
Long Time Member
Take yer picks...

BCS Championship: Alabama vs Texas...
Rose Bowl: Ohio State vs Oregon...
Sugar Bowl: Florida vs Cincinnati...
Fiesta Bowl: Boise State vs TCU...
Gator Bowl: Florida St. vs West Virginia...
Chick-fil-A Bowl: Virginia Tech vs Tennessee...
Cotton Bowl: Oklahoma State vs Ole Miss...
Holiday Bowl: Nebraska vs Arizona...
Capital One Bowl: Penn State vs LSU...
Orange Bowl: Georgia Tech vs Iowa...

Here's my picks. Alabama,Ohio State, Florida,TCU they should be playing Alabama,Florida state,Va. Tech,Ok. State,Nebraska,LSU,Iowa. Utah over Cal. and Oregon State over BYU.
heres mine


BCS Championship: Texas...
Rose Bowl: Oregon...
Sugar Bowl: Cincinnati...
Fiesta Bowl: TCU...
Gator Bowl: Florida St.
Chick-fil-A Bowl: Tennessee...
Cotton Bowl: Oklahoma State
Holiday Bowl: Nebraska
Capital One Bowl: Penn State
Orange Bowl: Georgia Tech
>Take yer picks...
>BCS Championship: Alabama vs
>Texas... TEXAS
>Rose Bowl:
>Ohio State vs Oregon... OREGON
>Sugar Bowl:
> Florida
>vs Cincinnati... FLORIDA
>Fiesta Bowl:
> Boise State
>vs TCU... TCU
>Gator Bowl:
> Florida
>St. vs West Virginia... FLORIDA STATE
>Chick-fil-A Bowl: Virginia Tech
>vs Tennessee... TENNESSEE
>Cotton Bowl:
> Oklahoma State
>vs Ole Miss... OKLAHOMA STATE
>Holiday Bowl:
> Nebraska vs Arizona... ARIZONA
>Capital One Bowl: Penn
>State vs LSU... LSU
>Orange Bowl:
> Georgia Tech
>vs Iowa... GEORGIA TECH

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
You forgot the Grizz game. They will win this weekend and go undefeated!!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time

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