
Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-13 AT 06:30AM (MST)[p]Might be His Right!

And I do agree We should be able to Pack a Gun anywhere We want too!

This JOKER Probably Ain't doing us any Favors right at the Moment!

Specially with all these Pusssssyy Liberals all Stirred up like they are!

Most TARDS know though it Ain't the Gun to worry about!

It's the JACKASS PHSYCO that's been Tickin for who knows how long you gotta worry about!

How long has it been in your neck of the woods since you've seen something like this in a Major Store?

We see it here in TARDville every once in a while!

No Biggie,He's got some Guns,musta forgot to take em off his persona!:D

EDIT:I forgot the Link!


"""Supporting Speed Limits doesn't make You Anti Car"""

No & You'll never Fix STUPID or WACKO'S by changing Gun Laws You Dumb BITTCH!
Yep, in true Utard fashion, if this had been during the deer hunt everybody would have made a mad dash to their pickup trucks, pulled their own rifles out of the window rack, and butted in front of the guy in line!
You are right, we don't have to bend over backwards to please them but this moron went out of his way to be dumbazz. Do you honestly think you need multiple weapons on you to go to JC Penny? This guy is looking for attention.

He should be more ashamed of the Ed Hardy T shirt.
I've been around the block a time or two and I can tell you it does NOT happen in Utah with any regularity. We'll hear the odd story, here and there, but 99.99% of the gun owners out there have more common sense. Why throw gas on the fire?

I'm so pro-gun that it hurts but I must say that this kind of behavior is hurting the cause. The guy came off as a psycho instead of a responsible gun owner.

A bunch of us are "ready" at all times but I won't strap on my M-4 and head out to buy tomatoes!

Remember; just because you have a d*** doesn't mean you should slap people in the face with it!

I agree. It boarders on insanity, I believe it is those types that may need to be watched a little closer. Obviously seeking attention. The scary question is, what will he do next if he doesn't receive the attention he was desiring?
What Zeke said covers it for me. I wouldn't feel comfortable in that store an I shoot a lot and have a lot of guns. That guy will not help the gun rights cause at all.
Terrible dumb. There is not discreation used by this character he opens a huge can of worms. If he did have a statement to make by openly carrying the firearms then he should have responded to the medias request. Even though he did this rather distastefully he still is well within his legal rights.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
I've been living down in Scottsdale for the last month. Every time I'm down here I see more and more people open carrying. I carry concealed, I have no prob with people carrying but I'll never understand why you would want to open carry? That utard is gonna give the Libtards more ammo against us!!!

Traditional >>>------->
back before all this political BS everyone carried a gun !! use your right or lose it! did he brake the law? i didn't see on the news that he was arrested . everyone who wants to keep their guns should pull their heads outta their dumb-azzes and figure out whats about to happen. you think offending people who wanna take away your guns is a big deal you have alot bigger problems coming your way!! stick together . if you wanna git rid of your AR so as to fit in i will give you $500.00 a piece for them.
If this retard is going to make a public statement , somebody should take him under their wing and teach him the correct way to carry a AR. Nice weapon retention you wannabe hero.

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