You hear something? the comments

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

The comments are funnier/sicker than the video

you know for as many comments as there are, a good portion of them are most likely true..

It's a sick, sick world we live in Fella's

But i have to say i do enjoy it over the alternative!
If you think that is sick, you should watch some of the other videos posted on that site - for example - the one entitled "Terrible: Nigerian" - yes - it is a sick sick world we live in.
yep there some funny and off "color" humor on that site, i don't make a habit of going to it often but every once in a while the videos and comments are worth checking out.
>That is Badazz the doctor let
>you keep the video F-er!!!

rolfl and puking at the same time not so funny


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