Your Greatest Influence-Huntin


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-07 AT 12:44PM (MST)[p]My great grandad in 1980 took me along on my first mule deer hunt when I was 6. I watched him kill a doe the second day, then the horror began. I watched him gut and skin the deer. I sat in the camper watching with pain wondering whey he could do such a thing to such a beautiful animal. I remember these words he said to me like it was yesterday...

"Son, God made animals for us to enjoy, whether it be a pet or for food. Never let anyone tell you otherwise."

The next year he passed away...

He was and always will be my greatest influence!

I could certainly say my dad.. He did introduce me into the outdoors.. however, for me, what pushed me into the year round thinking about hunting was a stupid deer I saw on the winter range. I couldnt stop thinking about that deer.. trying to find him during the summer and then the winter looking for sheds ect.. So to answer it honestly, for me, it was a big buck.

Later, Brandon
My Grandfather & Uncle got me hooked on hunting deer the first time I went in 1950. Went with them till I became a teenager and then had other things more enticing, booze and girls.
Then my stint in Army and working overseas till end of 1972.
Been at it ever since and will until I can't make it anymore.

My dad and uncle took me every year from the time I was eight to
when I was seventeen or so...Then like KW.. girls, fast car and wild times took over for a few years..THEN ..came rutnbuck( a old childhood buddy )ya I'll blame it all on him....RIMROCK
Greatest Influence

Mainly my Dad, but my Mom, both Grandmas, both Grandpas, and my Aunt and Uncle and many cousins played a big part in it, too. It was a family-fest. It's where my parents met---deer hunting in the Bookcliffs. When my Grandma retired from hunting, she passed her .270 down to me. I hope to have as much fun with that gun as she did.
RE: Greatest Influence

Fishing- Grandfather

Hunting- My dad.

I remember one of the firsts hunts he took me
on. I believe I was about 6. We were goose hunting with my uncle in Thatcher/Penrose Utah. I remember the snow was at least up to my waist and I could hardly walk through it. Of course, I started getting cold, nothing was happening, and I wanted to go back to the truck. I kept it up and finally my dad relented. No sooner had we got back to the truck, a flock of geese came in and circled the decoy's; right on top of my uncle. He emptied his gun and didn't hit anything :). My dad
was piiiiiiisssssed! The joy's of parenthood, I am sure my kids will return me the favor.
RE: Greatest Influence


Krud, getting a little better at this but not perfect, this photo is of my Dad. Mom didn't show this to me until after Dad died last year. I think it's about 1935, my Dad would be about 12 years old in this photo. I still own the property that Dad left me. The building in the back ground is still there. The house my Dad was born in is just to the north. Anyone from Panguitch or Circleville will recgonize the building. Folks driving down SR89 will pass by. Anyway as far as greatest influences ... here you go. I so miss my dad.

RE: Greatest Influence


That is very, very cool.

Good stuff.

I bet you still wear that tie.

Thanks for posting that.

RE: Greatest Influence

Another fun thing, Butch Cassidy aka. Leroy Parker was born just down the street. <smile>. If you think i'm kidding check it out.

RE: Greatest Influence

Pops started my brother and I when we turned 6. We got BB Guns and learned the art of quail and dove retrieval.
The old mans still go it too. LOL last years Blacktail


He still hasn't killed a true 4x4

"If it moves shoot it again"
My dad never took me hunting or fishing as a kid. I always had an inate desire to hunt and fish. My family as a kid was always wondering where this desire came from cause none of my family members hunted or fished. I always made friends with guys who's fathers liked the outdoors so I spent a lot of time with them learning. It was not until I was on my own and making a living that I really became a hunting and fishing nut job. Spending every extra penny on gear, trips, leases, and literature. I am however passing on my passion to my kids.
My dad started taking me hunting at an early age. One thing he did was get me into the Junior NRA shooting program at 11 years old. I wound up shooting Jr. NRA for 7 years, and 43 years later enjoy being in the field hunting.
My old man for sure. He's starting to lose his passion for the kill, but the love of being outdoors is still there.


NM bighorn 1984
My dad started me on hunting and fishing, but I soon outgrew him as far as passion for it. One of my favorite memories is sitting in class in elementry school on the friday before the deer hunt, knowing that at any time they would page my class and tell the teacher to send me to the office because I was checking out for the day. My dad would be waiting and it would be just he and I in the suburban straight down to the monroe for the deer hunt. I would get to sit in the front seat and he would have a coke and a candy bar waiting for me. It was awesome. Now that I am older (27, young compared to some here) I am the one who is constantly calling and making sure we are all set for the upcomming hunts. As far as fishing, by the time I was 9 years old I was the one who rigged up and helped my brother and sisters while my parents sat in camp. I just have always had a drive in me that only a few of us can understand. In high school, my friends and I were constantly hunting and fishing. Even though we lived in SL county, we were always out in the hills with eachother. They were also great influences in my development as an outdoorsman.

Here is my first deer hunt with my dad in 1981. I was 18 months old.

My high school buddies.

hey andyman. have a ??? for ya. the kid far right. is his name THAD? if it is you run with good stock. worked with a kid that looked like him for 5 yrs. please let me know. oakey
Brian, unfortunately everything is pretty much gone. There used to be old wagon wheels, butter churns, all kinds of stuff but over the years people have gathered everything up, even tore the old sheds down for barn wood. As I said it's right on highway 89 and I'm far enough away I can't keep an eye on it.

>hey andyman. have a ??? for
>ya. the kid far right.
>is his name THAD? if
>it is you run with
>good stock. worked with a
>kid that looked like him
>for 5 yrs. please let
>me know. oakey

Nope, that's scotty. They have a lot of cousins that look alike and they are all hard workers and good guys. Might be related.

I never even thought about the outdoors or hunting until I was in Junior High. We moved outside of town onto some acerage. There was a creek below our house that had cutthroat trout. I could shoot my pellet gun and trap coons and skunks. I was just drawn to it naturally. Jack London and Outdoor Life magazine started the dream!

My wife doesn't hunt but she totally supports me. I love her for that!

Eel, you're a lucky man. My wife couldn't care less ... but she doesn't give us "me and my boy's" any crap either ... and I love her for that among about a billion other things ... still hate her "smart ass car though"

You ever tried taking her.

My wife had never fired a shot at anything,
and the first critter she ever killed was a
NM muley.

She shot her first Whitetail the next week.

Both bigger than mine.

liver, yeah! tried that, didn't work out so good. lot's of other things we can do together, like shopping, yard work etc. good for you if you can get the wife involved, but in my case it hasn't created too many problems yet ... my boy's have tried to get their wives involved with the same result as me. sooo, certian times of the year it's NO GIRLS ALLOWED! <smile>


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