You ever?



You ever have one of those nightmares where you are in a crowd and realize you are naked? Well? true story:

I was at the city park with my family on the 4th. It is a tradition to get ?Lion?s club park burgers? while we are there. Of course being the patriarch of the tribe it's my duty to get the burgers and drinks.

Trouble brewing! I had on a nice pair of shorts and a Hawaiian shirt. Problem was I forgot to put a belt on. I foolishly decide to make as few trips as possible to deliver the food so I put two bottles of water in my front pockets. Hold two cups of pop with four burgers on top of the cups in my hands. Needless to say I had my hands full.

As I start over towards the family I feel my shorts start slipping down. Oh! No! Panic!!!!

My shorts got about as far as my knees and I look up. Here are all these people staring at me. Some guy says ?man you are in deep sh!t?.

So I just drop everything and pull my shorts up. I swear it's a good thing I wasn?t packing the .45 or me and the smart mouth would have seen our last 4th of July.

I guess if you can't laugh at yourself who can you laugh at.

Anyways. Happy Birthday America.


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
LMAO!!! Good one Slick.
Well slick!!!

There's a sight I'm glad I didn't have to see!

What'd the Girls think slick?

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!

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