Your Dreams



Last night i had a dream. Was at a fancy place eatin with a marine buddy of mine. We both had the special which was Canadian beef gulbladder at 400 bucks a plate. We both had two orders, cuz this was some tasty stuff. I'm not sure but I think this dream was caused by reading Overton's Benevolent muslims post. The cool part about this dream was my dog woke me to go pee before i had to pay the check. I can never rmember most of my dreams.
I had a really nasty one about Britney Spears the other night and I woke up all grossed out. Kinda mad too. I mean, if I'm gonna have a lesbian dream about me and some other woman I'd rather it be about someone who is NOT Britney. That's what I get for reading trashy tabloid sites before bed though, I guess. LOL

Damn jenn Im going to dream tonight about you and
Ewwwww no! She's 10x worse than Britney!! Seen that girl's face? bleech! She's FUGLY. (uh driftersifter's gonna have to explain FUGLY to his students...and

And no..I'm really NOT a lesbian but THANKS BUD! lol ;-)

Ill just dream about her profile then. Really? She cant be ugly. Jenn your brakin my heart
Jen how can you call MM a trashy tabloid, ha ha so maybe next dream it can be you madonna and britney tell us how that goes ha ha

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