Wyomng 32 Antelope

My boy also drew this tag 3rd choice. They still may hace tags available. Alot of antelope. Some private and public mixed. Poor trophy quality. Fun just to go hunting. I think there is 450 tags for the second season and about 450 tags for the first. That is alot of dead antelope. I have hunted the unit about 3 years ago.
Lots of antelope. Finding the right one will be the challenge. You will see lots in the sub 13" range. If you hold off the trigger and work at it, a 14" 75+ goat should be attainable.
get on line with wy g&f and get registered for the hunter managment areas.
trappers route is a good spot early it gets hit hard.
i hunt the area for deer and elk but can't think of any big antalope that i have seen this year mainly 14" and smaller
lots of p&y bucks but haven't seen any b.c bucks over in 32
saw one b.c buck in area 25 and heard of another out there.
If you're looking for meat, you'll fill yer tag. The quality in 32 is gone. The drought and the G&F's attempts to eliminate most of the herd have allowed the older class bucks to disappear. Horn growth is terrible due to no quality forage. Was out there a few weeks ago. Most water holes are dried out and what's left will be dry by Sept without some serious rain. I brought up the issue of reducing buck tags at the April meeting and the G&F was very clear that they are trying to reduce numbers to get to a carrying capacity the area can sustain given continued drought conditions.

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