Your favorite pie II

1. Key Lime!
2. Pecan
3. the non-referable

LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-08 AT 05:35PM (MST)[p]Pecan!

I would like to try the key lime!

You guys are making me hungry!
Feleno- You signed your first post "Heywood". Is that your first name? If so....what's your last name?...Jablome?

I do like pecan but nothing is more american than a slice of hot apple. And ...don't forget copius amounts of butter.
Pecan pie all the way for me! Me wife doesn't like nuts so she doesn't make them, so I have to buy one or depend on the mercy or strangers. A good friend made one for a Christmas party the other day and that was the best one I have had since moving to Texas. My grandma and mom's are always the best though.

After that:

Banana Cream

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Being raised in the Central Valley of California (Fresno) some of my family had vineyards growing Thompson Seedless grapes aka raisins.. So raisin pie has always been a favorite of mine and a close second would be fresh peach.

Raisin pie?? Never heard of it. man that made we about want to gag!

Moon Pie
Pizza Pie
and Eskimo pies are some of my favorites as well
Pecan and Pumpkin. On occasion i like Creampie.

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?

^^^^ STILL THERE ^^^^
>Raisin pie?? Never heard of it.
>man that made we about
>want to gag!
>Moon Pie
>Pizza Pie
>and Eskimo pies are some of
>my favorites as well

You might be surprised Feleno, Somewhat like mincemeat but not as spicey and a whole lot better. But Moon pies??? How do you bake those? Matter of fact Moon Pies might be a trick to bake as well.. How do you do that?
Did you mean mincemeat or mensmeat? :) actually my mom makes a purdy good mincemeat but its an acquired taste.

Heck i don't bake moon pies, i buy em. Darn cheap and tasty

>Did you mean mincemeat or mensmeat?
>:) actually my mom
>makes a purdy good mincemeat
>but its an acquired taste.

Nope.. Don't do the mensmeat and I am sure that would be a real "aquired taste"..
Coconut Cream
Blackberry or Boysenberry

If you saw me, you'd know that I enjoy most types of pie! I need to get outside today and walk off some of the pie I ate over the holiday. Weather is conducive to walking, supposed to reach 60 degrees today!
Gotta be Key Lime then peach and then apricot. Damn mow I need a piece.

Kindness is the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear. - Mark Twain
Chicken Pot Pies.Lemon Meringue from the recipe on the cornstarch box with a little extra lemon juice.
>those of you that enjoy mincemeat
>pie might also want to
>try a greasy dog turd
>pie....i bet they taste pretty
Is that anything like Moose Turd Pie?!

Kindness is the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear. - Mark Twain
>those of you that enjoy mincemeat
>pie might also want to
>try a greasy dog turd
>pie....i bet they taste pretty

You should share your receipe. Sounds like it's one of your favorites. :D
take 1 goofy german wire hair, feed him table scraps for a week and your yard will be full of these pies in no time.

hey model 70 guy, when are these new model 70's supposed to be out. ive had a grand burning a whole in my wallet for months waiting for the ss all weather to arrive. last i heard was around the 1st of the year...we'll see!
I don't know when you will see them. Everytime they are coming out with a new gun, the gun mfg. will give the gun writers the new ones to test and evaluate than they write wonderful raving revues to get people stoked up and create a demand and you
wait, wait, wait.. for who knows how long.
ive seen a featherlight at cabelas and the warehouse. seems they just want to give you a little taste to keep your interest peaked. theyve got 2 more months for me, then im shopping other brands. anyway...back to the pie:)

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