

Long Time Member
So this winter damn near got away from me. I spent several days around home around Xmas. Explored a ton of good country but damn near everywhere I went there was sign of other callers.
Despite this I managed a few yotes early... My blazer makes it nice to break drifts etc. however a bad tranny seal has it grounded for now...

The sunsets and sun rises are also pretty good!!

Since the fur prices are high I decided to take a little vacation to my old coyote hunting grounds.

My son just turned 10 and got a new Tikka 223 and he is itching to get a coyote.

so we left home last night and drove through the snow south to near the Colorado border.
Early this morning we had fog thick and heavy fog. We tried a Stand and had a bunch of howls but could not see 100 yards. So we tried driving further out. We ended up stuck in a massive drift. Should have got a picture of the ordeal. But an hour worth of shoveling and we were back on the road. After 2 hours we had exhausted all the roads and places we could get. This forced us back to the highway. On the way out we found a bunny for the boy. He ended the day with 2, tomorrow we will definitely add a few more!

He is lethal with his savage .22. So much so that we have decided to take the scope off in order to provide him more of a challenge...

This after noon we tried another road to find it drifted and blown in. This wasted another hour...

Around 3 this after noon we finally got into some country to call... I ended up taking this big healthy male coyote. It should fetch a nice price at the fur guy!!!

We spent the last few minutes of day light looking for a few more bunnies with no luck...
again another near sunset!

tomorrow the boy has agreed to get up early and we will hit the hunting hard again!

the snow is actually deeper than normal by a lot. Areas where we see a bunch deer and lopes were barren and white. No tracks no animals. Hopefully they are just moved out and not laying under the snow dead!
You might want to check out the state sections along highway 34 if you're over this way.
Good for you and your son

I'll be over around Flaming Gorge next week calling them dang Yotes, Wyo & Ut sides of the border.


So day 2 was a bust... we hunted hard from sun up to sunset. Never saw a coyote. We travelled areas where I can kill 2-3 a day and never saw any tracks. We did not see any deer, no rabbits, no sage grouse, etc.

We left the highway early and at first light we made our first stand. He picked the tunes... Kid has some good taste!

he was bright eyes and bushy tailed after eating 2 double chocolate muffins...

our first stand has always yielded a coyote. I have called it a dozen times and this was the first time it did not have a yote...

we called several more stands actually driving to the very best stand I knew... All the same results. We covered over 60 miles of roads that has a skiff of fresh snow. In 60 miles we only saw 3 sets of yote tracks. We never saw a single rabbit, no coyotes or anything... We saw a total of 4 ravens, no other birds... I think maybe the rabbits crashed hard...

stands were awesome!!!

my son on his shooting sticks


The problem is becoming apparent. At 10 years old he is starting to leave me behind...

better get myself back in shape!!!

The high light was on Sunday in the last 30 minutes of daylight we counted 58 branched antlered bulls... It was crazy.
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Well the good thing is it looks like you had a good time with your son and if there isn’t many coming to a call means less yotes in the area and that’s good for the deer for sure.

Well the good thing is it looks like you had a good time with your son and if there isn’t many coming to a call means less yotes in the area and that’s good for the deer for sure.

I had heard rumors of mange. But the number of tracks we saw compared to usual was way down and the fact we saw no jack rabbits either. I am thinking the area is on a down cycle!!!

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