X6A Deer Odds


Long Time Member
I belong to Trailhunters.com but they haven't put up kali odds yet. I looked at the Kali fish and "wildlife" site and as I understand it, 3+ PPs will get you the rifle tag?

I have 6 and the wife has 4. I was just trying to figure out if I could add my son, giving us 3.33 PPs and still draw?

Second question: I got him several PPs when he was a junior but haven't applied for him in about 5 years. What's Kali's rule on losing PPs? Never mind, I think he got a X4 tag when he was 17 and don't think I've applied for him since.

6B is easier to draw? which surprises me.
Slayer, planning on hunting those pet yard bucks you had trail cam pic's of? lol

Just kidding about your yard bucks but It'd be nice to just hunt up the hill from your back yard.

Pretty sure i had 3 points last year and didn't draw. Now that i have 4 points i don't know if i'll try again there or try to add a couple more points and maybe get a "better" zone.

If you know something i don't about the unit and care to share, a pm would be welcome.

"6B is easier to draw? which surprises me."

Me too! I know very little of either area, 6 a or b usually hunting C, Burney area, Adin, or Horse lake if drawn.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Sage I thought you just hunted 5a or 3a two seasons ago or Am i thinking of some body else on this site? Going by last years numbers for 6a you would want to be on the 3+ points side to be guaranteed a tag if you had a even 3 about a third of the people might not have drawn.
6x7, Thanks i guess, you're right. I hunted the Aden area X3-A in 2011. Had to look it up, so i got a point in 2012 and one in 2013.

I was telling my ol hunting Pard on the phone yesterday that a guy can't just write stuff down here on this site, hes gotta know what he's talking about or other guys will jack him up, show him he's wrong.

Well, case in point! That hunt now seems so long ago!! lol Thanks!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I sat in school for years and can't remember a thing I learned but if I read something on line about hunting I can remember it forever.
I didn't draw the unit, but saw the tallest buck I have seen in a long while scouting last year. To my knowledge, nobody got him. I have zero points, and won't be drawing again for a long while. PM me if you draw out.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-13-14 AT 00:29AM (MST)[p]Bullskin, I'll take you up on that.

Joey, I will PM you.

I grew up hunting what is now X6A, archery. 12 years old in 1972 and lost all of my arrows before we went home. Recurve, shooting at the deer instead of a spot on the deer. @ 16 I figured it out and took 3 bucks in the next 4 years (2 with a compound bow). Then it got so crowded I gave it up and it went down hill.

In 2009 we spent 9 days just before the 4th camping near the Moonlight burn. I went out every morning with my BIG binos and saw some great bucks. I went back a couple of times nearer the season and couldn't find the group that had the "Big 2" in them. I did find one of the other bachlor groups that had a pretty good buck in it. I showed him to a friend whose son had a tag. He thought the buck was a solid 160" buck. Ended up his son overslept opening day and never hunted that buck.

Last year a good friend had the tag and his son-in-law drew with him for his first deer hunt. I showed him a couple of spots and we saw 13 bucks that morning, most in the area I would concentrate on. Friend was in Hawaii the first week of the season. He told me the first day he hunted (1st friday) he saw 2 gut piles near where we parked our truck and one near where I'd shown him a bachlor group of bucks. His son-in-law missed several bucks but ended up taking his first deer. Friend took a 24" 3X4. Mature buck, just not a top end buck.

My plan if we draw is to scout it a bunch but that will depend on how many fires we have this summer. Hoping to get my wife on a decent buck early. Then I'll hunt the rest of the season for a top end 6A buck. I know I'll be torn the second week of the season to go chukar hunting in Nevada but plan on sticking with it.

The fires really opened the summer range and are deer magnets although there are a few other areas that hold better bucks too.

Joey, If I have a 30"er feeding off of my hay stack, I'll try to get my wife to kill it. Not what I'm looking for. The hunt is an important as the kill. I put in for extreme odds out-of-state hunts this year so i could do 6A this year. My out-of-state hunts have prevented me for applying for a kali deer tag the last 3 years.
Hello all!

I was just drawn for X6A for the third time in 10 years... I love this place as the country is very beautiful! I normally hunt around Kettle rock but was looking for some new areas to scout/hunt. If anyone has any tips or suggestions I would love to hear them, maybe trade some hot spots. This will most likely be my last year deer hunting in CA and would love to end on a good note!

Shoot me a email or pm...

Hope everyone has a good week and Father's Day!
We got our tags too.

Scouted last weekend. Wasn't out there at prime time since that's before 0600 this time of year, but saw 5 bucks. One GOOD 4X4, another buck that may be a 4X4 with a little more growth and sheds his velvet.

Gonna have a look tomorrow and Sunday too.

Nothing out-of-state this year except helping a friend on an elk hunt in Nevada so I'll have plenty of time to try and kill a top end 6A buck.

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