
New Member
Anyone have a recommendations on where to camp in X6A taking my trailer up any recommendations would be appreciated thanks guys.
Allot of that will depend if they lift the fire closure. A huge chunk has been closed for about three weeks and is still closed. The fires been out for about a week, but they are apparently making sure it's safe with the possibility of trees falling over. You might have to find some Forest Service that is out of the burn and just pull into a good flat spot. This doesn't help much, but it's kind of the way it is right now. If they lift the closures, it still might not help for a good camp site as allot of the areas that used to be a good spot, are now black. If it was me, I would think about heading up Milford Grade. There are some flat spots up on top there that doesn't look like it burned. There is a small rough campground right as you start up that grade, but you'd have to be early enough to get a spot before there full. Good luck and let us know how you do.
Thanks for the info I'll take your word and check that area out and will send updates when we get up there on the 3rd for anyone else coming up that way I'll keep in touch we will by there for 10 days.
I guess I should have asked if you want to camp in the mountains or are looking for a campground or RV park?
Looking for either which ever has better recommendations we are set up to dry camp or hook up so either is a possibility.
If you decide to hook up, there are several RV parks in the valley. The biggest is in Susanville. There is one in Standish and one in Milford. Just depends where you want to hunt in the Zone.
Depends on where you are hunting.

I would focus on the edges of the burn.

I haven't been up there since the fire since it was closed.

I like either Boulder Creek or Lights Creek. There a few good spots, but they fill up quick.
>I don't think you can hunt
>anywhere close to the burn
>the forest closure keeps you
>miles from it

perfect time to go then.....

LAST EDITED ON Sep-29-19 AT 09:31AM (MST)[p]Yep. That's why we won't go up to check on our family?s cabin that burned down. We know several people have been going up to look at the burn, but for sure, if we did there would be a Forest Service law enforcement dude waiting to write us up.
It's kinda BS all the ground they have closed outside the fire, I understand if they are working on cleaning up to keep people out of the way and prevent accidents due to falling trees but there is no reason keeping people over 5 miles from it.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-19 AT 08:36AM (MST)[p]They want to keep the firefighters safe, which is understandable, there's snow on the fire so its out let them take two weeks off for deer season and resume work after. If falling trees are an issue just close the burnt area. Doesn't seem that hard to me, its taking up a bunch of x6a and x6b ground and going to bunch people in other areas.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-19 AT 11:46AM (MST)[p]They Are only at 33% of cleaning up the dozer line all 14 miles of hand dug line have been completed and prepped for winter,the dozer line is what's keeping workers on the fire still,water bars and putting straw down I guess

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