Wyoming Unit 69 Antelope


Active Member
Well, unfortunately my deer hunt fell through this fall. My father was unable to get time off of work for the hunt. But all is not lost! My wife informed me that she would like to hunt pronghorn with me this fall.

After a little research I decided to put in for unit 69 tags. I had 1 point and she had 0. It looks like we should be able to draw a tag in the regular draw. We don't know what to expect, but we can't wait!

I just hope I can get her on some animals for her first Wyoming hunt. Come hunting season I will post some pictures of our hunt.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-12 AT 07:39AM (MST)[p]Can I assume you put in as a party so you will have 0.5PP for the draw? Even with your 0.5PP average if you did, you may want to rethink your strategy and modify your application before June 3. Last year there were only 15 tags left when it got down to those people with <1PP and the 8 in that pool got the licenses. The 47 applicants left with 0PPs only had a 14.89% at the 7 remaining tags. Then if you look at the random draw the odds were somewhere around 50% of drawing a tag in that last draw. If the same number of people put in as last year and a decent percentage of them bought a PP last year it will probably lessen your chance of drawing a tag unless they issue more tags for the unit. If I were you, I'd at least be looking at other units that have had a decent number of leftover tags with some huntable public ground as a backup plan so you don't get disappointed again. Good luck!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-12 AT 01:30PM (MST)[p]I'm hoping we draw, but in the end its a crap shoot.

In 09' 22 people applied with 0 points. They did not get tags. 50% of the <1 got tags.

In 10' 26 people applied with 0 points. They did not get tags. 100% of the <1 drew tags.

In 11' 47 people applied with 0 points. 14% drew tags.
100% of the <1 drew tags.

I guess I figured we had a pretty good shot. Now you got me worried. When do you have to change your application by? Can you change the unit altogether? With the research I have done 27, 32 and 72 would all be possible choices.

Hmm, what's a man to do...?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-12 AT 11:06AM (MST)[p]I'm the odd man out here, I don't see a need to burn points.
Since it's her first WY hunt, I would get a 2nd choice Buck tag and a cpl doe tags along with it. At $30/pop you can add a cpl more Doe left overs and go on a killin frenzy. Spend a few days mid October and she should have no trouble popping a 12"-13" buck.
There are multiple units that fit that criteria in the Casper/Douglas/Rawlins area. You might need to go Special for 2nd choice in the "better" mid level units though.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-12 AT 12:32PM (MST)[p]ss13---I don't know how you came up with those numbers for 2011 because they are incorrect. What I mentioned above is correct. You are right about the 8 that had <1PP drawing the license. Then you have to look at the 0PP pool that were left and went over into the random draw. Of that 39 that were first choice applicants only 16 got the available 16 tags, which works out to 41% odds. Then you need to factor in people buying PPs last year that could apply again this year and the odds in both draws could get harder. You would be in the PP pool with 0.55PPs and there could be others with <1PP, but higher than 0.55 and they would draw before you would. All I'm trying to say is that you may have a better chance than last year, but you also may not when you are going into that close a race! I would either look and find a unit that has some public land to hunt and has leftover tags and put that as a second choice or put that as a first choice and forget unit 69 if it was me. You could also buy some leftover doe/fawn tags for $34 a piece in July. As I mentioned in my other post, you have until June 3 to change the numbers on your applications as long as you have applied by 5PM MST today. If you decide to change it or add a number, whoever you have as party leader will have to do it. Just keep asking questions and we'll help you as much as possible. You might even consider making some calls to ranchers off a list you can get from G&F and see if you can get on a ranch for a decent fee and you may find it will be free just to shoot does.
Yeah, 145 was a typo. It should have read 14%.

14% with 0 points drew in the PP pool. Then 41% drew out of the random pool.

It's tough to tell what your odds are when you don't know how many tags there are going to be. The reason I like 69 is the amount of public land. The other units above have a fair amount of public land also, just not as much as 69.

Topgun. Do you have any knowledge about the other units I listed above? I know all of them have more tags available, which means they are easier to draw with .5 points.
I hunted 27 a couple years ago and based on that I would put in there before an area I didn't know about like 69. It has good numbers, some nice bucks if you take your time and look for them, scads of public land,and the same 100% with .5PPs with more tags issued. It is also offering reduced price doe/fawn tags. The other unit to the south east of there toward Lusk that you didn't mention is unit 29 and, although it doesn't have as much public land, there is still more than enough to have a good DIY hunt with the proper maps and GPS. People drew it in the PP draw last year at a 94.85% rate with no PPs. If you want to skip all the hassle and have dang near a gimme tag, I'd put in for 29. It also has reduced price doe/fawn tags available. Any time you see those offered you can be assured there is a good antelope population in that unit. If you want to take the lesser chance, I'd go with 27 over 69 because I know the unit and you don't. Keep thinking and looking at your choices and we'll help as much as possible and you have until Jun 3 to change, so take your time!
I think you made the correct choice on 69 with your 0.5 points. Your odds should be very good to draw that tag, unless you have a bunch of people with 1 point jump over there for some reason. The amount of public in that unit would make it a fun hunt. If you are totally set on hunting antelope this year, you could add a hunt that can be drawn as a second choice to your app. My biggest concern would be more residents applying, I believe some of the resident tags last year went to the non-residents. It looks like they issued 79 more tags last year, which is a lot for that unit and residents were at 100% for the first time. I think you will be OK, but you will definitely be waiting until the end of June to confirm. That season runs for 1.5 months, Sept. 15 - Oct. 31st, so you could hunt it anytime you wanted.
The draw changes every year anymore but I think you made a wise choice. That 1/2 pp should do it for you. But just in case do the pp option and pick a 2nd choice that has an HMA or 2 in the unit. Don't worry, you will get her into game however it turns out. Just make sure there is open land to hunt in your 2nd choice unit, either walk-ins, HMA's and a scattering of public.
He can only change numbers if he wants to modify his application. You can't do anything where there would be an up or down money change like you mentioned. It wouldn't do him any good because the PP wouldn't be used until 2013, He can buy one this summer though if he didnt do the PP option on his application.
OK. If you don't draw 69 as your 1st choice(and I think you will) pick up a leftover for unit 31 and buy a pp when they come available in July, for future use of course. Good Lord!
Well, the pre drawing tag numbers caused me to change my strategy. Due to the drop in tags I applied for unit 27 as my 1st choice and 31 as my 2nd.

I checked online yesterday and saw that I did not draw my 1st choice. So, unit 31 it is.

I guess it's time to buy some maps and do some research. If anyone can point me in the right direction for unit 31 I would appreciate it.
ss13---I checked the odds for 27 after reading your post and see that <2 PPs was 100% draw, but with 1 PP it dropped to only 50%. The cut in tags really killed a lot of people this year and it looks like unit 27 was another one, as I recommened it to severl members based on other years and then the tag cuts came out and changed everything.
ss13....I will look thru my files as I think I have the Land Owners list that might cover 31 Lope area. Get back with you tomorrow sometime.

ss13, pm me if you want some info on 31. Ive hu.nted 31 a couple times. Easy hunt for you and wife.
ss13........I just sent you an email with a bunch of info for 31. Hope that your profile email address is a GOOD ONE.

kilowatt thanks for the info! Im sure it will come in handy. JMBC, you have a PM.

Again guys thanks for the help! I will post some pictures from our hunt. We will be out there Oct 2nd through the 5th.

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