X-12 Archery Hunt

Tyler N

New Member
My friend and I created a party and both used 8 points to get x-12 archery hunt in august, we hunted there in 2016 and both had success. Has anyone been in the area lately ? any insight, how is the bear population looking? would love to hear peoples thoughts. Thank you.
I spend a great deal of time in x-12 throughout the summer months scouting for friends that draw this hunt. Like most x-zones, the deer population is definitely in a downward trend. I just dont see the numbers of deer that I did even just a couple of years ago. Still, I never have had an issue locating and patterning bucks...just have to hike more, glass further/harder. It's beautiful country to hunt, especially if you are willing pack in to the backcountry of the Hoover Wilderness. As for bears...cant say I've glassed one up in a while, but I'm sure they're around as I frequently encounter scat and tracks.
My friend and I created a party and both used 8 points to get x-12 archery hunt in august, we hunted there in 2016 and both had success. Has anyone been in the area lately ? any insight, how is the bear population looking? would love to hear peoples thoughts. Thank you.
Did you guys have any luck. Going up to help my buddy out the 2nd week until the end for rifle. Know the area pretty well. Just curious how you guys did.

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