Yard Sale


Long Time Member
For those of you living in Northern CA, I'm having a yard sale tomorrow. I'm trying to get rid of all my junk. Mostly I have some used paint brushes, some hand tools....oh yeah, I almost forgot, some pvc pipe fittings.

Sale starts at 8am. No early birds, please.


Could you postpone the opening time? I'm on my way but I won't be there until 11:00am. It's a long drive from southern CA but I don't want all the good stuff to be gone before I get there.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-10 AT 10:00AM (MST)[p]Everything is SOLD!

Some guy from Kona flew in on a private jet and bought all the stuff I had. He was very happy for some reason.

I also met a great guy from Phoenix. We got to talking and I ended up giving him a dozen inflatable turtle decoys. He's quite the hunter.

Thanks everyone, and sorry if you missed out. I'll be adding more stuff as the opportunity presents itself.

Hey Eel are how many miles of black pipe, empty miracle grow containers and hand shears are in the sale. Cleaning house huh, must be the end of the growing season :)
LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-10 AT 01:37PM (MST)[p]"Did you sell my 22 rifle you took out of the cabin in the Marble Mts?"

No. I'll never make that mistake again.

cj, not for sale right now. When Prop 19 passes here in Kali the price doubles.:)

Damm Eel is just made a dump run today. Its time for me to get more cr@p anyway.

"If it moves shoot it again"

I did notice you are still loathe to part with those old dusty Turtle mounts, Eel.
How does Mrs. Eel put up with those things for so long?
Or has she made you take them off the kitchen wall?


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