You like it raw!?!


Very Active Member
Who does sushi?

Who wouldn't touch the stuff?

First time I tried it...gag!!!

second time...not to bad.

In the years since, my wife and I have become conusoirs of sorts, can't get enough! Now we're trying our hand at making it at home. Here's the past few attempts.


This is one of my favorites! Mussel shooters with quail egg!!! Never met a piece of sushi I didn't like!

Traditional >>>------->
I know of some raw fish that tastes a hell of a lot better than that nasty stuff!![/IMG] ~Z~
I like sushi. The problem is so much of it has avacado and I can't eat it. Don't like it either but I have a for real allergy to anything avacado. I had a killer Ahi sushi salad last month in Hawaii. Yum. I can see where that's not for eveyone though.
Ain't eatin RAW Fish or RAW Eggs!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
BAIT......dress it up and cover it in sauce. You got BAIT.....covered in sauce.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Geeze at 1st glance I thought you said Susie.... well.... she would be better than road kill I guess.


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
>I live on the ocean and
>I can't eat it raw.
>That's why they invented fire
>and forked sticks.

Eel did you mean that is why "you" invented fire and forked sticks:)

Sushi is a fan favorite in our house!!!
I just got home from having sushi. I had salmon crab and shrimp tonight. Eel and tuna are also very good. I am hooked on the stuff.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-29-11 AT 10:29PM (MST)[p] I would not eat it here or there, I would not eat it anywhere!!!
All the good food in this world, why eat raw meat?

ANYTHING that was once alive, that you haven't cooked, has critters in it. And seafood has some serious bad critters.

There used to be a standard rule that you never ate ANY unfrozen seafood, if you were more than 4 hours from the ocean.

I know people who have had food poisoning and I guarantee you won't like it....especially if you die from it!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I absolutely love sushi! I could eat it every day. I hate how expensive it is, but for sure my favorite thing to eat.
I've given it two open-minded attemps and I flat out can't stand the stuff. Cook it and it becomes some of the finest table fare, but raw it's just bait.
i've tried it, but it never made past the adams apple! thats why god invented fire BEFORE he made the fishing pole;)
When I was a kid we caught some perch and jacksmelt down at one of the piers on the bay. We took them home and put them in a smokehouse that we built. We didn't know what we were doing and after about 8 hours in the smokehouse all these worms came crawling out of the fish.

Go ahead and eat it raw if you want. Not me.

LOVE IT!!!! I crave it and eat it at least once or twice a week.

I have eaten Sushi all across the country and it is amazing how you can get GREAT sushi in the middle of the country. All you need is a good International Airport close by. You dont need to live on the coast to get great sushi. Even those on the coast are probably flying in their fish if they are a first class place.

I was one of the nay sayers...but now I can hardly eat any cooked fish!!! I think cooking it makes it more "fishy" and totally ruins the true taste and texture of the fish. You get good fish and raw is the ONLY way to eat it! I am hungry..BAD. Good thing I am headed to Seattle and Portland next week.
Ohh wasabi, good stuff, but a little goes along way.

First time I tried it I thought it was some kind of avocado guacamole kind of stuff so I really loaded it up! HOLY CRAP!!! I had to pick my eyeballs up of the floor and stick them in my nostrils to keep my brain from falling out my nose!!!!
They are mostly steak and potatoes guys in Utah and Idaho. Sushi is good though-never been sick from it. I learned to make it from a Barnes and Noble Sushi kit.
How did you get your skills?
I've never been hungry enough to eat it. I do know a guy that eats hamburg right out of the package, makes a big raw meatball and eats it like an apple.
My wife and I double dated with a friend of mine and his girlfriend. I will never forget this. We went to an expensive Sushi restaurant that my wife picked out. My wife and buddies girlfriend loves the stuff, not me?I can't stand it, just plain nasty , and my buddy never tried it before and he is a very opening minded type guy. I ordered a burger, they ordered up some really nasty slimy looking stuff and when my buddy got his first mouth full of it he was lookin for a place to spit it out! I was laughing so hard I about pee?d myself. To top it off he yells out loud the only thing he will ever eat raw again had better be 98.6 degrees! Shoulda seen the chunky chick behind him light up! Ha ha ha LMAO!!

Personally, I don't like to be able to poop through the eye of a needle without splashing the sides, therefore, I cook my food. Preferably over an open flame.
I got my wife to try some on a cruise. They had a few different choices in the lobby, so she takes her pick and puts the whole thing in her mouth and starts chewing it up with a look of disgust on her face. So I can tell she is not feeling it, and about that time she bolts to the elevators and I'm like what the??? Where is she going?? Then she bends down at the tiny garbage can, you know the one with the ashtray on top and the little baseball sized hole in the side, and she sticks as much of her face inside that tiny baseball hole as will fit, and blows chunks in front of everyone. Hands down one of the funniest memories I have about my wife. HAHAHA She won't try any sushi now BTW.


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