YEEHAW! Clinton wins Ohio and Texas!!!!


This is gonna be fun now. Now she's got every justification to stay in it. And it looks like Barama Obama is starting to have trouble answering tough questions. This is gonna be fun now, right up to the convention.
I will like to have a dollar for every pound of mud that gets slung, I would be neck to neck in money with Donald Trump.

Obama Delegates: 1,512

Hillary Delegates: 1,423

I hope these two destroy themselves in up coming weeks.

You should have seen the polling places here in Texas and how many non registered voters they were turning away. Most of them the kind of illegal folks that Dude employs.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Oh and one more thing. The only reason Hillary did as good as she did was due in fact to Rush Limbaugh. That's right Hdudes boy sent the Republican minions out to vote for Hillary. Hence heating up the Dem party for destruction. ROFLMAO :)

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Caelknut What tough question by this time hasn't been asked and answered by Obama? He's answered every accusation thrown at him. Do you really think if Hillary had something on him she wouldn't have used it at this point?

202 I assume from your post that Texas has an open primary, which historically by both parties has led to misuse of the democratic process. Now why doesn't that surprise me about Texas. In the long run I don't think it's going to make that much difference. Obama will still win the nomination although it is a roadblock that will slow him. If Clinton does win the nomination which I highly doubt McCain will probably win the general.
It's figured the super delegates will go with Obama if it's even close to a tie, for the reason than it's accepted Obama would beat mcCain and Hillary might.

Grandpa McCain needs more help than this to stand a chance against Obama, Rush better pop some more pills and rally the ditto heads because Obama is still in the lead and even when the dust settles Hillary supporters will vote for Obama in the general over Grandpa. other than cause Obama to spend more money on the primary this doesn't change anything really.
Would someone explain to me how anyone with one half of a brain could listen to Rush dopehead without puking.
There is only one thing funnier than watching a republican attack a democrat and that is watching a democrat attack a democrat. Either out come is a win win situation because it is going to be dang entertaining in the mean time. Like a cat fight, there is really no end purpose served but you have to watch a cat fight.

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. --Ronald Reagan
How could anyone actually defend, give credence to or listen to a doper like Rush who attacked a 13 or 14 year old girl on public tv. Like the Clinton's or not you don't attack a adolescent girl with the comments he direct at Chelsea Clinton when she was a girl and get a free pass. It's kind of the same thing as the moron on MM who likes to make fun of people that are mentally retard and eel, it just ain't funny.
Husker, I'm having some difficulty understanding your last comment. Did you say that Rush attacked Chelsea when she was 13 or 14? Was he arrested? Did he break her nose or do other bodily harm?
On Rush's radio program he made a great deal of derogratory comments about how ugly she was and various other comments concerning her looks and chances of being a normal looking adult with Bill and Hillary as parents. Now I don't mind a man attacking another man or even going after Hillary but you don't use a public forum to attack an adolescent girl. If you have kids you will understand how that affects a girl that age psychologically. Rush is a coward like many who hide behind a keyboard or microphone. Hope I could clear that up for you. I personally doubt Rush has enough balls to throw a punch at most 13 or 14 year old girls they'd probably kick his A$$.
I don't get to listen to him much but Ed Shultz has asked Rush to debate him over and over, and all Rush will say is Ed's not worth the trouble. Shultz may not have the ratings Rush does but he's the biggest name in progressive radio so why not debate him? I'd say the same thing if Mike Tyson asked me to fight him as Rush told Shultz I suppose.

Rush is a loser who can't think on his feet, he needs pills and a cut off button backed by script writers to keep his morons swooning on his every word.

Geez I made one wise crack about Barbra Bush and the whole world was coming to and end, publicly trash a young girl and nobody remembers. why am I not surprised.
The problem with those types of debates is they go no where. Waste of time.

Do you know Ed Schultz' story Dude?

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Cornhusker, I think I remember the Chelsea thing. At the time Rush had a TV show. The Clintons had a new dog (I forget the dogs name). Rush was talking about the dog and up popped a photo of Chelsea. He thought he was being funny, but it came off as very tastless and cruel. I agree, totally out of line. He later apologized.

.....Democrats get two choices...The Nut with boobs or the Boob with nuts.

I don't necessarily like Rush either, but the rest of the world dosen't exactly boycott his show.

It may have been in bad taste, what he said about Chelsea Clinton, but you can't accuse him of lying......
Yeah shes a hottie!
eel you are correct that is how it started. It was during the Rush is Right era, where every other person in the area I live was wearing the Rush is Right shirt. You are also correct he did apologise after 2 weeks of getting all he could out of it on the radio show of his.

The only reason I remember it so well is the middle school kids I was teaching thought it was tremendously funny. It led into some discussions about how funny would that be if it was you. I guess I get a little pissed when someone in a public forum goes after kids or the handicapped. Anyhow you have a good memory. We also had the shirts out here with the dog and Chelsey side by side, with the quote underneath can you identify the Clinton.
"I don't get to listen to him much but Ed Shultz has asked Rush to debate him over and over, and all Rush will say is Ed's not worth the trouble. Shultz may not have the ratings Rush does but he's the biggest name in progressive radio so why not debate him? I'd say the same thing if Mike Tyson asked me to fight him as Rush told Shultz I suppose."


by "progressive" you mean lib correct?

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they will!
I suppose you could call him liberal but he's an ex all - American quarterback North Dakota resident who leaves his show for a week in November to deer hunt, and he bird hunts all the time and is very open about it. he won't back down when anti gunners call him and whine about the fact he's a hunter and a gun rights supporter. I don't agree with him on everything but quite a bit, he was voted 8th most popular radio host and has an audience of 3 million.

That sounds like a well known enough guy for fat butt Rush to debate, but Rush won't have any part of it. if Shultz couldn't out think him which I'm sure he could, he's big enough he could thump Rush pillpop in the nose. either way would be top notch entertainment.
Liberal Progressive same thing. A guy named Teddy Roosevelt that wrote and hunted and lived in a way we can only dream of was one of those dirty things. (Lib, Progressive.)
Dude, how do you explain this?

On August 28, radio talk show host Ed Schultz, who has proclaimed that he became "converted" from conservative to liberal while eating a baloney sandwich with his future wife in a Salvation Army cafeteria, loudly issued a challenge to all conservative radio hosts to debate him. Since his show that day was simulcast by C-SPAN, the Big Eddy Challenge can be both seen and heard at almost 20 minutes into the third hour of his show:

...We'll stand up to any conservative talker anywhere in America who wants to have the guts to go head to head with me on your radio show, on your TV show, you conservatives, you're absolutely a bunch of damn liars and we're right back on the Ed Schultz show.

So what happened when a conservative talk show host took up the Big Eddy Challenge? Apparently Schultz hides behind his show's producer. Such was the case when Brian Craig, producer and co-host of The Steve Kane Show on WWNN 1470 AM radio in South Florida, attempted to arrange such a debate between Ed Schultz and Steve Kane. Your humble NewsBusters correspondent heard Craig on the radio yesterday talking about the difficulties in arranging this debate with the Ed Schultz Show producer, James. I subsequently contacted Craig who gave me the latest account of James ducking the Big Eddy Challenge on behalf of his boss today:

I called James, Ed's producer right after our conversation. When he answered the phone and I told him who I was he took a deep breath, meaning why are you calling. I asked if he had talked to Ed about debating Steve. He said, "Look, I know what you all are about."

I said, "Really?"

"I know what you are trying to do, you are a bunch of scam job artists and Ed's not interested in that."

He started to hang up and I said, "Do you want me to pass that message along on the air?" He then hung up the phone.

Through the whole conversation he was annoyed.

So, Ed, who is the "damn liar" now? You clearly issued a challenge recently to go head to head with any conservative radio or TV talker yet you are continuing to hide behind your producer, James, to shoot down anyone who wants to debate you. So until you agree to debate Steve Kane or any other conservative talk show host, your loud bluster will continue to be as full of baloney as that Salvation Army sandwich you ate when you had your political "conversion."

Schulz is such a blowhard. He went through exactly the same routine with Dennis Prager a year or so ago. Prager had called him on some insane, over the top comment he had made about Bill Bennett, as I recall. Schulz claimed he would debate Prager any time, any place. Except Prager's producer could never get Schulz' producer to agree to any specifics. So the debate never happened.

Ed is just a progressive liberal and a Rush wannabe.
I can't say for sure because I'm not his agent but if, and I mean if he turned down any debate you'd have to know what the situation was. unless the whole story is known I'm not going to draw any conclusions, I could say Bush refused to debate me on Ransom's back porch but that doesn't really mean Bush backed down. if a non biased party were to host a debate I have no doubt Shultz could hold his own very well, though I'm not sure what any of the radio windbags opinions are really worth. Shultz may not be the top rated radio blabber mouth but Obama will win the presidency, that's what matters more than ratings in the end to his listeners.
Thanks eelgrass. That is what I meant when I asked Dude if he knew his heros story.

Dude that is some kinda spin you put on all of us there in response to eel's FACTS.

Ed saw a niche that was not being filled so he decided convert from Conservative to Liberal over night to make a buck. Wow what character that guy has eh?

I could care less what sport the nut played or what animals the nut hunts he is still a lefty, limp wristed, unmoral progressive.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
So Rush popping dope and scarfing unprescribed Viagra to please his boyfreind, girlfreind, or who ever is more respectable than a hunting and gun rights supporting guy like Ed? I'd call him a moderate on a liberal radio station.

I wouldn't call Shultz my hero because I don't lick anyones boots like some of you ditto heads do but he's a decent intellegent guy who's entertaining to listen to most of the time. I'm a republican and used to consider myself a conservative before they went off the deep end, so it would be hypocritical for me to hold his thinking independently against him.
Personally I am not a ditto head. I have never even mentioned Rush except for the other day when the MSM was reporting Rush had won Texas for Clinton. I am not here to defend Rush in any way. You put Ed on a pedastal and eel hit you with the facts and then you attempted spin move that did not work. Get over it!

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Is it just me, or has Dude changed his predictions from a few months ago? Didn't dude say Clinton would defeat McCain easily, now it is Obama WILL defeat McCain. Dude, you do know the election is 7+ months away still, right? Look ho wmuch things have changed since Jan 1,2008.

While I am not a Ditto head, I seriously doubt Rush is 'scared' of ANY 'progressive'. How can you be 'scared' of folks not using logic, but only use emotion and 'feelings'? Scary indeed. (eye roll)

So, the 'best' progressive is ranked 8th, that means there are 7 conservatives who are more listened to. Yeap, the right-wing radio folks should be quaking in their studios. There days of domination are numbered. (another eye roll)


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Hell Dude, no wonder you come up with some of this nutty stuff....your guy is an idiot, totally devoid of common sense.
I bet I haven't listened to him a total of 20 hours because the only station around that I can get him on is in Portland 160 miles away. I like him, he makes a lot of sense and that's more than I can say for Rush Stoner. he's more of what I'd call a moderate, and his ratings are going up . no, he's nowhere near as popular as Rush Stoner but Paris Hilton is 100 times more popular than Rush, so I don't know if poularity is directly related to how smart or correct you are.
"So I don't know if poularity(sic) is directly related to how smart or correct you are."
Do you feel sometimes you lost out on all three?

Amazing Dude simply amazing. You managed to link Rush to Parris Hilton...................I swear your logic is one of a kind for sure! LMAO

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
"I bet I haven't listened to him a total of 20 hours because the only station around that I can get him on is in Portland 160 miles away."

160 miles from Portland. That explains sooooo much!
As a newbee I didn't know that you are from the ex-Kali, liberial extremist region!

Its not your fault. Being around that crowd has messed up your thought processes.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they will!
202 the point is paris hilton is more popular than Rush, not that they have anything in common though she's a whole lot better looking and smarter.

I was born and raised in eastern Oregon and while the Californians have moved in by the droves I wouldn't call the east side liberal at all. I get a real kick out of how anyone who's not a ditto head is considered a liberal, I consider myself a moderate and most of the Californians I know are about the same. A few of my best freinds are Californians, 90% of them are good people who made enough money to move to an area they like, rather than sit around and whine about how bad they have it in California. yeah, real bad people.
Never said they were bad people. Just politically mislead

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they will!

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