You are all afraid to admit your fears


Mike Awkismaul

You all know sasquatch exists --- you are all just afraid to admit your fears.
Hey Mike,
Just between you and me,What grade are you in?
Has your momma told you that there aint no Tooth Fairy?,No Santa, No Abominable Snowman,No Yeti and there aint no monster in your closet either!
Go look in the mirror and wet your hands then slap yourself in the face!
WAKE UP MAN! You need help!
Didn't you ever watch Harry and the Hendersons? Don't burst my bubble and tell me that wasn't real. That should prove to ya right there he is real. I use to love that show becuase I alway thought it was amazing that they had a living creature on the show that was so talented. I don't know if they trained him to do that stuff or it was an inbred thing. Ether way the show was remarkabel. and yes I believe in the Abonminable snow man, it is obviusly big foots cousin or something. It just lives in a different place. I wish you guys would leave Mike alone, I know he believe in this as much as me. I once saw what I believed to be bigfoot crap on a trip in Oregon. It smelled a little bit ginger. Please no Fred Astaire jokes. anyway, I know he is real and someday I will get rich by selling my pictures of him. I alos have hair from one of them I found about 7 feet up a tree stuk to some bark. he is real.
you tell him harry. i'm thinkin' that arguein' with askemall is like rasslin' with a pig. after awhile you figger out that the pig likes it. poor feller is just stoopid.
I see your logged in as a guest but if this is the same poster as the original sasquatch post you just need to get over other people not believing in the same things you do! Do you believe in God? How about UFO's? Maybe the lochness monster? Pirates? Ghosts? Do you believe in the tooth fairy or Santa Claus?

It is not that big of a deal, if it is then go out and catch a bigfoot and bring him to us! Otherwise get over it.
you know what they say: don't pay any attention to them and they will go away.
but trufully this crap about bigfoot is true, I was watching a basket ball game last night and after the game was over.
both teams shook hands and the camara was pointing at ther #21 size shoes,
truely big feet. and a whole heard of them noless.
Hey Mike
The only fear that I have is that goofy a$$ hippies such as yourself are allowed to breed more mongoloid, sasquatch believing, crack smokin' hippies!

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