you have got to be kidding me!


Long Time Member
do you get spam from morons like this?
Do people really fall for this crap?

From: Miss Abibat Salif

My Dear,

It is my pleasure to contact you for a business venture which am intend to establish in your country.Though I have not met with you before but I believe one has to risk confiding in succeed sometimes in life.

I can confide on you for the brighter future of my life since you are a human being like me. But what i need from you is Truth, Trust And Honest.

There is this huge amount of Eight Million Five Hundred Thousand united states dollars. ($8.500.000.00) which my late Father Deposited for me in the Bank here in Abidjan Cote D'ivoire as his next of kin before he died out of sickness.

Now" am decided to invest these money in your country or anywhere safe enough for security and political reasons.

I want you to help me to transfer my inheritance money into your personal account in your country for investment purposes on these areas:

1). Telecommunication
2). the transport industry
3). Five star hotel
4). Real Estate
5) company enterprise

If you can be of an assistance to me, i will be pleased to offer to you 15% Of the total fund.

I will be humbly waiting your soonest response.

Respectfully yours,

Miss Abibat Salif

00225 45 52 86 38
LAST EDITED ON May-31-09 AT 04:21PM (MST)[p]im going to post her number in a airport bathroom stall here in England saying "for a good time call 00225 45 52 86 38!" LOL

Archery is a year round commitment!!
nope, you're the first.....better alert the authorities...

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

LAST EDITED ON May-31-09 AT 04:43PM (MST)[p]i just deleted about 43 of those from my gmail account. I guess they think that if they send out enough of them, they'll sooner or later find someone gullible or mentally feeble enough to bite.

My question; Isn't this intent to defraud?...a crime?

No offense intended but where is law enforcement? This almost seems like a un-punishable crime. I say catch and prosecute these and all identity theft or faker-con/scam artists!!! They are getting better and better at stealing our money and soon it might be yours or mine!

Joey, agreed.

The $8.5 million is probably TARP money that we've already been screwed out of once. Be careful, you could get screwed twice.:)

Law Enforcement.....? If you were dumb enough to send these people any money, you would be too dumb to dial 911.

My question is, hoo teets dees peepo eenglich????
Check out how one guy dealt with them, Be advised, sight is mostly ok but definitely some nsfw parts, and you will be laughing your a## off.
Just be Truth, Trust, and Honest and I am sure this will be a most highly profitable making venture for all parties involved.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Very little that law enforcement can do concerning these outright scams. Most of them are coming from foreign countries in Africal,and China, and also Russia.
Canada used to be very bad for them also until the FBI and Mounties worked together to shut down some that was preying on elderly people.
The ones from Canada were far more sophisticated and suckered many elderly people in to sending money.


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