

Long Time Member
I finally lucked out and drew with 11 points for Spring Missouri Turtle Hunt....wondering if this is a booner???? lucked out and found a shed too!!
your link didn't work.

Here is one I took 3 years ago on that very hunt. Turns out to be #2 all time, only behind some guy named Roy. Was a low fence hunt but was taken over bait. I hope that doesn't upset the purists.
Where do I start F-er. Bait ? An ear tag ? Blood in the picture ? You savage !!!! Looking past all that the ethics police will hammer your shot selection. That is an obvious quartered toward you shot. I mean really , couldn't you wait 30 minutes for that absolute monster to turn broadside ? Thanks for photo shopping out the wheeler that is in the original picture. Please show our sport in a more positive light would you ?

Congrats though.
#2 All time? Doesn't look that big to me. I'm not sure who did your scoring but just not seeing where you can stretch the numbers to reach #2.

It is a nice turtle, though. Anybody would be proud to take a trophy like that. Congrats.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Congrats on the awesome tag Longun! That puts you in an elite club there!

Fdude, looks like you conveniently photoshopped out the crew of scouts and guides who helped you...
LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-11 AT 09:41AM (MST)[p]I knew I might catch a lot of heat after I posted this picture. If I was some kind of Photoshop guru I surely would have gotten rid of that ear tag but my computer skills are very limited. Anyway, the ear tags sole purpose is to track the turtle?s (is the apostrophe in the right place?) movement by scientists. They?ve been known to move more than 1/4 mile in one day and this wouldn't be known without the high tech ear tags.

I'll admit, the shot selection was not the best but with the light fading fast I had to make a tough choice. It worked out and after the shot the bull sprinted about 2 feet and died.

As for the use of bait, its the only way to hunt them. The stay in the thick stuff most of the day, choosing only to come out at night. Food is placed in dry river beds with the hopes it will draw them out of cover. Its much like trying to stalk a cagey whitetail in the thick forests of northern Michigan otherwise. Almost impossible, especially when you have a camera crew following you.

It is a legit #2 and I have the official score sheet to prove it. How come everytime someone comes on MM and posts a score, there is always the doubters and naysaysers???? I don't know why I post pictures at all sometimes!!!!

As for guides, yes I had to hire a guide service. If you knew anything about this species you'd know by law you can't do a DIY hunt for this species. You rookies floor me.

I see you have 3 spots in the top 10, don't even pretend like you haven't tried to better Roys beast. The jealousy on this site makes me want to take my ball and go home.

Showing off your score sheet? Reminds me of Obama showing off his birth certificate. Probably just as valid too!


From what I heard, your guides license was expired and you shot it outside your unit! Why don't you say how far the shot was? Why didn't you get the kill shot on film? Smells fishy to me!

Traditional >>>------->
Something is definately fishy here. As I'm checking the score sheet I notice something very disturbing. Darren Jones, the individual that scored your "beast", past away late in '06. His grand dad and my grand dad used to trap turtles together in their early 20's when it was legal. I remember reading an article in Reptile Journal in mid 2007 about the vicious attacks from turtles on caucasion hunters. Darren Jones' was named as one of those attacked. He died on his way to the hospital. He lost a tremendous amount of blood from the gaping hole one of those savage turtles ripped into his taurso. It's impossible Darren Jones scored your turtle. What are you trying to pull....Brett Collins....if that is in fact your real name?

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
The whole story is B.S. Not good with photoshop ? Did you not in fact take claim, just yesterday, that you could make a better birth certificate for the President ?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-11 AT 10:46AM (MST)[p]Good work TAG and Wiz!

I sent a copy of Feleno's score sheet to my son-in-law. He teaches Photoshop on the college level.

He said he would convert it to a pdf file, open it with photoshop bridge, peel back the layers and check it that way. I'm sure Feleno won't mind. It could be an older score sheet that Feleno doctored up.

@ Feleno

I wonder how far away he was when he shot? 1600yards or so, I bet.

And what kind of weapong was used.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
I don't want this to drag on and on. This post was about Longun drawing a premium tag and I think we should get back to that topic.

So unlike Obama I will quell the rumors and not wait for them to fester.
I knew Darren Jones, Sr., he was a good man and is missed by everyone in the turtle world. What you failed to disclose, Mr. Wizard is Darren Jones, Jr. is also an offical scorer and has been so for more than 10 years. Since his fathers tragic death he signs all his score sheets without the ?Jr? to honor his fathers name.

What I meant by statement yesterday was that I could pay someone to make a better fake birth certificate. A simple misstatement and all you guys are ready to lynch me.

There is nothing even slightly fake about my score sheet. You do all the digging you want, there is nothing to hide. I'm as transparent as SFW?s financial sheets.

Thanks for the interest in my hunt. I was shooting my Weatherby 30-378 and was able to take him at just under 20 yards.
Well brought this on yourself. You stole Longuns moment by bragging. You dont see Roy gloating about his #1 trophy, do you? Just be happy for other people who actually drew the tag...not bought it!
I remember when the MM used to be a great place to come and look at trophy reptiles. Now, someone can't post a single pic of a turtle hunt without the resident armchair 'reptile international scorer/ethics squad' jumping all over them and discounting a trophy they worked hard for. It's gotten to the point that you can't even find good stories or pics of this amazing hunts on the internet or even in magazines. I wonder why guys.

Oh, and since I am pointing pictures at all you critics who sit on a throne of lies, I hope you all feel good about your achievement of driving Roy to a life of alcoholism over this very issue. That's right, Roy is an alcoholic. He used to be such a nice young man. Then you guys jumped his case every chance you got. Next thing you know he gets caught drunk, in a pair of speedos, snorting a line of blow from a prostitutes back, with a ball gag in his mouth. Thanks to all of you (and you know who you are) Roy's problems are bigger than a leaky gas tank and prairie fires to pay for.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-11 AT 02:57PM (MST)[p]Didn't Darren Jones get banned for life from RCI in February 2001 for his role in the Fully Aquatic Turtle (F.A.T.)scoring scam? How did you get an official score in August 2001 on your terrestrial tortoise?........Fdude you got some splainin to do....... Terry
A $30 part for a leaky gas tank? That's a LITTLE problem? Sounds like you are the one that doesn't have thier priorites straight, 1911. This may be the last time I ever post on MM. I'm getting sick of all the self-riteous, I'm better than you, look at my trophy turtle I shot, it had 15" bases I swear people on this site. If this was a LDS only site, we'd have far less problems.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-11 AT 04:00PM (MST)[p]Sticker
On my score sheet it says 2007, kind of hard to read because of the poor penmanship. There was talk of Jones Sr. being banned, not sure if that ever happened because I try to mind my own business, much like many here should do. Mine was scored by Jones, Jr.... who to this day is as upstanding a young man as there is in the business.

Imagine a PETA person discovering this forum for the first time and reading this. :)
"Imagine a PETA person discovering this forum for the first time and reading this."

I bet the Google traffic meter would be spiking on overload... Terry
LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-11 AT 04:18PM (MST)[p]

I can't believe he defaced the poor tree in the background. That kind of action should disqualify his trophy from consideration. We need to teach our kids better than that. I am utterly appalled!!!!
OK, OK, So you got a trophy turtle/tortoise.....big deal!

You trophy hunters make me sick!

You make NO mention of the "wanton waste" issue. The word on the street is that you took the shell, backstraps, neck and legs and left the rest for the coyotes......disgusting! That animal took 500 years to attain it's owed it more respect than that!

You will probably have your taxi mount the thing in full attack mode, when you know full well that you used the "EMF" suit to sneak within shooting distance!

I hope PETA boils your "broccoli"!

This thread is useless without reciepes!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
nickman, we're talking Missouri turtles. Just like in Africa when an elephant is shot, all the locals show up with a knife and a gunny sack. In short order it's gone. Even the toenails are used in their fertility ceremony.

Geez I feel embarrassed...mine's a dink compared to other pic...hey its the hunting experience that counts right???
At least I got a flippin' Turkey too..
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-11 AT 10:54AM (MST)[p]Ohhhh, 20 yards.

Now, if you say he was running, then 'you da man'.

Thanks for the interest in my hunt. I was shooting my Weatherby 30-378 and was able to take him at just under 20 yards.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-11 AT 03:13PM (MST)[p]I will eventually post the pics of my official World Record Desert Devil Terrapin, I haven't been at liberty as of yet (still hasn't been cleared through all the channels at the Pentagon - it may be a matter of National Security due to its proximity to Area 51) to post them but I will be getting the mount back soon and the pics as well. But Eel is right, I am not want to brag so much about my trophy, though it is #1 in the world for an all purpose fair chase turtle. Congrats to you Longun - also, you may want to rename that pic, take the parentheses out of it and try re-posting. The HTML doesn't read special characters.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
"even the toenails are used for their fertility ceremony"

damn...just a visual of that made me loose a swallow of 2 buck chuck.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
Damend thats a nice tortugula, would you pm me the specifics, wouldnt want everyone and their grandmother knowing about this...

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