xhaka's DAUGHTERS BUCK??? BS!!!


Long Time Member
I Call BS!

Check this out!



I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>nice find Bess......I never had a

I Know You didn't Homer!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Perty Sad These Types of JOKERS would Prey on the Hunting Community!

If He's in this Country I Wish Him some Poetic Justice!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Is this the same guy?


?Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. "
>So it's safe to say that
>you didnt notice whiskeydogs post
>of the same thing 12
>hours ago Bess?


I Didn't see whiskeydogs Post?

I Do like Whiskeydog though!

Not the first time I've ever got a 'THANKS MANNY' though!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Great job Detective Bess. I hate thieves!


My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:

"It is fair to ask how much comes in with the five dollar application fees and how much went onto the ground.? Don Peay of SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board Meeting.

"There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Don Peay of SFW - 9/26/2006 - Monstermuleys.com
With the evidence presented by whiskey dog and elks we have enough to hang this guy By the way that was one monster Whitetail that girls dad killed. Thanks guys

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