


anybody know how many pt's it might take to draw a deer tag for this unit.I have 5pt's.and i guess i woundering how long it might take?????????????
Resident? I would think you would be close

Nonresident? Same thing. I draw in an X Zone about every 5 years.
I think from the last time i looked, there were still more people with max points applying for that zone than there were tags to be given. Might be worth a try though! Historically, one of the better Big Buck zones in the State but this area is well down in deer numbers and no way similar to what it was even 10 years ago. Good luck!

yea i am a Resident,going by yours i shoul draw this year or next for sure.Thanks for the info.
Yea i know but i live in the north state therfore i want to hunt in the north state.I know their are some units that might be better,but there is a lot of public land in this unit And to take anything decent in CA. anymore you have to hunt the X-zones.
I really like the area, If it a good snow year it a great hunt.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
The only times I hunted that area was in the mid to late 1960's. Killed a couple of OK bucks, saw some better ones, but wasn't able to seal the deal. Alot of deer then, but I'm aware of how times change. Obviously this was before the "zones" came into being.
Good luck to ya if ya do get drawn.
Yea thanks for info,Yea everthing was differnt in the 60's.I used to go 25 miles from home & kill a Buck every year,started go bad about the time somebody voted to protect the mountain Lion and a few other things.....Thoughs were the days many a time i would get off work grab my 300 SAV and head for the foot hills,also back then the season stayed open into the first week of Nov.Anyway thanks again and good luck to you also.
You wont draw in the pref point group as it takes max points, which I believe is 8 this year. Even with max points its still barely 1 in 3 odds. 10% goes to everybody else so maybe you will draw one of these? Good luck! P.S In my opinion it isnt worth max points right now. BH1
Sad, but I am willing to bet there are better zones out there, 5b is not what it used to be, not even close! I live just out of 5b. The number of deer has dramatically decreased during the past 20 years. There are still some hogs out there, but they are very few and very far apart. The number of wall hangers I have seen out there the past five years I can count on one hand and still have fingers left over! I spend a substantial amount of time in 5b Chukar hunting as it is only minutes from my home.
If you draw it I wish you the best!
Good hunting!


sorry i took so long to get back.Yea i know what you mean,i hunted what they now call c-4 back in the 70's&80's and have seen a hundred deer a-day then now your lucky if you see five.thanks for the in-put anyway..............
Look at 5A instead. Like Nimrod, I spend 15-25 days a year chukar huntin in 5B and just across the border. I'm out there just after the rifle season, during the rut, into Dec/Jan. Worse every year for the last 10 years.

IMO 5A is a better hunt AND easier to draw.

I don't know 3A or 3B at all except for an archery hunt a couple uears ago. Those units have more deer although not known for huge bucks. That said, I would bet there are better bucks in the 3's just because of the numbers. I hunt X4 alot archery and it is better than 5B.

I don't have a dog in this fight, just trying to help out a MMer.
Califelkslayer, Where you been buddy, seems you haven't been around much lately?

You said, "IMO 5A is a better hunt AND easier to draw."

Historically, that's the unit that i've been putting in for and have hunted it 3 times myself and helped out a couple others in the last 15 yrs or so. If that unit is now a better hunt than X5-b, we are in serious trouble here in the N.Eastern part of the State.

The only good buck i've ever seen in the area was one very nice non-typ that i'd scouted up preseason after a good long hike over towards the back end of some private. The buck would sleep and hide out with a old doe at the head of a very remote and non-descriptive BLM mahogany and sage draw but move at dusk and dawn, 1/4 mile or so to eat and water on the Private. I made great efforts to be back from a Wy hunt by the rifle opener just for a chance at this dandy buck but after 4 days of trying to re-locate him to no avail, i found out that trespassers had come up thru the bottom private lands and poached him during the archery season.

Long story but mean to say that this was the only good trophy muley buck that i've ever seen in my travels in X5-a. The unit has some beautiful country and a couple dandies come out of there, like the Idaho Market owners buck, most every year. I like it cause it's the kind of country i like to hunt. As far as being easier to draw, well, that's because X5-b always used to be better. 5a is worth hunting for the country if nothing else. I don't believe though that's it's near worth max points and a bunch of guys ever year never see a legal buck!!

I can't speak for other X-zones but I did hunt X5b in 2008. I had been putting in for this hunt for way too long and finally drew it. I did see an average of 8-12 bucks per day. I couldn't find a buck over 24-25", 6x4 was the largest. Hunted hard and decided not to shoot unless a 28"+ buck came my way. Went home and had tag soup, but really enjoyed hunting x5b.
When did the point system here in Kali start for Deer, Elk, Antelope and Sheep?? What YEAR?

LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-10 AT 09:20PM (MST)[p]When did the point system here in Kali start for Deer, Elk, Antelope and Sheep?? What YEAR?

didnt deer start about 78?

oops i was thinking when the state was broken up into zones ,,, points were 2001 ?
My math isnt to good but 8 is max points going into the 2010 draw, I guess that would be 2002 as the year Calif got smart and started points. Now if Idaho would only follow. Them is fightin words!! BH1
Sage, i was in Mexico for 11 days.........then the puter took a dump and was in the shop. Got the puter back just in time to apply for Colorado ( 1 day to spare)

I forgot about the buck Robert took last year. That was a dandy, huh??? The guys that helped him works with me, knows both units as well as anyone alive today and now prefers 5A.

You've been in 5A as much as me the last 15 years. I mentioned 5A more because of how bad 5B has gotten. But every year someone I know draws either A or B. The 5A tags have done better the last few years. Not scientific, too many varibles like quality of hunter, luck, ect.
I like hunting x5a great country,it would be nice if they would open that season later.I hunted their in 07 with two other friend's and got a decent 28".We also saw two mountain lions.
We have always tried to hunt x5a or b ever since I can remember but I dont ever recall hunting b. I personally have not hunted a since the mid 90s but went with my dad in 08 when he drew. We did it like we used to show up and hunt but this area is much different than it used to be. One thing is at least in the part we hunted there are not nearly as many hunters which I think helped stir things up before.

I shold draw next year as I will have 7 points going in somewhere along the way I missed 2 years. Then I need to decide if I want to wait about 2 more years for dad to build enough to draw with me. One thing for sure is I will probably only hunt x5a one more time in my lifetime. I cant justify waiting 6-8 years to hunt an area when you can get x3b every 2-3. I had actually considered spllitting my points with dad for x3b this year but I have to hunt x5a one more time for old times sake. Too many memories
your not kidding about stiring things up the xzone we hunted in the 80's use to have 2000+ tags now its down to 600.
We hunted 5A before you had to draw for it and our group would take some very nice bucks. Usually everyone would tag out or at least have numerous chances. Those days are long gone but I have to agree with others I love hunting that country but the last time in the 5A zone I could not believe the low numbers of deer seen.

I remember driving from Burney to Susanville and seeing countless deer but the last time I think we saw under a dozen. Sad..

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