You bunch of whiners



McCains economic advisor says Americans are in a mental recession and we're all a bunch of whiners.

Gramm is a Texan though so McCain should be able to shed his stupid comments faster than Obama could his preacher's. is there something in the water down there 202?
At lease it took less then 24 hours for Mccain to state that Gramm did not speak for him and to not sit on the fence about putting Gramm out in left field where he belongs. How long did it take Obama to do that and shed his preacher while sitting on the fence?

LAST EDITED ON Jul-11-08 AT 08:37AM (MST)[p]I suppose if Obama was running for pope rather than president that would be a fair comparison.
This will help McCain. Graham is the one who introduced the "Enron loophole" which deregulated speculation in oil. Before that speculators owned 21% of all oil and now they control 66%. Graham's wife was on the Enron board at the time so he is a crook IMO.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-11-08 AT 10:29AM (MST)[p]Glen,

Why don't the Democrats in congress introduce a bill to do away with the "enron loophole"? If it passes then according to the logic gas prices will go down to where they were prior to the law. If they force McCain to vote for or against and make GWB veto if it gets 60 votes to move on? Don't you agree that this would be extremely hard on the Republicans if they had to take firm positions opposing such a bill?

I do understan speculation has a piece in the run up of oil but if that is the true culprit then why is the foot dragging to reign in speculators? Especially in an election year?

Either the democrats are on the payrolls of speculators or they don't believe it is the cause because they have not moved to close the loop hole.

Obama says in his plan , whatever that is, he'll close the loophole. the airline industry is on track with Obama on this so watch for it to become a hot topic. my guess is the dems don't want to steal Obama's thunder on the issue because they know he can beat McCain over the head with it. or they might be on the take, that's politics.

Gramm is a long time freind and an economic advisor to McCain, until now even a top contender to be McCain's treasury secretary. nothing good will come out of it for McCain, Gramm has put a target on one of his soft spots.
Nemont-they have tried it several times and it has been defeated and McCain voted to keep it. I think both sides are given huge contributions from Wall Street to keep things cozy until this bubble bursts. I truly think both parties are loaded with criminals who have perfected the art of embezzlement. Congress is currently holding hearings on closing the loophole but haven't heard what is happening there. I want Bob Barr but will vote for McCain just because he has actually tried to limit government pork in the past.

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