Yellowstone wolf population stable

"The elk that migrate into Yellowstone are not doing well at all. One reason is that they are exposed to a lot more predators in the summer, but the other factor is this relationship to changing vegetation."

Not too bad of an article overall because the statement above is included, it is just not expanded on to the degree that I would like and the article makes it seem that the vegetation changing is the problem. Heck the earlier green-up might be a good thing for elk, not a bad thing and the whole reason there is less reproduction is the predators.
Another BS smoke screen with this global climate change chit!!! Ask any of the fellas on this site how global warming affected their winter?? LMAO!!!
This Q&A session is surely a joke. According to Douglas Smith, global climate change is the major cause for the drastic drop in the elk population in YNP. This beaver biologist has to spin a yarn to support some of the earlier statements he made in a National Geographic article and in his book for profit entitled "Decade of the Wolf". This is a direct quote from Douglas Smith in the Q&A session:"Its incredibly painful dealing with people who don't like wolves and say they have devasted the elk herd". This quote is certainly proof that if you tell a lie enough times, somebody will believe it. What is painful, is this guy continues to hold a job of importance funded by my tax dollars. This guy is a real tool.
whats weird is how the "global climate change" is only having an effect on the elk in the areas where the wolf is also present. Colorado can't seem to kill enough every fall neither can Utah. Nevada has new herds starting up, Eastern Wyoming is over herd objective but Yellowstone habitat is changing so drastically that the elk can"t survive. Something just doesn't add up. To me It's incredibly painful that people are buying these lies.
I'm sure 4100fps will agree that global climate change is most definatly the problem. Its kinda funny they are even admitting there is a problem. Problem, what problem?
I'm going to put the story on my bulletion board right next to the genetic diversity, safe travel corridors stories.
Got a link where I ever said wolves don't kill elk? I belong to a sportsman's club that requested to manage wolves under the 10j rule. We got approved but need a comment period. Did you happen to comment on that? Me thinks you might just be a Internet bitcher.

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
Men's Journal has an interesting article this month on Yellowstone. The main point is that global warming is allowing beetles to attack more trees because of the lack of -50F nights during the winter which normally kills of the beetles. The trees are dying, no nuts, which pushes the bears down the mountains where other food is garbage, humans, other animals (elk) etc.

Before the flamethrowers heat up, I said that it was "an interesting article," I didn't say that it was entirely accurate.

What a Joke.
Using Doug Smith as an unbiased professional information source is ridiculous.
Smith was fully in charge as the leader of the wolf introduction program.
He started all of this yellowstone wolf crap.

I am not going to heat up my flamethrower on you. Do you honestly think that Men's Journal would print an article about Yellowstone that would blame the imported Canadian Gray Wolf or the Grizzly Bear for the huge decline in the elk and moose population in the park? They would be deluged with negative letters to the editor, negative forum postings and cancelled subscriptions from the eco-elites. The same thing goes for National Geographic, Sunset Magazine, New York Times and also for the periodical that is linked in the original post on this subject. The truth can't be told, because the eco-elites don't want to hear it. They don't live in the real world. The beaver biologist answering the questions in the original link would lose his job at YNP and his "rock star" status in the eco-elite world if he told the truth. He says what he says to protect his job and celebrity in the green community. The claim of global warming is just another excuse that will satisfy the eco-elites preconceived notions about the crash of elk and moose populations in and around YNP and certain parts of Wyoming,Idaho and Montana. They also like to blame hunters, winter kill and drought even if hunter harvests are way down, winters are mild and snow pack is normal. How come global warming in other places in Wyoming or Colorado, where the wolf isn't present, hasn't had such a drastic impact on elk and moose numbers?
Is there any chance that the decline in the white bark pine tree, and consequentially the nuts from those trees, is the result of a lack of fire suppression. Tree numbers may be way down because of the let it burn policy in YNP. Outside the park, look at the extensive fires allowed to burn in NW Wyoming(Gunbarrel Fire, Crow Creek Fire, Little Rock Creek Fire). Fires kill trees that provide nuts for the Grizzly Bear. Fires can also help ungulate populations by providing them with more feed in the years after the fire. I would agree that any article on YNP discussing the Canadian Gray Wolf or the Grizzly Bear is "interesting" just don't expect the article to be "factual".
>whats weird is how the "global
>climate change" is only having
>an effect on the elk
>in the areas where the
>wolf is also present. Colorado
>can't seem to kill enough
>every fall neither can Utah.
>Nevada has new herds starting
>up, Eastern Wyoming is
>over herd objective but Yellowstone
>habitat is changing so drastically
>that the elk can"t survive.
> Something just doesn't add
>up. To me It's
>incredibly painful that people are
>buying these lies.

Good point. I would like to see him explain that one away. Its very sad that these cool-aid drinkers can vote.

The Sierra club, or National wildlife federation are not sportsman groups. I understand you know that wolves kill elk but you seem to always be on the side of enviromental groups in our conversations, "just saying". lol
You always seem to be on the side of the teabaggers, and SFW/BGF. Anyone would be left of you, Or closer to a environmental group if you will.

Did you comment on the 10j for the Bitterroot Valley wolves? I belong to the group that requested it. Hows that for wolf lover. What have you done other than support the divisive antics of a right wing fringe group?

I have always understood that wolves where here for good. You however don't seem to grasp that concept. By weeks end, you might even be lonelier in your rhetoric. Laffin!

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
Your right I don't understand why we reintroduced a non native population of Candian Grey wolves and then let them run unchecked, all under the muse that they were a endangered species deserving protection. I don't understand their "place".
By weeks end I may be very disappointed that our disfunctional goverment passed some more bad legislation that will allow for the continued decimation of our big game herds. Not to worry, in the end it will be back in court and tied up for another 5 yrs and you can take that to the bank. At least Sportsmen from MT and ID will be allowed to kill a couple wolves. To bad this will do nothing to stop them from destroying big game herds in NV, CO, UT, and the Pacific Northwest and too bad it will do nothing to restore big game populations in the only two states that the legislation even affects.
Divide and Conquered again, Congrats to sportsmen for falling for this again. 4100fps and his enviro buddies are laughing all the way to the bank.
Thanks, I'm never disappointed in your posts. Same old rhetoric, Non-native, giant, man eating, son's of whores, blah, blah, blah. Keep going with that. It's quite funny, and no ones listening anymore.

The part in the Simpson/Tester rider, you don't understand, or didn't read, was the line that says, "Not subject to judicial review".

The dividing was done at the hands of SFW/BGF, and it's leader. The conquering didn't materialize. Common sense management will come out of this, and hopefully cooler heads will prevail in the end. You might want to push Wyoming to get on the next train that comes to the station. They missed this one.

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
"Contributing writer Beth Pratt recently caught up with Douglas Smith, who has been studying wolves for more than 30 years....."

studying wolves for more than 30 years is not a study, it's a fetish.

i would like to ask a question.

do you guys really think this global climate change is causing an earlier, faster greenup?

i feel like winter is starting later and spring coming later. my dad always talks sbout rifle deer hunts in october and worrying about getting snowed in or leaving early amid a snowstorm. in my 17 years of going hunting i have rarely been snowed off the mountain. i dont know about you guys but i was in a t-shirt on thanksgiving for the last several years. if you talk to many cattle or sheepmen they will probably tell you that they are going to the mountain later and staying up there later as well. so if we are having an earlier spring with more green grass why are we having so many instances of late spring winterkill and poor fawn and calf recruitment.

i just dont agree with the points made in this article due to the fact that i have not seen an earlier greenup and summer grasses dieing off before the animals are ready to head to winter range. maybe i am looking at this through the glasses of a stockman but thats what i think.

please share your questions, comments or rude remarks.
Mighty Hunter,

Are you sure you didn't fire up the flamethrower?

No-I do not think that's Men's Journal would print an "entirely factual" article about this. But, I do think they bring some good points up worthy of discussion. My bad for thinking that I could bring it up in this forum where it could actually be discussed. I guess not.

Your right Desert Deer the only one believing that Global warming is playing a factor in elk population reduction in yellowstone is Doug Smith (which I don't believe for a second he actually believes) and 4100fps.
There's several on here that are siding with the wolf terrorist, to derail management for Montana and Idaho, they are, DkPeay/SFW/BGF, and Feduptwo. It shows they are in it for the same reason, the money train.

I wanted to take a scalp,but the kill was not mine.
4100 i am wondering how you think the simpson tester bill will be benificial in the long run. i agree that it is a step in the right direction but bills have already been passed for idaho and montana and been reversed by groups like the sierra club and liberal judges. i side with those who say we need a better long term bill that includes all the western and midwest states who have or may have wolves in the future.

long story short we have been there done that and it didnt work. remember the wolf hunts in idaho and montana that happened for only one year?

convince me that we should go down that road again when we could line up together and fight for a better solution that we are so close to.

the reason the greenies are supporting that bill is because they know they can reverse it.

who is really siding with the anti's???????

i have asked before for someone to tell me a better group to join than bgf. i am already a member of rmef and mdf.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-11 AT 09:49AM (MST)[p]desertdeer - Gotta ask, "Have you read the Simpson-Teser language?"

Do you realize the difference between a USFWS delisting ruling (adminstrative rule) and the Simpson-Tester language in the budget (an Act of Congress)?

The wolf nuts have never reversed an Act of Congress. They have reversed or had held up many administrative rulings.

Those ID/MT wolf hunts you mention that were stopped after one year were based on a judge who decided an administrative ruling by USFWS was incorrect, because Wyoming has not been given delisted status. That is what was overturned.

You think the "greenies" are supporting this? Have you talked to any of them, or read what they are saying about this bill? If you have, and still draw the conclusion these groups are supporting Simpson-Tester, then your reading comprehension gives you a different interpretation than mine.

Simpson-Tester will be an Act of Congress. That is why the wolf nuts are in every major newspaper, screaming and yelling of what a disaster this will be. If it was just an administrative ruling, they would be chuckling, as they could tie it up in courts again.

No one I know is saying that we stop with this. We keep pushing for more. Why BGF/SFW worked to kill this progress is beyond me. That puts them in the same camp as the wolf lovers.

So when you ask, "who is really siding with the anti's???????" the answer would be the folks who want to kill this language. Folks who, however well-intended, have drank the BGF/SFW Kool-aid and do not think about the impossibility of the BGF/SFW solution known as S.249.

I would love to have S.249 pass. A lot of problems would be solved.

I would also love to win the lottery, have a Henry's mule deer tag every year, and never have to work again. All of those wishes have better odds of happening than the passage of the S.249 silver bullet promoted by BGF/SFW.

I will leave it with this last comment. Since no one else has been able to get BGF/SFW to come forward with their magical plan to get S.249 passed, why don't you ask them for such plan, and post that plan here, so the rest of us can understand the strategy to be employed. The strategy that evidently is so good that we disregard all other progress that can be had.

If you can tell me that strategy, and not like some have posted of "Because Mr. Peay and Mr. Benson said so," I might be inclined to listen. Anyone who has been involved in so much as the politics of a grade school fundraising committee understands that S.249 is never going to pass.

Here is why no plan has been shown for S.249. There is not plan. Or, if there is a plan, it would get blasted out of the water in about two minutes. Similar bills could not pass in 2002/2003, when the Repubs controlled every position in DC. And BGF/SFW thinks they are going to pass something that changes the ESA when the Dems hold power in 2 of the 3 Houses in DC. Good luck with that.

If there was a strategy, it might be worth the time of discussion. But given the asbolute bail out of explanation, the attempts to kill Simpson-Tester, and the continued requests for money, at this time, I don't see much reason to believe a word they say.

I will let you decided what is a better group than BGF. It is your money. Spend it how you want.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
Who goes to Yellowstone to see the "vegetation"... Nobody. Everyone goes there for the wildlife and the geysers... Nobody goes there to see the incredible grass in Hayden Valley...

Doug also states that they're seeing Yellowstone now like it was "before we interfered"... Like humans have no right to live in, enjoy, and ultimately affect our environment...

I hate guys like this...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Big Fin,

I have read the Tester legislation and although I agree it may be harder for the eco terrorists to get wolves back on the esa for frivolous reasons. It does nothing to keep these groups from screaming about a decline in wolf populations and getting them relisted under the original protections of the ESA. All they have to do is show a couple of years of population decline and get close the bloated population objective and wham there relisted. Then you fight another ten years to get them off back off the list.
Your also wrong about any previous attempts to get legislation passed in 2002-03. There was no serious federal legislation in 2002-2003. BGF is the first organized attempt to do this on a federal level. There was some 10J stuff during that period but it had nothing to do with delisting.
I agree that SB 249 has no chance making it through the senate or being signed by the president on a up or down vote but either would the Tester legislation. I imagine if SB249 was attached to a bill that raises the debt ceiling, or next years budget bill it would have the same chance of making it through as the tester legislation. This bill will pass the house right now on a up or down vote by 80 votes.
I touched on the outrage from the main stream eco terrorists in the other wolf post but I will reiterate that there is almost no resistance to the tester bill except by the true nut job groups. Check the main stream environmental websites I did, and documented them in the other post.
I was disappointed with Don's explaination of how he tried or didn't try kill the Tester bill, lol???? I would of just come out and said "we stand on principle and won't support bad legislation". Instead he tried to weasle out of a tough spot and he did loose some points. Some times when you deal with slim (federal politians) its hard to keep from getting a little slimey yourself. He is not a perfect man we all make mistakes. BGF is a coalition of SFW, MDF, RMEF, a few livestock groups. Its bigger than SFW. I understand it doesn't server your purpose to remind people that the true solution is supported by the biggest sportsmen groups in the western united states (where the problem exsists) but its easier to get the SFW haters fired up than worry about the little details. Go figure.

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