Ya don’t say….


Active Member
FBI had flagged the Georgia high school shooter back in 2023. How come it seems like the FBI always seems to have been warned about these shooters.

Maybe the FBI should actually start doing their jobs instead of arresting old ladies praying, parents attending school board meetings, etc. It would be nice if they tried actually investigating and watching these possible shooters. Fking clowns.

Oh, on another note, we’re being warned about Russia interfering in our elections again. I guess they’re going to run this old horse into the ground. Once again, fking clowns.
Shooting happened 30 miles from my house. My kids school got cancelled today because some other dip$hit kid made further threads.

It’s a mess for sure.
Showed the Dad on the news tonight as he appeared in Court. I don't think He was faking it. He is all shook up and knows He is screwed.

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