Wyoming Unit 61 Antelope




I needed some help. My 12 year old daughter drew this tag. She is pretty excited to say the least. Can any of you give some suggestions where to go to get in to some goats with hopefully not much pressure. Certainly something big would be nice, but that is not the focus of this hunt. I want her to see lots of game and have a good time. You can PM me if you would like. I would probably prefer that anyway.

Thanks! I have over-extended myself a bit this year!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-07 AT 04:37PM (MST)[p]I have heard hunt low in the sage areas on that unit.Hey I will try and get you some information I know a guy who should know that area for lopes.
Thanks WARBIRD. I am not getting much response. One other guy wanted to help ms ktc jr and I thank him for it. Maybe my smart ass comments are catching up with me?;-)
My wife and I also drew this unit. We will probably hunt the second week of the season. I plan on doing some serious research for the hunt and will gladly share any info I get. Any general info you wish to share would be welcome as well.





Maybe you could contact me before you go? I need to go the first weekend with my daughter. We will be done I hope!
TriggerWoman, congratulations on drawing that good tag! Antelope hunting is great fun. Your dad is a good hunter so I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. Be sure to show us a picture when the hunt is over. I got lucky and drew a tag for unit 096. I can't wait!

You Guys are making me laugh;) I will have fun, and hopefully get a monster! Good luck to you.
eel and bobcat,

Thanks, she is eating this stuff up. She feels pretty cool she beat the draw odds and has "one of the best units in the state." She tells everyone that!

This is going to be a blast for me too!
Trigger Woman!!!








I talked to a guy who hunted there a couple of years ago and he suggested that the Sooner Reservoir, Chicken Springs, and Chain Lakes Flat area would be a good place to start.

Don't know about the best area in the state, but a quality one. Drew the tag last year and again this year. Best pointer I can give is hit the southern part of the area, come early and do some scouting...
I had this tag last year. We had a great hunt and saw so many bucks. Send me a PM and I will tell where we hunted.

The southern part of the unit looks to be checkboarding with BLM / private land mix. Is it tough getting around without fear of trespassing? Tony
Thanks Big10. I wil get with you soon.

I doubt 61 is the best, but I believe it is one of the best. Or at least I hope so.;-)
KTC...great tag! I have hunted there many times with some great success on goats. Depending on how picky you are the hunt could last as little as 20 minutes or as long as 4 or 5 days. Plan on seeing A LOT of antelope. There are a lot of 13-14" bucks running around that unit but there are some dandys as well. Out of the 6 goats I have been involved with on that unit, 3 went book. My cousin took a 85" buck 2 years ago. If you want specifics on areas to try give me a call anytime.

My 15 year old daughter drew a Unit 50 tag too. I'm not sure who's more excited, me or her?

It's always an adventure!!!

I would love to hear some general info as far as areas go. I would appreciate that. Also i would like to hear what to expect? Please PM me the info with a phone number. I got my maps today and I can look them over with what you say and if I have any questions I will call?

If you are like me YOU are more excited. I cannot wait to guide my daughter! It should be a good time. I have no tag in Wyoming so I can focus on helping her 100%.
I will see if I can get my maps coppied and send them to you on a pdf file. If this old redneck can't figure it out I will PM you tonight with the names of places. A good friend of mine is a county sheriff and lives right there in Rawlings. He is always good to go watch for a good goat or 2. I will give him a heads up.

It's always an adventure!!!
Thanks AWHOLELOT A whole bunch.;-)

If you could just pm me some places you liked that would be good. Please don't stress yourself out! Ha! Thanks for the Sheriff thing also. Let him know we may need some leniancy for the ktc bunch! HA!;-)
I sent you a pm today with some areas to try. Let me know if you need anything else. I will be going out to area 50 over the next couple of months. I plan on hooking up with my buddy there in Rawlings. We will scope out 61 for you and let you know af any bucks we find that are worthy of the ktc lead.

It's always an adventure!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-07 AT 05:36PM (MST)[p]AWLB,

Your a stud AWLB! I got the PM and it was filled with goodies! I will probably have a question or two but let me look things over on my map.

I hope you guys have a great time in 50 and your boy has a blast. Remember, the boy goes first!;-)

Edit: Everyone else that sent me PM's thanks also. I got a lot of info on this and appreciate all of it!
You are welcome! I'm sure we'll all have a great time. I am hunting with my daughter as well. I have no boys (only 4 girls). When are you guys planning on going? I can't get over there to hunt until after elk season ends.

It's always an adventure!!!
Geez, ktc, can you just adopt me into your family so I can have the luck you've had the past coupla years???

Good luck to Trigger Woman, I hope you both have a great time chasing dem prairie carp!
Try putting "ptc" on your app? Ha!

Thanks. I will let my daughter know you wish her luck. She is pretty excited. We watched an antelope hunting show on the Outdoor Chnnel together the other night. I told her to listen up.;-)
My wife and I drive into Rawlings late Thursday Aug 30 and will be scouting around on Friday then hunting through Monday. If you are going to be in Rawlings those days, let me know if you want to meet up Sat evening to go over what I find. I love hunting pronghorn and the dang days are crawling by as I wait for Sept 1 to arrive.

I plan on doing a lot of glassing Fri and more on Sat morning. If spot something interesting will set up a Double Bull (allows my wife to read a book!). If you see a blind tumbling end over end, that is the Wyoming "breeze" at work!

I now have some detailed maps for the southern half of 61 and have marked some places I will to glass. I picked up a fabric decoy that rolls up and am really curious what reaction that gets. I have waved a hat before and got antelope into rifle range but never used a decoy. Could be interesting with the rut heating up soon.

Hope you all have a great experience in 61. You will see lots of quality animals and that makes a fun, relaxing hunt. Good luck.

Our plans are about the same. I will be staying in the hills though. If you see a guy staying in his horse trailer that is me. Stop and say hi. I won't have any plates either.;-) I drive an 05 almond colored Dodge.

I am still wondering where to go? Have lots of options and lots of help from some good people here on MM. How big on opening day Lope? I am letting my daughter decide and I will give advice only! Hopefully I can "guide" her to something special. Long prongs and mass!

If I see your blind tumbling I will laugh pretty hard...then help ya out!;-)
LAST EDITED ON Aug-18-07 AT 08:33AM (MST)[p]ktc,
Sounds like your daughter is shooting good hope her first hunt will be the first of very many trips to come.
Tell her I said good luck and take alot of photos if you want to borrow my HI-8 video camera you are more than welcome to take it.We could watch the footage down there on the elk hunts.
Let me know if you would want to take it.
took Kacie out the other day and set up 12 milk jugs full of water at 250 yards. She busted all 12 with 15 shots. That's good enough for me. She's shooting about a 5" group at 200 yards. I am still trying to get a day when we can hook up and shoot. There's a couple of Wyoming goats that are enjoying their last few days of life right now.

It's always an adventure!!!

Maybe on the camera? We will see, thanks either way!


That is some great shooting. I swear my daughter shoots better than I do? No worries, we will hook up. I hope you are right about those goats! Hopefully they are getting fat and horny!
Spoke with the warden who handles area 61. She advised they just finished classifying goats in 61. Said she never saw anything that qualified as a booner in her opinion. She said the vast majority of bucks were in the 3 - 4 year old category. She said lots of places with no goats at all. I probably need a bit more time scouting this season...
I've heard just the opposite. Not sure why that warden would tell you that. 61 has always held B&C bucks. Next time you talk to her get her email so we can send some pictures of our B&C bucks.

It's always an adventure!!!

Triple is quoted as "She advised." I am not worried! Ha!;-);-);-) "She" might change her mid?;-)
She said they just finished classifing in the last week. Give her a call. I doubt she cares how many booners are in the area, but she'd probably still look at yer pictures...
Spoke with the biologist who classified the north half of the area. He said he counted a lot of goats. Said he puts a star down for each booner class buck he sees. He said this is the first year he hasn't put down a star in 61. I forgot to get his email for yer photos...

Thanks for the info. The kid is 12 and if she does not get a Boone that will be ok.;-)
Any of you guys back home yet? I was just wondering how your hunting went. My wife and I will be heading out to 61 Wednesday morning from Springfield, Oregon and plan on spending a week looking over a few bucks. SZ

I will send you a pm with some useful info. Better have your track shoes on!;-)

I would say the warden's report you passed along was spot on with what I saw.......

Apologies from our end. Our positive enthusiasm discounted those reports.:)
I hunted Area 61 over the weekend. The hunt was a fun experience with my wife and dog along for company. I spoke with a local rancher in Rawlins the day before the season started as I was buying the required Conservation Stamp and the rancher said he saw a solid 15" buck a few weeks ago but nothing better this summer. The rancher blamed the very dry spring when the horns were forming.

I concentrated on scouting and hunting the area just east of Rawlins since had heard that the Bairoil area north of Rawlins had not revealed any huge bucks when the warden was counting noses.

There is BLM land off 1-80 along Riner Road that has a lot of pronghorns. Maybe you will find the big ones I could not locate! Check with KTC who he was up near Barioil with his daughter this weekend.

Wherever you hunt, focus on the eastern hillsides just as the sun comes up. The pronghorn tend to bed in the taller sagebrush during the heat of the day and are hard to see but you will see some even in the heat of the day. Maybe coyotes or thirst get them moving. Find water and you will find animals. The only water I saw was in water troughs with solar panel pumps. All the water that was on my maps was free-standing and was dried up to dust.

Moving vehicles do not seem to startle the pronghorns. If you stop they get nervous and I found that exiting the vehicle on the side away from the herd worked but opening a door facing the herd would spook them badly. I had a spotting scope mounted on my door window and worked great.

There is a herd of 30 desert elk along Riner, too. Some mule deer on the hills. Saw coyotes but no rattlesnakes. Keep an eye out for snakes if it rains and you are walking in a low spot.

Also, be careful if leave the 2-track dirt roads because you will get catus spines in your sidewalls...luckily none of the spines went in far enough to cause a flat but I got some when I drove down to get the buck I shot.

I will continue to put in for Area 61 and those hunting areas next to it. I think a lot of WY Areas have pronghorn but the advantage for me and my wife was to be able to stay in Rawlins at night where we got get warm food. If you travel with a dog, Days Inn in Rawlins is pet-friendly.

A final tip, clean your gun as usual but shoot one practice shot as you are ready to begin your hunt. The fresh oil in the barrel can cause the first bullet going down the barrel to do strange things. I was told this at the practice range and tested that theory by cleaning the barrel and shooting 5 shot groups. The first short would tend to fly off center vs. the next 4.

Now the recap on the buck I shot. I scoped over 150 bucks during a 2 day period. I was returning down a dirt road so could go into lunch to eat at Rose's Cantina in Rawlins. My wife spotted the buck running from south to north and passed about 50 yards in front of us. I scoped the buck at 120 yards when it paused and the buck was better than what I had seen. By time got my rifle ready and stepped off the dirt road the buck was now at 320 yards standing broadside in sagebrush. Would love to say I shot once but I flat out missed on first shot. I did connect on the second shot. Was 371 yards where the buck fell after ran in a horse shoe shape for about 50 feet. Some wind as I shot but not enough for me to miss so chalk it up to user error.

Good luck! Pronghorn hunting is awesome.
Thanks to all who provided some information for this hunt.
My wife and I will have a great time just seeing some animals. I'll post when we get home and let you know how the hunt went.

Thanks Again,


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