YOU Can Make a Difference!



Here's one for all you people that believe that climate research and study is just one huge conspiratorial power/money grab by the democrats.

Here's your change to tell the EPA about what YOU would do. . .So, take a little time, go to the federal register, and write a letter, particularly those of you who always complain about what others are NOT doing to make a difference.

Revised U.S. Climate Change Science Program Research Plan Summary
Available for Comment (December 28, 2007) ?

The U.S. Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) has released a revised research plan summary for public comment. The research plan outlines key documents prepared under the CCSP, a cabinet-level program that is intended to coordinate and integrate research on climate change sponsored by 13 participating departments and agencies of the U.S. government. These include CCSP?s annual report to Congress, which provides an update on key scientific findings and plans for the coming fiscal year, and 21 synthesis assessments (currently ongoing) reports that "provide in-depth 'state of the science' information responsive to CCSP overarching strategic goals and related to specific national, regional and sectoral issues." The document also lays out research plans for achieving objectives related to CCSP?s strategic goals for the period 2008-2010 and beyond. Comments are due by February 26, 2008. [For further information: 72 Federal Register 73771]

"Roadless areas, in general, represent some of the best fish and wildlife habitat on public lands. The bad news is that there is nothing positive about a road where fish and wildlife habitat are concerned -- absolutely nothing." (B&C Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).
Interesting concept, I don't feel qualified to make a comment on a subject the scientist can't decide on. I have plenty of opinions, they need to ask me about things I'm a self proclaimed expert on.

Funny thing is they'll have half wits who think we should stop burning any fossil fuels, then others like 202 who think we should be driving cars burning bunker oil since man has no effect on anything. the comments should be entertaining even if they're not informative.
Bunker oil, that's funny!

One thing nice about this opportunity is that you can in writing tell them what you think. Sure, there are specific issues that they they will have listed in the FR notice that explain what the EPA wants you to comment on, but again I say take this chance to tell the people that implement the program what you think. If you dont, keep your trap shut about climate change study. . .
See if I got this right.

Some of the most educated people on the planet think this is an issue we can fix. Some of the most educated people on the planet think it is a natural chain of events that we cannot fix.

A little research will show that the media is on the gloom and doom team and the people who think it is the natural order of things are penned as idiots.

Either side you take will be logged according to whomever is in charge and reported in an unbalanced fashion.

If you think our government cares about, or will provide honest figures about, anything the common man thinks, you must be living in Gumbyland!
I think he stated in a nice way that Tfinals post about making comments on this issue was the thinking you get from a liberal that lives in Laa Laa land.

Well I choose to consider all the evidence and as a senior scientist and formally a special assistance for the administrator of the office of air and radiation at EPA in Washington DC, (both for democrats and republicans) I do know exactly how the science works and I do know exactly how data, research and information is used to follow policy directives and become rules and regulations. It was my job to know. . .

Anyone who claims that all is a big conspiracy listens to way to much Hannidy and Orielly. I'd love to see some evidence of this conspiracy, if you have some evidence please, do us a favor and show it.

One of the projects that I saw go from data to policy was with mercury and if you think for one second that the people responsible for making decisions did not have access to all the data youre dumber than even I thought.

I've been in the middle of it on both sides of the isle, I've been in the discussion with Inhofe and his supporters, I've sat in meetings with the "experts" from NIH, ATSDR, and senior scientist from around the worlds, and with Exxon, and ford, and the major auto industries, and energy companies, I've seen the data and the science, I've been involved with the office of research and development, I've been there on the ground first hand and understand in detail, how it works. I'm not telling you to blindly believe me, but I would ask that if you are disagreeing or saying things that are controversial, and you have no experience or support for them, you must show us your proof and your qualifications, I dont like it anymore that you do, but if youre not qualified in the scientific community NO POLITICIAN OR LAW MAKER would go to the floor of the house with your talking points.

Again I'm not saying trust me, I am saying i've been there and what I see, while there are flaws, is as good a system as any in this world, and there is not, in my view, a conspiracy. . . I just dont see it, I'm open to other views, and I'd even change my own (as I did with the anti hunting issues) so, if someone here can show me the evidence, I'd sure consider it.

as they say, show me the money boyzzzzzzzzzzz . . .
> If you think our government
>cares about, or will provide
>honest figures about, anything the
>common man thinks, you must
>be living in Gumbyland!

Hey nickman, with all your experience would you care to prove this?

"Roadless areas, in general, represent some of the best fish and wildlife habitat on public lands. The bad news is that there is nothing positive about a road where fish and wildlife habitat are concerned -- absolutely nothing." (B&C Professor, Jack Ward Thomas, Fair Chase, Fall 2005, p.10).
Better yet "T" give me an example where, in the last 50 years, I'm wrong.

If you worked for the Government, then you KNOW it is messed up.

I was a Government Purchasing Agent/Contract Specialist for 12 years......."don't piss down the back of my neck and tell me it's raining" .........need a $600 toilet seat? They still buy 'em daily!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-08 AT 11:21AM (MST)[p]

Your backside is wet and yellow, it could be because youre standing in your own urinal, no one is pissing down your back without your permission, which is clearly obvious in this case.

I'm glad you had a shopping job, or maybe more specific, you were in a welfare job milking the taxpayers, care to turn in your retirement or SS?

I was the guy giving you something to work on, and a budget, moreover, I dont see how being a purchasing agent has anything to do with studying 100,000 year old ice and the gases that make up our atmosphere. . .

Good luck and keep on keeping on. .
You are giving me a hard time about being in purchasing...? But you think that studying 100,000 thousand year old gas, on the taxpayers dollar is OK....or sane. Who paid your government contract there, sport? I got some 60 year old gas you can have for free!

The reason I quit was because I could no longer stand the waste and frivolity of the process. Especially the Grant process. You could probably tell us why lemon seeds last longer than orange seeds do when placed in a can of Pepsi for 6 months.

You probably wasted more tax dollars in a year, for one of those govt funded "studies", than most people make in a lifetime.

Yes, I probably bought one of those new model Spectrum Analyzers you guys just had to have, simply because you didn't want to walk down the street to use the one in the other lab......or maybe your old one was 6 months old or.... dirty!!!

Our government may be the best one there is, but that don't make it honest, compassionate or fiscally solid.

You've done way too many "studies"....
Nickman, care to weigh in on the subject of this post, or are you just going to continue to troll mine?

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