This is a buck I found earlier this spring. It's bigger than anything I'd ever even thought of finding. I'm sure you can guess how exited I was when I saw his right side sticking up through the trees. I'm not sure how he died, either by a hunter in the fall, a lion, or even old age, but it's a shame he had to go. I would really like to have found his sheds and/or tried to harvest him next hunting season.
I attended a GIS conference with your dad just a few weekends ago. He showed me pictures of your incredible find. What a stomper buck! Congratulations!
This is the biggest set of sheds I have. Found them a number of years ago. They would gross just over 400 and net around 390. 60-inch main beams on these babies.
Bigsnort you don't happen to be from the morgan county, utah area do a ya?? I was chasing a deer during the hunting season that was identical to that inline buck..