Wyoming Unit 64 Antelope


Active Member
Well by buddy and I drew 64 this year. I know it is a good tag, and we are excited. Anyone ever hunted this unit before? We are planning on basing our hunt out of Lander. Maps are on the way. Any suggestions or info is would help, as we are not from this area.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-01-07 AT 10:53PM (MST)[p]A lot of Antelope in that area so I don't think you will have any trouble getting your tags filled. Never hunted that area, but have driven through that area a number of times and seen a lot of Lopes.
They use to hold the "Lander One Shot Hunt" there for the high society big wigs and big names in Firearms Industry.

Good luck on the hunt.

I elk hunted that area, and literally saw hundreds of lope,and it was during lope season. I have been trying to draw that tag,and if i do i would hunt the 1st week of Oct. anywhere along the Sweetwater river.(64 is south side of the river).Most of the hunters will be gone during that time so you will have less pressure.You should have a blast.

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