Your best deal ever!!


Very Active Member
I was wondering what is your best buy you have ever come across? I was out scouting last night almost to dark to see and with my Swarovskis I could still see deer. Needless to say I am happy evrytime I take them out. I bought them for 800.00 plus the tripod adapter. They are 10x50 which work out alright where I live. I am not asking the best thing for hunting you have bought, but the best deal. I know there is someone on here that bought a 1000-2000 dollar binoculars or gun for a 100 bucks. Lets here them!
back in the mid 80's i bought a rusted out, dented Chevy Nova for parts, cost me $250 if I recall. Couple months later i was tearing out the interior to put in my original Nova. found a money clip under the back seat with more than $550 in it. I thought that was a good deal.
In 04 I bought a 02 dodge 1500 quadcab 4X4 off a dealer on ebay. I live in Nevada and the truck was in Texas. Flew my brother inlaw to get it. 5 hrs. later in New Mexico he totaled it. Insurance company paid me $6,300.00 more then I paid for the truck. Plus since he was driving it didn't go on my driving record.
Couple months ago I talked D13er into buying me a motorcycle off Craigs list. He delivered to me two weeks ago. It runs a little rough but I found some new friends to help me get it tuned up. I think I got a good deal .

Sounds like some great deals. NV sorry about the scooter, but it looks like you are getting along fine:)
low base federal's for dove season,,,,, a carton at good ol wally world, the lil gal looked up 4.49 per box and since i had one box she only charged me 4.49 didnt get around to telling her that there were 10 lil 4.49 boxes inside that big one :)
>low base federal's for dove season,,,,,
>a carton at good ol
>wally world, the lil gal
>looked up 4.49 per box
>and since i had one
>box she only charged me
>4.49 didnt get around
>to telling her that there
>were 10 lil 4.49 boxes
>inside that big one :)

Do what you are gonna do, but in my book that is not a good deal, that is dishonest. Just my .02
Box of low brass .... $4.49
Price of a box of ten...$44.90
One persons integrity......$40.41
Watching same brag about it as 'a good deal' on the internet....priceless

You ever volunteer to make change for blind people?? Just wondering.

I agree with those above, have often had the opportunity but just couldn't help myself to at least mention that that's probably not the correct price.

My best deal ever was a riverfront lot here in town that i had had my eye on for years. It came for sale about 6 years ago for $19,500. I snatched it up at the asking price and two years later it appraised at $170,000. :)

LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-09 AT 05:10PM (MST)[p]My son-in-law used to work in a camera store. Some guy came in and wanted to buy a certain camera. He came in several days in a row. Then he brought in a pair of Zeiss 10X40 to trade in. My son-in-law told him he would check with the owner to see if they would accept a trade in or not. The owner said no. The guy told my son-in-law he only wanted $25 for the Binos. My son-in-law gave him the $25 and called me and asked if I wanted them for $25. "Suuuure, why not?"

Edit: That was actually the second best deal I ever made. The best deal was I fould a guy to actually marry my daughter.:)

>>low base federal's for dove season,,,,,
>>a carton at good ol
>>wally world, the lil gal
>>looked up 4.49 per box
>>and since i had one
>>box she only charged me
>>4.49 didnt get around
>>to telling her that there
>>were 10 lil 4.49 boxes
>>inside that big one :)
>Do what you are gonna do,
>but in my book that
>is not a good deal,
>that is dishonest. Just
>my .02

BAD eel!!!

BAD eel!!!





THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!
5 years ago i bought 26 acres of land in tennessee for 35k, 3 years ago i sold 10 acres of it for 100k. i think it was a good deal
My house I suppose. Only cost 125k when we built her10 years ago, now its worth slightly less than that lol...
I bought a Colt python 357 mag. nickel plated for $200.00 from guy at my work.. I cleaned it up polished it up and sold it for $700.00 two days later...
you ethics police people are funny,,,,, any of you actually ever try and explain to one of these places that the SKU number in there computer system is incorrect? welllllllllllll i have more than a few times and it never seems to work and the incorrect price ends up being charged anyway and you have pissed off everyone in line behind you,,,, so politely speaking and with love peace and goodwill bite me :)
HEY tylercreek2!!!







THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!
Well this is not the "best deal" ever but the most recent. I was with my family this weekend at the Great Salt Lake Nationals for BMX. My son races. Every year there are camps and clinics put on all over western US. These are tought by a handfull of pros who travel and do this for a living. We have attended these camps in the past as recently as last week.

We got to talking with them at the races and about a camp in Arizona this year. The cost of just that one camp is normally 700 bucks. Don't know if it was my charm but after we got done BS'ing we ended up buying a season pass of camps for 500 bucks. The one in Az is included 4 days lodging with meals. We added up all the camps we would normally go to through out a year and figured the regular price would have been around 1800 bucks.
roger that one bessy :)

actually i forgot about this one,,,,, bought a house for 69,000
lived in it for the better part of 10 years fixed it up all nice and spiffy re model kitchen bathroom ect ect ,,,, listed it for sale just as real estate was getting stupid, for 85,000
it hit the MSL and had an offer in 15 minutes ,,, k? well the offer was for 96.000 and yes i said let me make this pefectly clear thats way more than i have it listed for,,,, i was told thats quite all right we realize that we just want it before anyone else gets it,,,, soooooooo i said cool and went to the bank,,,,, now lets see how many of you line up and say you wouldnt have taken the offer :)

doo doo out :) actually that was probably my best deal :)
A few years ago, I "found" a guy trying to sell a gun on the internet. He lived in a VERY small town about 25 miles from my home.

He said all the dirty SOBs who wanted to buy the gun, wanted him to ship it to them.....they'd send the money when it got there. He was pretty upset at "those rotten guys".

He was asking $1,000 for a (2-year old) 300 Weatherby Accumark with a new scope. I checked the serial was legit and registered to him as the original owner.

During the negotiations, I learned he was afraid of the kick, had already bought a .270 to replace it and his new wife was upset that he had 2 rifles and he had promised to sell the "old" on in order to pay for the new one.

I already had a .300 Weatherby; so was in a pretty good bargaining position. I offered him a ridiculous price. He called me a few names and hung up.

Two weeks later, he called back and asked if I was still interested; wife said he HAD TO SELL IMMEDIATELY. He said he wanted to replace the stainless scope with a (also new) black model and agreed to sell it to me for $250.

With a new scope and my handloads, I got an 7-inch 5-shot group at 600 yards...yesterday.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I bought 5 acres for 20K and it is zoned UGB and looks like it could go for houses,commercial or light industrial...I have no idea what it is worth today...they are building like crazy all around my, apartments, strip mall, storage units and a Lowes distribution warehouse.
best deal ever? i bought 1/2 acre of land 2 yrs ago, never even walked on it, sold it 1 month later for a $90,000 profit!

worst deal ever? i took that money and bought another piece of property. economy crashed, housing market is the shitz, now on the 2 combined i'm way in the whole. well kick me in the nads..........
500 bucks for a Utah Lifetime Hunting and Fishing license almost 20 years ago. Now when license fees go up and I listen to people complain about not getting a deer tag or getting the region they want to hunt I sit back and smile.

"Bought a brand new business class color laser printer at a thrift store for $10....sold it the next day for $1300."

Good one! That should be AndySalvageman!! :)

I have been pretty lucky , and have had some really good deals . I had some work done on my truck a couple of years ago , the bill was around $ 700 . I paid with a check , and tried to balance my check book . A month later the check had not been cashed . I went and talked with the guy , and questioned if he lost the check or needed another check . He said he had not got around to cashing the check , and would do it some time . His office was a mess , and I would be surprised if he could find his desk let alone a small peice of paper . Another month goes buy , still hasn't cashed the check . I go back to the shop , and he is out of business . That check still hasn't been cashed , and I haven't been able to track that guy down .
KSL classifieds have also been very good to me . I got a 6 inch , Colt , Python , brand spankin new for $ 300 . Also found a Noel Warr saddle in as good as new condition on KSL for $ 500 . Now I brag about my KSL deals , and you guys will beat me to the punch on the next good deal .





THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!
Foundation, sounds like the guy wasn't very concerned about paying his bills. Sounds like he was a mess. No wonder he is out of buisness.
I sold my dead parakeet to the blind kid next door......


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
So how much did you get Bucksnort? best wife...I think she got the crappy end of the bargain though....she says I might be getting older...but I ain't ever gonna grow up...
>I sold my dead parakeet to
>the blind kid next door......

>The poster does not take any
>responsibility for any hurt or
>bad feelings. Reading threads poses
>inherent risks. The poster would
>like to remind readers to
>make sure they have a
>functional sense of humor before
>they visit any discussion board.

Snort that is very thoughtfull. You wouldn't want a blind kid getting bit as they need thier fingers to read.
My first new truck. 2000 f250 stroker. They wanted 46 g's for it. Well the manager had been driving it because nobody wanted it because of the color. I got that truck for 30 g's. Drive the piss out of it for 5 years and sold it for 26 g's. Dont know if it was a good deal or not but I think so.

Tyler- Flipping thief is what you are!
Aside from that Riverfront lot mentioned above, there was the purchase of a 6-pack cabover camper back in'78 for my old '76 chev fleetside shortbed 4x4. I picked up the camper used for $600. It was only as wide and long as the bed of the truck, not too heavy, and thru the years, i made literally hundreds of trips hunting and fishing using that rig as base camp. I sold it back a 10 years ago for $500., a net loss of one nights motel bill, still a very capable unit for many more trips.

I think buying that camper was one of the very best money saver things i ever did. If i went anywhere requiring an overnite stay, that camper was with me.

My wife bought a wagon at an estate sale some years back. It was on of those big green ones with balloon tires.

It was full of boxes and the man told her the price included the boxes.

She brought it all home and the boxes were 1950's era Outdoor life and Field and Stream magazines, in cherry condition.

There was a pair of pre war Zeiss binos and a diary with 17 $100 dollar bills inside the back flap.

Sold the mags on ebay for $ 5.00 apiece, kept the binos and bought a new dishwasher and a varmint rifle with the cash.

I once traded a utility trailer I built from a pickup bed, to a guy for a Model 12 Trap grade shotgun, a M1 carbine and a Colt Govt 45 pistol and over a thousand rounds of ammo.

The guy refused to discuss the fact that he was getting REALLY shafted. He wanted my trailer and my dad and he had been friends many years back.

I traded the Trap gun to my neighbor's kid, who was really getting into trapshooting, for mowing my lawn all summer.

The entire trap club thinks I am an's a hoot!

I could tell you these all day......but I'm old.

Ask "what is the worst you have ever been screwed".....I got several of those also.
A few years ago my BIL from San Jose called and asked me if I wanted in on this deal......seems like he was looking for a mate for his papered/pedigreed Siberian Husky. So, he went to a place near San Francisco to look at some pups. No joy on finding a dog, but, the lady there was nice so they started chatting. Seems as if her husband had died shortly after the 1989 (???) earthquake...none of her kids were interested in his stuff.... BIL asks what kind of, she leads him to the basement. Five gunsafes full of things I like. We headed over there next weekend to catalog the stuff for her. Showed her prices according to condition, rarity, modifications, etc. Told her what to ask for each gun and what to expect. Took prices out of the blue book.

She pondered that for a few minutes then offered darn near all of them to us at half price or better. She just wanted the guns out of her house. Got an M1 Carbine..$175, M1 Garand....$400, HK flare launchers...$40....and more, all plus ammo.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
I traded a guy a Season Car was pass that had like 4 months left on it for a Thompson Center Encore... His idea too... I think I came out on top of that one.

Hoyt Katera XL
Spot Hogg Seven Deadly Pin
Fuse Acculaunch
Fuse Satori
G5 Matreo Strings
"I don't miss, I just don't hit him on purpose"
I have been coming to this forum for right at a year. My best deal was catching that nip slip Jessica Alba pic that Cjboz posted a while back.
>I have been coming to this
>forum for right at a
>year. My best deal was
>catching that nip slip Jessica
>Alba pic that Cjboz posted
>a while back.

I missed that one. Can someone please post it again. :)
Foundation not to cause worry or anything but if his desk and shop was in such a condition, what does that say about the work he does. Not saying he didnt do things the right way, but most the time if the shops a mess keep on going....As far as tyler i have been in similar situations at walmart. Flies they only want to charge the price of one fly for a film cannister full of them, you tell the clerk and they dont want to fix it. What do you do then? Its happened multiple times with different things that the clerk doesnt want to do there job, and the people in charge arent much better. I know there is a saying about glass houses and stones...Give the guy a break, maybe he has given thousands to charities... You dont know what a person has done in his life


has anyone seen my kittie
Some good posts here and some good deals. Sorry Tylercreek2 - what you did was flat out theft. I worked for a major sporting goods retailer for a couple of years and we had people trying to do the same thing. One of them was busted before he left the store and is now living in the Williamson County Correctional Facility and will be there for the next 3 years, the price difference was about the same too, but I think this idiot had some other charges he was up against including battery of a 3 year old child. And whether or not it was that gal's mistake - you willingly and knowingly let it happen - and that my friend is a crime, just like it was in the case stated above. Nice bunch of company you put yourself in there bud! And trying to justify your actions by saying you were speeding up the line is freaking pathetic. I am sure you were taught better than that! At least I would hope you were. So, do us and yourself a favor and just be quiet about it and calling us "the ethics police" - you dug your own hole when you mentioned it and now you are just digging it deeper.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-09 AT 07:01PM (MST)[p]Yeah your right roy, but what do you do when the clerks and the manager both dont want to do their job and figure it out, I cant do their job for them, so did i tell you when that happened i went and gave money to a homless guy. The way i see it a major company lost mili pennys to the dollar and a guy that may or may not have been starving or homeless got a meal bought for him and a little bit of change in his pocket. You never know when you might make a difference in his life. I wasnt saying anything other then no one but tyler knows exactly what happened. The outcome who he is as a person or who he isnt everyone calling him a theif is judging him and i think there was a little saying in the good book about judging went something like judge ye lest ye be judged...I got me some reading done in iraq finally got around to the bible. Also if i remember right jesus died for all our sins, including not paying for a couple boxes of shells...But lets not bring religion into this. Think maybe lesson learned and maybe he will do the right thing next time


has anyone seen my kittie
LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-09 AT 08:00PM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-09
>AT 07:01?PM (MST)

>Yeah your right roy, but what
>do you do when the
>clerks and the manager both
>dont want to do their
>job and figure it out,
>I cant do their job
>for them, so did i
>tell you when that happened
>i went and gave money
>to a homless guy. The
>way i see it a
>major company lost mili pennys
>to the dollar and a
>guy that may or may
>not have been starving or
>homeless got a meal bought
>for him and a little
>bit of change in his
>pocket. You never know
>when you might make a
>difference in his life.
>I wasnt saying anything other
>then no one but tyler
>knows exactly what happened.
>The outcome who he is
>as a person or who
>he isnt everyone calling him
>a theif is judging him
>and i think there was
>a little saying in the
>good book about judging went
>something like judge ye lest
>ye be judged...I got me
>some reading done in iraq
>finally got around to the
>bible. Also if
>i remember right jesus died
>for all our sins, including
>not paying for a couple
>boxes of shells...But lets not
>bring religion into this.
>Think maybe lesson learned and
>maybe he will do the
>right thing next time

>has anyone seen my kittie

I really wasn't going to respond again to this one, but you got me inspired.

First off, when I made my post I stated my opinion based off the events tyler stated he did. It is kind of hard to read into it as it was stated from him directly. I really wasn't judging, but just stating that I think that is dishonest and not a "good deal" He very well may be a charitable guy and yada, yada, yada. I still have an opinion that what he did was dishonest.

Second, clerks screw up all the time. I own a retail/rental business and my employees at times cost me a lot more than just their labor. The ones that just don't care about my money go away after a short time. In your example, yes they may not do their jobs properly and you can do your part to try to correct them. In tylers case she looked up the price of the shells and did her part all he had to do was to say there are 10 of those and she could have easily changed the quantity.

Lastly, you are right, you should not have brought religion into it. Jesus dying for our sins was not a free for all. You must repent for your sins to be forgiven. Repentance means not doing the sins you are repenting of again. Hopefully that is the case here.

I do want to say that in my youth I have done some dishonest things as well. Maybe not just like tylercreeks, but some worse and some not so bad. I have learned the importance of honesty and integrity. I will never sacrifice my integrity like I did in my youth. It is too valuable of an asset.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

Edit: From the sounds of your post it sounds like you were serving in Iraq in the military. If that is the case, thank you very much for your hard work and sacrifice on our behalf!
Your right its not a free for all, i wasnt saying that but he may later in life see the errors to his ways, repent and be done with it... I also understand the retail side of it also. Your right all he had to do was say there is 10 boxes. In my case i went above and beyond trying to get the clerks to do their part. Think about this if you get pulled over by a cop and he lets you go is it the same as stealing? You broke the law. How many on here would say no go ahead write me that ticket? Just curious we all make mistakes and was put here to learn from them. Sometimes you go down the right road sometimes you go down the wrong path. Lets get back to the post about best deals. Mine so far is a 5 dollar pair of hunting boots from walmart 4 years ago still going strong sometimes it pays to have big feet


has anyone seen my kittie
LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-09 AT 09:15PM (MST)[p]ok i have had about enough of this crap ,,,, none of you people were there ,,, i tried over and over to explain that this was incorrect ,,,, RE FREAKING PEATELDY if thats a word, created a huge stink in the line and everyone was pissed off BECAUSE I WAS TRYING to tell them it was a mistake in THE STORES FAVOR ,,,, finally a manager came in and looked it up himself and i quote i believe you its a mistake but thats whats in the system so you get that price,,,,, i'm done with this good grief i should have never said a thing ,,,, this thief BS needs to stop ,,,,,

the inital post was made thinking it might be funny, obviously that was a mistake
Right on tyler, i also forgot about that, sometimes when a store makes mistakes they let you keep the mistake at a loss to keep the customer satisfied. Now back to your regularly scheduled hunting chat


has anyone seen my kittie
First you said,

"... didnt get around to telling her that there were 10 lil 4.49 boxes inside that big one"

Then you said,

",,, i tried over and over to explain that this was incorrect ,,,, RE FREAKING PEATELDY"

Two versions of your "great deal", one obviously not true...

Good catch sage...obviously we need the clerks version so we can have both and judge and jury be done with it


has anyone seen my kittie
Original post
"...didnt get around to telling her that there were 10 lil 4.49 boxes inside that big one"

someone paid $2800 on one of my credit cards.... about 15 years ago(never said anything!).....that way nice! but not my best thing!
once I found a big bag of pot! (friends scale said 9 oz)
found out in high school best friends mother was a nympho!
list goes on...


LAST EDITED ON Jul-19-09 AT 04:36PM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-09
>AT 09:15?PM (MST)

>the inital post was made thinking
>it might be funny, obviously
>that was a mistake

Well what the hell did you expect?? Come on man this is MM!!You've been around long enough you should have seen this crapstorm coming! LOL!

HuntFever - I have been on both ends of this both as a customer and as a retail employee. Once as a customer at a steak house we were not charged the full price for my wife's meal - it was a 2 for 1 special but it didn't include the appetizers and other stuff my wife ordered, it was a difficult ticket and it got messed up but it wasn't necesarily the waiter's fault. Told the waiter who was running his tail off, he said he could fix it in a minuite because he couldn't figure it out right then and needed to get a few orders out that were behind, so we flagged dowm the manager. The manager acknowledged the mistake, fixed the ticket so his books were right, then comped us the whole meal, "for the confusion". Still didn't think it was right so we left a $50 tip for the waiter - about the cost of the original meal. So it appears you tried to be honest and do the right thing, (still don't know about Tylercreek2 - too much conflicting info), but both of you need to realize, I am not judging your charcter, but your stated behavior on a fairly anonymous internet forum. Take it for what it is worth.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
OK so back to the deals.

I consider my first rifle purchase a great deal. My mother worked at a pawn shop and at 16 I was a regular customer. The owner had loaned about $200 out on a Golden Eagle .30-06 with a Redfield scope. He let me know it was coming off pawn a day or two before so I could get the money ready and when it came up I bought it for $375. I could sell the rifle alone now for at least $750 but I won't. I love that gun and have killed everything I have ever shot at with it.

I got a similar deal on my shotgun from the same place - a Browning BPS. I think I paid around $230 for that and it retailed at the time for around $350. I would have got it for less, but the guy who pawned it was a friend of the owner's and he initially loaned him a little more than normal.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
no worries roy, i just wanna hear from everyone who was calling thief about the ticket thing. But apparently the tyler thing the right part the brain doesnt know what the left parts saying...I also know i wont always see eye to eye in everyones case every day... By the way I just started taking new medication so i have been a little on edge in most my posts sometimes things hit me wrong


has anyone seen my kittie
Well, mines not as good as a lot of yours, but was still a great one. I had been looking at buying a couple extra clips for my pistol, but they wanted $40 a piece for them and I couldn't justify it, so no new clips for me.
I was in Sportsmans with my boys and they ran off. I chased them down and noticed a bargain cart, there were 4 clips taped together that fit my pistol. I saw the price and about fell down. $10 for 4 fifteen round clips! Needless to say, I made my way up front and bought them. I got $160 worth of clips for $10!!! Wahoo...


It's all about the good times...
I am rebuilding a dresser for a friend and he offers me a Kimber rifle with a 3x9 Leupold for $ 250 over my repairs.

Has the receipt, ($530.00 in Aug,'91) and the original box of shells bought in 1991. Apparently had 9 rounds fired thru it.

My is a 308, a cartridge I thoroughly despise.

Can I make a 300WSM out of this? Does anyone know? Any suggestions?

I may take the thing anyway, but it won't be around long, if I can't turn it into something I ENJOY shooting.
Not talking real estate tycoon deals here ...

Helped manage a sporting goods store back in the '90s. We carried Leitz (now Leica) binos with life-time warranties --- they weren't selling (too high priced for the time). Picked up a pair of 10x40s (retailed then for $899.00) for a marked-down $250.00, plus they had a $100.00 mail-in rebate. Net cost to me was just over $160.00. Still using them today!

At the same store, had a fellow come in with a couple of brand new handguns he'd taken in trade for installing an alarm system in a new gun shop in town. Top dog in the store didn't want to take them in on trade. At lunch time that day I paid $250 for a new-in-box Colt 1911 .45 that had come out of the Colt custom gun shop. Pistol had gold-insignia Pachmaer grips, ambidextrous beavertail safety, and everything a Gold Cup came with except the target sights (I had a "ghost" sight installed later). S-w-e-e-t gun ...


"Every man dies --- not every man really lives."
In 1989 one of my hunting partners called me and told me one of our co-workers had a box of old gun parts he was getting rid of and asked if he wanted to look at them. I went with him to see if there was anything in the box worth buying. The box had been in his shop for years and the parts were covered with layers of dirt and grime. There were some barrels,actions, bolts, stocks and miscellanious other parts. I asked what he wanted for the whole box. "How about 20 bucks" he said. We responded he could get alot more for it than that. He stated he new we would use the stuff and that he would rather we have it. No none of it was hot. He was a Peace Officer, an honest one. Out of the parts I was able to build an 03 Springfield and an 870 Wingmaster, minus a few minor parts! Hey for 10 bucks I got another 06 and my partner another Wingmaster!

Hey TylercreekII,
You can have all the toys in the world, the finest women and millions of dollars. When you die someone else will be playing with "your" toys, doing "your" women and spending "your" money. The only thing that goes to the grave with us is our ethics. Honor, Bravery and Integrity are worth a hell of a lot more to me than a few bucks. Do you think the cashier went through some crap because her register was short at the end of her shift? Did you care? Do you think maybe her supervisor thought she was stealing? Hey you can justify anything if you don't mind lying to yourself!

I bought my ex-wife a boob-job. Three months later my daughter caught her with some guy that worked as a shelfstocker down at the local grocery store. She left me and the kids for that piece-of-shiz. That has got to be the best investment I've ever seen!

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
>I bought my ex-wife a boob-job.
>Three months later my daughter
>caught her with some guy
>that worked as a shelfstocker
>down at the local grocery
>store. She left me and
>the kids for that piece-of-shiz.
>That has got to be
>the best investment I've ever
>"My sickle has a boattail"
>"hidden soles leave .308 holes"

Did you at least get to play with them?


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
In 1975, I got married...marriage license in Las Vegas, NV cost me $6.00. There have been a lot of financial withdrawals/deposits along the way (investment losses, a $1300.00 car wash, wrecked cars, family problems,medical problems,business ventures that didn't make it,costs associated with raising four kids, a separation thrown in there, a $140,000 inheritance windfall, a $210,000 home currently appraised at $163,000)...more plusses and minuses to come...I still think it(the $6.00) is my best deal ever!
My Dad paid for me to hunt until I was about 18. When I got a real job, I paid my own way. How many of us really think about what our Dad or Grampa "gave" us in the way of getting us to love hunting. In my opinion, from the time I was 8 until I was 18, those years were all one great deal.

Although, my Dad's been to Africa twice, I never have been. He's never offered to pay my way....that SOB!!


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