

Long Time Member
I drew x3a, I usually put in for x5a but I wanted to hunt and not wait another 3 years to draw a tag. I have gotten some information on places to hunt and plan on a short scouting trip after a fishing trip to lake Almanor,just wondering if any of you guys had hunted their.
264, I hope that you can make time for a visit while you are up in the area of almanor. I hunted 3a a few years ago, made some good contacts, and i can share those with you if you'd like.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I've hunted X2 and X3b...all of Modoc has been hit pretty hard by this drought. They had a dry lightning storm go through a couple days ago and had 20+ fires in one day. Most of the fires were in the garden, but X3a is scary dry right now!
I've lived here most of my life and it's always seem to be a hot and dry S.O B. here in the summer.
I agree it's scary dry. Problem is, it has been this way for several years. When X5B burned up a few years ago with the Rush fire, BLM said that the sagebrush had as much moisture content as dead sagebrush. Amazing the stuff can survive. As far as X3A, I've never hunted it but have heard that it holds some real toads. It can be really thick where they are and almost impossible to find. Good luck. I know there are areas more open and you always have the chance to get a good one.
Thank's guys for all the input, I plan on having a good time and a positive attitude, never know I could come across one of those toads!

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Western Wildlife Adventures

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Urge 2 Hunt

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