2 mile of a road would be better.
i'm not sure if you've already thought of this. but---- have you gave any thought of going archery, and hunting on the waazhatch front? it seems to be one of the best kept secrets in utah, and with the effective range of utah archers( not bowhunters) you really dont have to get any closer than you do now with a rifle-- well , again- thats not counting UTAH rifle hunters who can shoot 1 mile--
but if you think you can "stock";) withing 170 yrds of a giant muley, i'd say the whozatch late archery is by far you best bet!

(please keep this on the down low though, you know what word of mouth can do to a secrete spot)
Here's one of my honey holes, just 900 yards below the arrow. If you still interested I'll send you the Google map of the location.




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