You Know You're Addicted


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-09 AT 10:56PM (MST)[p]when you leave the house to go out in air bad enough to chew, with hoarfrost on the trees, only to shoot frozen arrows into snowbank targets while dressed up like Ralphy in Christmas Story because you can't stand the thought of NOT shooting a single arrow today.

Hi, My name is Predator, and I'm addicted to hunting.

C'mon folks, it's a progressive post, let's air out the signs of our addiction!!

Ha ha. When I first began to read the post I was not paying very close attention to detail and thought you were going somewhere else with the 'addiction' headline. I pictured Pred standing out in the cold with a big wad of Beechnut. :)
Sounds like Pred needs to go buddy up with someone who has a late season Cow Elk tag.....or 2 of them.
I am an addic.

Winter time is application time. Shooting indoor league at archery shop. Determine which show / shows you will attend. Make sure application CC is payed off. Reloading. Make up with wife.

Spring - 3D schedule, turkey hunt, once draw results are out schedule entire year - weekends scouting, when vacation time is needed for what hunts.


Fall - WOOOOOHOOOOOO - wife thinks you left her by now.
You know that you're addicted when you keep a scoped rifle next to the toilet and the bathroom door open. As you pinch one out, you squeeze one off dry firing at a small picture of a monster buck tacked on the wall across in the other room. Never know when the practice of that "field position" shot may come in handy. :)

Today I practiced filling out my hunt application. Yesterday I set up an elk Decoy in my front yard.

"i DRYFIRE my rifles at collared dogs that run through the yard. "

I practice up on my gut shooting ability of collard dogs, so they run off my ground onto the neighbors. Then they get blamed
With 1795 post you should know better.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
When you have to carefully sit down on the pot, so you don't knock over the stack of hunting mags.

When you're laying in bed with the wife, and she's thinking about kids....and you're thinking about that 4x4 that got away last year.

When you've been hollered at by cops about shooting your bow within city limits, at least 3 times.

When you're "spending quality time with the wife", you think of hunting to "make sure the quality time isn't too short"...

When you plan pregnancies, kids, weddings, vacations, and work around hunting seasons.

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."
>When you have to carefully sit
>down on the pot, so
>you don't knock over the
>stack of hunting mags.
>When you're laying in bed with
>the wife, and she's thinking
>about kids....and you're thinking about
>that 4x4 that got away
>last year.
>When you've been hollered at by
>cops about shooting your bow
>within city limits, at least
>3 times.
>When you're "spending quality time with
>the wife", you think of
>hunting to "make sure the
>quality time isn't too short"...
>When you plan pregnancies, kids, weddings,
>vacations, and work around hunting
>"...I'd rather be tried by twelve
>than carried by six..."

that sounds like me to the T

The only way I can satisfy my addiction is shooting,hiking, scouting, MM, and finally falling asleep at night to a hunting video/dvd.
It's truly a year round addiction!

I need a fix!


Archery is a year round commitment!!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-25-09 AT 09:43AM (MST)[p]Hi, my name is Emanuel Christmas Galea, my friends call me Manny, I have an addiction also, big muley?s and

I've been coming here every morning for 9 years to see who shot what and how big...

My recent motto is: Those who matter don't judge me. Those who judge me don't matter
Should be more like 3000, and yeah, once upon a time the Campfire was used for more than sarcasm.Used to be a great place to tell good stories.

We even farted and stuff. Oh well!

Anniversary may, 1 kid in March, one in April. 2nd kid was planned aroud a Le hunt so the morning sickness was gone and she wasn't too pregnant to walk!

Vacation time from work is called paid hunting days.

Fall asleep watching outdoor channel every night. Unless hunting isn't on then I'm glad I have dvr.

Summer family "camping trips" are scouting trips.

Any extra money goes to sportsmans warehouse.

My wife made the mistake of asking what I would do if she told me I can't go hunting. She is still mad..... That was 2 years ago.

Hi. My name is Asa. I am an addict. I look at MM every day I get a chance. I also spend time on other hunting websites. I have haunting thoughts about the buck I didn't shoot every day since no squeezing the trigger.

I cant wait for next year when I can get another chance at it.

Thanks for letting me share.

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