You in Tiger?



I heard Woods has been lurking MM lately so here goes.... me & you.... heads up 9 holes... and I ain't spotting you crap. 6 over on the front 9 at the Players??? LMAO


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
Hell Rus if I shot a 42 I would quit too! Ain't ever going to get better than that for me!

Poor Tiger. Things have really gone down hill for him. I hear he has had to resort to wiping his tears away with ten dollar bills instead of hundies. Just keep going from bad to worse.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Well, I will continue to watch the guy play ....even if it is like a train wreck at this point.

It will take someone pretty good....consistantly... to get TV revenue back to where it was 12 months ago. We'll see.

Not to pick a fight, but it ain't gonna be McElwimpy either.

Maybe Tiger, Bonds and Rodman can do a movie...."How to Crap Your Fan Base".....

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
"Not to pick a fight, but it ain't gonna be McElwimpy either".
You mean McFatty... agreed!
I think the kid will come back but what a disappointment... he had it all... just goes to show you can't be a axxhole no matter how good you are.


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"

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