>Thank you for your comments. I
>would define above average as
>320"+ or better, that's just
>me... I looked into the
>Thorofare and although the adventure
>factor is a 10, the
>bears and wolves have rumored
>to really make an impact
>on the elk herd. I'm
>sure that's for a lot
>of western WY. I've done
>22 miles before on a
>wilderness elk hunt, that's about
>as far as I want
>to go on a horse
>one way. Are there any
>bow hunts that are a
>couple points out (like 6-7)
>that may I should wait
>Does the area around Cody hold
>larger bulls than the Bighorns,
>again, these are all opinion
>related questions for the most
>part, not looking for exact
>science here, just experiences and
>5 points should get a region
>G deer tag now yes?
>So maybe in 2-3 years
>I'll draw. I should have
>5 now (I have 5
>elk) but for some reason
>I missed a couple years
>worth of deer points. Maybe
>with point creep it will
>be 3-4 years, regardless, I
>will hold out until I
>have enough points to draw
>My dad has a place in
>Pinedale and I have spent
>some time when I was
>younger going to school there.
>We don't get up there
>much anymore which is a
Get on the Wyoming Game & Fish website and you'll find the draw odds for areas your interested in.
I have some friends that hunt the bighorns as they live over there. Usually there are good bulls, but seems the bowhunting pressure is extreme on National Forest. Maybe someone else can chime in on outfitters.
There are some Type 9 bowhunt only tags for the areas around Dubois. These are actually general areas, the Type 9 just allows you to start hunting Sept. 1. The general tags will open later in September. I don't know the odds on these Type 9 tags, but they are bowhunting only tags. Once rifle season starts your tag is done. Those areas might be worth checking out. Some good bulls come out of that country every year. East or west of Dubois, your in thick grizz and wolf country. Just how it is these days.
The Wind River Range wilderness around Pinedale holds a lot of elk, but again, your 320 to 340 bull is going to look really good. Your going to be in 10 to 15 miles to camp from the trailheads, and then your going to ride in different directions from there. Can be a really fun hunt depending on resident pressure from year to year. There are wolves and a few grizzly's but not as many as the Yellowstone/Dubois country. There's always a chance a big bruiser could be found, usually a few show up on the feedgrounds. The country is big and rugged enough for bulls to hide. Its just our spring grass comes later and winter comes early here in Sublette County and even though we feed the elk all winter it affects growth. Check out Mule Shoe Outfitters for Area 96, Bald Mountain Outfitters for Area 97, and Thompson Outfitters for Area 98 & 95.
The Gros Ventre Wilderness areas are worth checking out too. Good bulls early. There has been a spike excluded reg on those areas now for a few years do to wolf predation.
If you want a outfitted wilderness hunt and don't mind being in grizz country and want to hunt the biggest bulls possible, I'd look at the areas east and north of Dubois and south and west of Cody. If you don't want to be around any of the big fury predators, the Laramie Range areas is probably your best bet for big bulls.