


A friend e-mailed me these photos today. Supposedly they were taken on Mothers day. Crap now I'll have nightmares for weeks.



All the e-mail said was "east of Riverton". I don't know what state but I ain't going anywhere near any place called Riverton.

thats when a shotgun comes in very handy. we used to catch them and then dare each other to get close or jump over them so they would strike. yep back when i was young and dumb. im a little older now but i dont know if im over the dumb part yet.
According to the e-mail it is located in Bluffdale/riverton Utah. Just the south end of the salt lake valley. Not sure if it is true though?? Anyone know for sure?
Riverton huh Rus, i'm safe then.....that's all of ten minutes from where i live here in Utah!!!

How far and fast can they crawl!!! Lol


Give them to WARBIRDUM. He likes these things.

I know it is against the law to kill them, but....
I live in Riverton. And thankfully that doesn't look anything like it. Maybe the south hills west of Camp Williams, but no matter what that just SICK AND WRONG! I despise snakes, not to mention rattlers.
>Give them to WARBIRDUM. He likes
>these things.
>I know it is against the
>law to kill them, but....

Whaaaaat????? You can't kill Mocking birds. You can't kill bats. You can't kill wolves. You can't kill rattlesnakes.


And now I know what hell looks like! And the shed hunting season is officially closed!
I've got an English Pointer pup i'm working with that is at the stage where she needs to see birds every day. I live in constant fear of her getting snake bit.
Shummy, check with your Vet they have a shot out that will vaccinate your dog against rattle snake bites. It's not a 100% guarantee, but they say if your dog gets bit and your a long way from a vet that it might make the difference. I have a Jack Russle Terrier and a Yagdt Terrier and both of them have the shot, so far I have not had to find out if it works or not.

Anyway, just thought I would pass that along to ya.

I have some close relations in the vet world and you will get some diference of opinion on the snake shot. I'm not to keen on giving it to her, or any of my dogs. Snake breaking is the best option for me, but Utah makes it pretty hard for a guy that wants to have a caged rattlesnake for this or any other purpose. Every once in a while they have a clinic in Fredonia, I need to get to the next one for sure!
Finding those snake dens in the spring can be alot of funny with a .22 rifle and some time on your hands. I'm not in the snake lovers crowd, I'm on the other end of that stick.
heck of a picture.
We have a den like that close to where I live. People been trying to wipe it out for a hundred years.....still there. Bird shot comes in several handgun calibers.

Funny thing here....rattlesnakes are no longer protected in California. What is the matter with the rest of you people?

Actually, it was a matter of economics. We have so many of them, and as all the Yuppies moved into rural areas, animal control could not respond to all the calls from homeowners, so they forced the protection of rattlesnakes off the books.

In another 50 years the mountain lion will get the same treatment here.
I don't see what all the fuss is over a few snakes? You guys have been watching too much Indian Jones and not enough Crocodile Hunter.
>You guys have been
>watching too much Indian Jones
>and not enough Crocodile Hunter.

Ummm... you do know how that one ended right? :p

I got the same email and it said it was Riverton WY.
I dont care where it is just as long as it is a long way from me. I hate snakes!!!!

I love snakes - as long as I never see or hear them. If they stay low and kill the rodents and don't get in my way they are some of the coolest creatures out there. Now, just let me tell you though how far I jumped once when I was fishing in the dark near Minersville (Southern Utah) once when I heard one rattling close to my feet! I cleared the whole freaking river! Longest standing long jump of my life! Granted it is only about 5 feet wide there but I cleared it completely! It is not the first one you have to worry about - it is usually the second.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
To solve the whereabouts of the den, i notice alot of Mohave rattlesnakes in the photo along with a few diamond back. The mohave's are the green tinted snakes and the brown/Gray are the diamondback. Very similar in pattern and both have coontail but the bands are much narrower on a Mohave. Since we can conclude that it must be within the home range of the mojave it is somewhere in the diagram.


"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -- Abraham Lincoln

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