X Zone Antler Status



LAST EDITED ON Jun-10-13 AT 10:22PM (MST)[p]I'm going to scout a northern X Zone I'll draw this season in a couple weeks. Anyone who's been up there or lives up there care to share how far along the good bucks are right now? Hoping to get a gauge what will be a shooter or not. I imagine its way too early to start judging potential scores but are they at least turned up and working on their fourth points? Thanks!

Todd H
I was up on memorial weekend and the only mature bucks we saw were just starting their first main forks.


People who work for a living are quickly being
overwhelmed by people who vote for a living.
The black tails here in Colfax have plenty of bone right now, 2500' elevation. Lots of greenery for them to chew on still.
>The black tails here in Colfax
>have plenty of bone right
>now, 2500' elevation. Lots of
>greenery for them to chew
>on still.

You mean Hybrids...!


X1 and X4 bucks are forked, and some are showing a third point or knobs. The winter was mild, and deer came through in good shape, but the lack of water further east will limit antler growth.

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