You know you're too old when . . . .


Long Time Member
Let's hear some good ones boys. I heard this one today and though this would be a fun thread.

You know you're getting old when...
your wife says "lets run upstairs and make love" and your response is "I can do one or the other but not both!"

It's always an adventure!!!
... when you have to ask how to blow dust off your engine block.
........when you are sitting in front of the computer on New Years Eve, thinking you should go to bed.....alone.

"'ll shoot your eye out kid!"
You're headed up that same Ridge/Mountain opening morning that didn't use to seem too steep but now kicks your AZZ!

When you're included in the old Mans Club here at MM!

When you know you're not as good as you once was!

When you hike in to 10,000-12,000 feet in elevation & start wondering where all the Oxygen is that used to be there went?

When you don't think 3 foot of snow is fun anymore!

When what used to take you 3 minutes now takes you 3 days!

When you get a Sneak Peak at some little young/cute/skinny Chick showing her Ass Crack/Thong off and she turns around to see if she can catch you looking at it and you get to thinking:Damn I must be gettin old cuzz I never seen anything like that when I was Younger!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
when your grandson beats you at ping pong 3 games in a row and then runs into the house and eats the last piece of pumpkin pie.}>}>


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

My dad said a good one. He's over 85 and was talking about the possibilities of having some female companionship. Then he said,"It wouldn't do any good, you can't push a car with a rope!" Never heard it before, but I about choked on my food.
When all your wrestlers call you grandpa!

When you have nothing better to do than sit here and go through MM posts on the VERY first day of the new year! Ha ha ha LMAO!!

When you can't get your breath when tying your boots?

When you always keep saying "what" everytime someone talks to you?

When you roll over and kiss your women goodnight and both of you are to tired to make love..and your both ok with that??? LOL..

It takes you 3 times longer to pee then everyone else??

Sitting down to pee because your legs get tired from standing??
OMG!!!! That's the winner right there!!

When you judge whether a swimsuit looks good if it covers enough of your butt and lifts your breasts.

When you start using your Swarovski's to look for your abs.

When your children make chicken noises to describe your triceps when you play Wii.

When you run into a couple old friends from years past and they say.."You ain't dead yet??"...and your reply is "You ain't either??" then you go out and try to do something stupid to try and kill yourself...
When you're laying in bed with your leg over the old lady and you can't remember if you were crawling on or crawling off.
when your laying in bed with your leg over a500.00 whor... and
you cant remember if you were crawling on or crawlilng off..

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