You flippin' sticks? ... ?? of the Day


Founder Since 1999
Question of the Day ... For the archers. You been shooting every day, every other day? Did you just get back at it or have you been shooting all winter and spring? What kind of yardage are you toying with?

I have been shooting about every day. Maybe every other day. Most of my shooting has been short stuff, but I have shot a little out to 60ish yards. I took the winter off and now I need to get it all back. I'm just not hardcore enough to shoot all winter. I'm sure it would help. Too many hobbies..........

Brian Latturner
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I haven't been shooting, but it is when I generally start shooting daily. I don't plan to shoot past 40 yards and generally make it a point to get within 30. I'm not a serious trophy hunter, and meat can be had in the rifle hunt. I don't shoot many animals with the bow that way, but it is why I bow hunt. If I had a limited season, it might change my tune, but its Wyoming, so I've some flexibility.
I just got a new bow. I read on here a while back that shooting at 100yds is no harder than shooting at 20yds. I set up three bales of hay at 100yds and hit them 3 out of 5 shots so I think I am good to go. I won't have time to shoot the rest of the summer as I am really busy. Hopefully I can shoot 5 more arrows the night before the hunt starts.
I started shooting in Dec. for my January AZ Javelina hunt. I killed my pig in mid January (great mid-winter hunt that I highly recommend) and then took a couple of weeks off. I started shooting regularly again in end of February (I had put in for AZ archery elk). I have been shooing at least 4 times a week since then.

I ended up drawing an early AZ elk tag for unit 9. Since then I have been serious about my archery shooting. I shoot on average 100 arrows a day four to five times a week. I mostly shot 60-100 yards. Those distances sure make the 20-60 yards easier. I have been amazed at how much the 80-100 yard shots have helped my form and consistency. Any flaws sure show up at the long distances.

I don't plan on shooting those distances for my hunt. They simply help fine tune my shorter shots. A couple of rounds at 80-100 and my groups at 60 get tight.


This was one of my better recent 80 yard groups.
I forgot to mention. The Vegas winter makes it very easy to shoot. The Vegas summer on the other hand...I have to get up at 4:30 AM to shoot before it gets to hot.
LMAO elkantlers!
I just got a new Carbon Spyder that is almost erotic to hold. Been hitting it hard the last couple weeks tuning and rebuilding my form. Ive always been an archery hunter but I haven't shot as much the last few years as I should. Fun getting back into it!
I'll be honest, haven't started yet this year. Need to get it going and into my schedule. This is good for me to hear how dedicated you all are. 100 arrows every day is doing some work! I can't wait until we build our next house and I can shoot in my backyard...
This is my first year bow hunting. I bought a bow last November and occasionally shot during the winter. Right now I am shooting two to three times per week somewhere between 40-50 shots each time. Not really getting out too far, just started messing around with 50 yards. For my first year, 50 will be my limit as long as I get a little better consistency at that distance, otherwise, getting within 40 is my ultimate goal.
leagues all winter, then on and off as I get excited or not from March until June 1st. Pretty much every other day or more since then. After 34 years of chasing elk with a bow, it doesn't really take that much to sort out your gear. This year I have a new string, so I've had to work a bit more than usual :)

Going beer hunting in ID in the morning. We'll see if it's all tuned up or not hopefully.

>I just got a new bow.
>I read on here a
>while back that shooting at
>100yds is no harder than
>shooting at 20yds. I set
>up three bales of hay
>at 100yds and hit them
>3 out of 5 shots
>so I think I am
>good to go. I won't
>have time to shoot the
>rest of the summer as
>I am really busy. Hopefully
>I can shoot 5 more
>arrows the night before the
>hunt starts.

Its been a couple years since I picked up my bow but every since I learned I drew an Az unit 1 tag Ive been shooting almost daily. I got a new sight, string and arrows and really been enjoying shooting the bow again. Ive never shot much over 50 yds but with this new set up Im shooting tight groups at 70 yds now, unreal ! Definitely makes those 30-40 yard shots look like a chip shot now.
I have not shot my bow since I killed my Wyoming archery moose trophy last year.

I was just about going to start practicing with the bow but found out that I drew a Wyoming sheep tag and my son drew a Utah desert sheep tag.

My post has absolutely nothing to do with the thread but I just wanted to brag AGAIN about me! LOL

Have a great season, all!
Zeke, LMAO!! good post!

Here's my archery buck from last year. He has some nice points but he's a whitetail and his tip to tip spread is only 10".


j/k :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
If I ever draw a sheep tag I will probably mention that in every post. Lucky for everybody on the hutting sites I frequent that the states are conspiring to keep me silent. Both you and your son...You are going to have a great year.
Too many hobbies too. Didn't shoot much this winter...a little bit at 10 yards in the garage. Been shooting every other morning (running the other mornings). Shooting mostly at 60 yards but a little bit from closer and a little bit from further....I feel like 60 is my effective range right now.

Ha Ha. I'm surprised you shot that little dink Joey. It seems a little small for you, after all those blacktail that were way bigger.
I had a bear hunt earlier this year and went in my backyard to shoot a few arrows, first group produced a robin hood. Went back in house.

Ended up killing a bear with my rifle.
I have been shooting for about 2 weeks now about every day 4-20 arrows at a time. I have not archery hunted for a few years so it is taking a bit to get it back. it has been fun.
Nope! Torn ligament/tendon in the right shoulder from lifting the battery out of my truck at the wrong angle 6 weeks ago! Still too painful. Anybody in Southern Utah willing to loan me their crossbow? I can't afford to buy one just for one season (hopefully). Otherwise, I'll just turn my Panquitch Lake deer tag in for some lucky "unsuccessful" soul!
I shoot year a round if the temp hits 40, the sun is shining and the wind isn't wiping around, mostly stickbows tho. The wheels have been seeing action the last 2 months.
I just shot the first time this evening. When I got out past 50 yds I noticed my arrows had a pretty good sideways whip to them. They was pretty much still on target and they seemed to whip back just in time to hit the target . Maybe eit was the 20 Mph wind. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to fix this?? I'm a long time reader but a first time poster.
>I have been shooting for about
>2 weeks now about every
>day 4-20 arrows at a
>time. I have not archery
>hunted for a few years
>so it is taking a
>bit to get it back.
>it has been fun.
>I just shot the first time
>this evening. When I got
>out past 50 yds I
>noticed my arrows had a
>pretty good sideways whip to
>them. They was pretty much
>still on target and they
>seemed to whip back just
>in time to hit the
>target . Maybe eit
>was the 20 Mph wind.
> Does anybody have any
>suggestions on how to fix
>this?? I'm a long
>time reader but a first
>time poster.

whats your set up? bow and year, draw length, pounds and arrow spine, length, tip weight?
I shoot a 65 lb Mathews reezen 7.0. With a 340 grain arrow and 100 gr montec. Do you guys think I need a heavier arrow???
>I shoot a 65 lb Mathews
>reezen 7.0. With a 340
>grain arrow and 100 gr
>montec. Do you guys think
>I need a heavier arrow???

assuming your draw length is 29" and the arrow is 29" and you mean 340 spine, that should work perfect.
I shoot 20 -60 arrows 4-5 times a week. Getting ready for AZ archery elk hunt. It's fun shooting with kids, family and friends.

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