LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-13 AT 06:59AM (MST)[p]It's $10 for the Super raffle for one tag and $30 a ticket for the Trifecta to get the chance at three tags. The thing that a lot of people are already missing out on other websites is the winners still have to fork over the full cost of the license and a Conservation Stamp for the animal(s) they choose. My guess is that people would want the sheep or moose tag, followed by an elk tag if they win the regular raffle and all three of those if they win the Trifecta. The only negative I see with the setup is that you can buy as many tickets as you want and that turns it right back into the deal where if you have money you have a better chance to go to the front of the line. G&F doesn't care since this way they have a good chance at taking in a lot more money. It's sort of like the person who has more PPs has a better chance at the tag in the drawings. Piper should love this since it isn't truly a straight up random draw where he'll only have the same mathematical chance as the next guy. My feelings are that I would like to see whatever money is made from these raffles be dedicated to habitat improvement, rather than straight into the overall kitty the way it is now set up. This was thought up just to help the G&F budget, rather than the animals they manage.
I like it as Wyoming needed to raise money and this was one of the items suggested instead of raising NR fees. It doesn't include all the sheep/moose areas though.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-13 AT 09:47AM (MST)[p]Okay a question has already come up on the process some people say for the Reg raffle each of the 10 winners get to choose the species. I have a different take. I read the news article as its 10 tags (moose, sheep, goat, elk, deer etc) and they draw them specifically for the Reg Raffle and you don't get to choose them. Only w/ the Trifecta do you get to choose. That makes the most logical sense as if they don't do it that way then the possibility exists for Fish and Game to give out an addittional 11 sheep tags (possibily for the same area, say Area 5). That would be a real possibility if we get to choose and that would really hurt us all in the regular draw...that's my take on it.
here we go, I guess this stuff is all the rage, so why not?
The real problem with these things is it that they end up taking trophy animals away from regular hunters, and it bolsters this money rules all cycle.

I guess they don't get any extra advantages with the tags?
>Okay a question has already come
>up on the process some
>people say for the Reg
>raffle each of the 10
>winners get to choose the
>species. I have a
>different take. I read
>the news article as its
>10 tags (moose, sheep, goat,
>elk, deer etc) and they
>draw them specifically for the
>Reg Raffle and you don't
>get to choose them. Only
>w/ the Trifecta do you
>get to choose. That makes
>the most logical sense as
>if they don't do it
>that way then the possibility
>exists for Fish and Game
>to give out an addittional
>11 sheep tags (possibily for
>the same area, say Area
>5). That would be a
>real possibility if we get
>to choose and that would
>really hurt us all in
>the regular draw...that's my take
>on it.

***You are correct and I misread the way the Super tag works. You will have to choose which animal you are putting in for in that one such that only one tag for each species is drawn. That means that any one species would have two tags issued at most when you add the tags drawn by the winner of the three in the Trifecta. I should have immediately realized that there is no way they could give out more than a couple sheep or moose tags, especially sheep, with the small number of tags that are in the draws themselves. Sorry about that booboo!!!
Whoa, whoa.. hold the boat. You're telling me that if I, a non resident, draw one of the Moose, Big Horn Sheep, Goat, Deer... act.... I still have to pay the non resident price for the tag!!??

What a crock. If I draw, I shouldn't have to pay full price for the tag as well. So drop a couple hundred to draw, then drop over a grand on one of the big 3??

No thanks. Wyoming isn't getting my $$$ for that.
>Whoa, whoa.. hold the boat. You're
>telling me that if I,
>a non resident, draw one
>of the Moose, Big Horn
>Sheep, Goat, Deer... act.... I
>still have to pay the
>non resident price for the
>What a crock. If I draw,
>I shouldn't have to pay
>full price for the tag
>as well. So drop a
>couple hundred to draw, then
>drop over a grand on
>one of the big 3??
>No thanks. Wyoming isn't getting my
>$$$ for that.

Yep, that's right and taken right from the link above---Winners of the raffle, after purchasing the appropriate license, will be able to hunt in any open hunt area for the species they win. Hunters must still follow all dates, regulations and applicable laws for each hunt area and species they are hunting
I'm not, and never was, supportive of the entire super tag program...we already have commissioners and Governors tags.

Better ways to shore up the WYG&F budget.
>I'm not, and never was, supportive
>of the entire super tag
>program...we already have commissioners and
>Governors tags.
>Better ways to shore up the
>WYG&F budget.

***I agree and already made the statement that I might agree with this program if all the money went on the ground for habitat improvement, but not just to shore up the overall G&F budget like this is designed to do. Do you know what the position of SFW was on this program?
Glad to see this....more fuel for my gambling habit. Although I'd question calling this a "Super Tag Raffle" since it's not a raffle for a tag. You merely win the chance to purchase a tag.

FWIW, in other states conducting super tag raffles like Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Arizona, the raffle winners get tags. Just my opinion, but this is a big part of what makes these raffles appealing to the public. BTW the NR License fees for some of the Wyoming species are: Bison 2502.00, Moose 1402.00, Mt Goat 2152.00, Sheep 2252.00
Sick of these BS tags raising more money so F&G can have more money to spend on crap. Are these agencies being audited by the people? I would like to see where all our hard-earned money is going? I am totally for money going to conservation and big game permits but sick of there not being the animals or quality we should have. I wish this money could go into an effort for predator management to kill cougars so we would have more deer to hunt. Make this money go toward the customer and real management and not towards frivolous activities. Bottom line, I am getting sick of being nickeled and dimed so I can hunt.
Just another way to suck a few extra dollars out of the hunters. Do I agree with the system, no, I rather see the tags put in the general draws. Will I participate, pry buy a ticket as it gives me another slim chance to draw a good tag.
Glad to see they finally got the tag raffle going. Besides buying Idaho raffle tickets and WWF commissioner raffle chances every year, looks like I'll be ponying up another couple hundred bucks to help the cause...
The bigger problem as I see it is this question. Why do so many people feel they have to get something or have a chance at something in return for spending some money to keep the G&F solvent? Why not raise the resident license fees a reasonable amount since they are all ridiculously low and leave things to a draw like they are instead of hoping that a bunch will drop a few $10 or $30s on this raffle to shore things up?

You have the ability to research your complaints...right at your fingertips.

Maybe instead of crying and whining on the 'net...use it to answer most all of your questions.

Since you seem completely unable to do your own research, I'll spoon feed you your mush.

HERE are some answers, including a video, turn the listening ears on as well as the comprehension:


Heres a budget breakdown, with a picture, since I'm sure the words would only confuse you:

Budget by Division:


Budget by Program:


More info:


Approved budget:


Cost savings:


Nongame funding:


...you can thank me later.
Priceless Buzz!

It seems there are always plenty on here willing to take a hand out tag, but unwilling to put something back in. Without our game and fish departments people we would have nothing to chase.
I can guarantee none of the WGFD people are getting rich on what we pay them.
I am glad to add my donation. And I will think of it as such.
The odds will be astronomical, but my little offering will be money well spent.
Merry Christmas to you all!
So if you don't agree with the new lotto you don't have to participate. Also by not not agreeing with the new tag system and by not participating how does this affect you? To my knowledge no tags are taken from the regular tag allocation system. Just seems to be a means of raising cash for F&G.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
Thanks BuzzH! With all that information readily available to WYSFW (Smokestick) and the Legislature, it makes one wonder what else they need to see to assure themselves that the job is being done pretty darned efficiently by the G&F.
Very informative BuzzH, thanks for all of the links and information about WY F&G. Sounds like you are very informed and passionate about WY proactive approach to management. However, due to the lack of residence in WY, and the high percentage of NR tags sold, I believe WY F&G is the wealthiest F&G in the West per capita when you compare amount of game vs amount of people and amount of NR tags. It makes me wonder how they could go bankrupt in the first place. Sounds to me they were spending to much money on programs that never benefitted their customers from the beginning. I don't like to see people lose their jobs but something has to be done when your organization is bankrupt. I believe other states are doing more with less and I am tired of being nickel and dimed. I will probably buy a tag but truly find it hard to believe that the money I spend, will go into the conservation that me the customer is desiring it go into. I would like to see proactive predator management on large carnivores. Especially cougars so we can have more deer tags and Wyoming can pay for better management.
The WYGF is not bankrupt.

What they are is saddled with managing an incredibly complex set of game animals...bighorn sheep, mountain goat, moose, elk, mule deer, whitetailed deer, black bears, lions, pronghorn, wolves, and bison.

Throw in some small game management and upland bird management.

One game bird, on the brink of being listed (sage grouse) needs a little special attention.

Add a bunch of furbearers.

Thats just the stuff that hunters and fishermen can hunt/fish.

The GF is also required to manage nongame species as well.

Theres NEPA requirements, enforcement, education, access, game damage complaints, etc. etc. etc. etc.

These things all cost money...management isnt free, and in case you missed it, they're required by statuate to manage ALL of it. They dont have the luxury of just managing the things YOU think they should.

Considering the GF budget is 71 million...and returns 1.1 billion in direct economic benefit, I'd say you're in the neighborhood of about 2 light years off base whining about the GF and how they spend their money.

As to your crying about lions, Wyoming hits lions pretty hard. They've increased quotas in many areas of the State and some areas are open for 2 lions per hunter/year.

Its also fair to note that Wyoming hasnt seen a fee increase in several years...for either R or NR hunters, so dont quite understand your "nickel and dime" comment.

I'd go into details about 2 proposed bills that will be introduced this legislative session to help with the funding issues...but, its probably more information than you could process.
BuzzH---I think that after reading the response you got after posting all those links with more whining and talking about how wealthy the G&F is per capita that just maybe he's in over his head a tad, LOL!!!!
I agree that they have a lot on the plate, but why do you think it is so hard for WY? Honestly managing game in WY has to be way easier than other western states. Simply put lack of population, and large open spaces means that the WY DNA is way better off than other states.

It would be easy to argue that managing game in other states with less open land and higher populations is more expensive and more difficult.

The other issue about no increases is wrong. The PP system was a fee increase. It is costing me every year to try and hunt the unit I wish to hunt. That is an increase to my cost and easily can be called nickel and dime fees. I understand that I could hunt areas in WY with out points but if I am paying for a nr tag then I will hunt the units and areas I like.

Also, I may be missing it but in what ways has the dnr cut money and saved money? I mean real ways that will add up? For example every damn stock pond I wy seems to be stocked with trout. Ponds that have business having fish are stocked? Also liberal limits of fish are too much and cost a ton of money. How about 2 fish limits? What would it save the dnr by not stocking ponds in the middle of no where with trout?

Those 2 things seem like some very reasonable things to save money?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-13 AT 07:45AM (MST)[p]>I agree that they have a
>lot on the plate, but
>why do you think it
>is so hard for WY?
>Honestly managing game in WY
>has to be way easier
>than other western states. Simply
>put lack of population, and
> large open spaces means
>that the WY DNA is
>way better off than other

***It sounds like you're saying that it's not hard in the other states when you make a comment like that. FYI Wyoming is one of the biggest states geographically in the US, regardless of population, and all the states are having money problems to one extent or the other in trying to stay up with inflation and keep things running smoothly. Aren't you aware of the problems Idaho and Montana were having? They raised their fees that many considered was too much and now are both begging NRs to come and hunt! Also, a number of the states don't have wolves or grizzlies to worry about managing. I believe those two species alone have cost Wyoming a fortune over and above what dedicated money they get from the Feds. Lastly, a large percentage of the big open spaces that you're talking about are either private ranches, BLM, or USFS Federal lands that the G&F has no control over. That is one of the big issues everywhere out West that the game agencies face when trying to work with ranchers, the BLM, USFS, etc. I sure wouldn't want their job because it's never ending and no matter what they do a large percentage of the public will ##### that it isn't being done the way it should or like they want. I'm not busting your chops, but just trying to show that there are a lot of different ways you have to look at things.

>It would be easy to argue
>that managing game in other
>states with less open land
>and higher populations is more
>expensive and more difficult.

*** That's easy for you to say, but you would probably lose that debate if you looked closely at statistics.

>The other issue about no increases
>is wrong. The PP system
>was a fee increase. It
>is costing me every year
>to try and hunt the
>unit I wish to hunt.
>That is an increase to
>my cost and easily can
>be called nickel and dime
>fees. I understand that I
>could hunt areas in WY
>with out points but if
>I am paying for a
>nr tag then I will
>hunt the units and areas
>I like.

***What would you prefer, to be overrun by people in the area you hunt or have a better overall experience without looking at orange clad humans every other minute ruinng your hunt? The PP fees may be looked at different ways, but it was a way of helping to fund the budget and lessens crowds in the more popular LE areas, and is not a mandatory system taking money out of your pocket. I don't like the fees and the way the system has ended up either, but I can hunt every year for antelope, elk, and deer out there in a lot of areas while waiting my turn if I decide on my own to buy PPs for what I think will be a better chance at a bigger animal in a particular area.
>Also, I may be missing it
>but in what ways has
>the dnr cut money and
>saved money? I mean real
>ways that will add up?
>For example every damn stock
>pond I wy seems to
>be stocked with trout. Ponds
>that have business having fish
>are stocked? Also liberal limits
>of fish are too much
>and cost a ton of
>money. How about 2 fish
>limits? What would it save
>the dnr by not stocking
>ponds in the middle of
>no where with trout?
>Those 2 things seem like some
>very reasonable things to save

***I think you HAVE missed it because the G&F put out a very detailed list of all they were cutting and what could/would be cut in the future without sufficient funding. Fish stocking was cut and is very low in the toal amount of money they spend in the overall scheme of things if you would look at a couple of the charts in the links BuzzH posted. When I see debates like this I look back when MI was having money problems several times during my 30 year career. The first thing management would do is tell us to cut way back on our mileage, but wanted us to continue covering the same large territories with no loss in production for what we were mandated to do by laws on the books (inspect such and such a place so many times a year, etc.). It just doesn't work that way!
>I agree that they have a
>lot on the plate, but
>why do you think it
>is so hard for WY?
>Honestly managing game in WY
>has to be way easier
>than other western states. Simply
>put lack of population, and
> large open spaces means
>that the WY DNA is
>way better off than other

That is true but the bad comes with the good cause with a lower population and density comes with lower revenue from the state for the DOW.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
I dont like it.

It takes tags from the general pool......makes it harder for me to draw.

Raise NR prices. Makes it easier for me to draw.

You could have raised the NR prices and made it easier to draw for those willing to pay a little more and also left the tags in the units for us to draw.

Not good.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
These tags DO NOT come from the tag pool. Unlike landowner tags that do. If you guys want to raise hell about something, then maybe you should complain about that( for starters). But don't do it on MM. Actually call, email, or write a letter to SOMEONE THAT HAS SOME CONTROL OVER THESE ISSUES!

It never ceases to amaze me how we hunters never comment to the proper folks BEFORE changes are made; yet are the first to whine AFTER the fact.

A license fee increase is certainly due. Inflation is just the cost of doing business...any business. Does your coffee or milk or gas cost the same as it did in 2008? As sure as death and taxes, the stuff you buy will most assuredly cost more in 5 years than it does now. If raising license fees puts you out of the game, maybe hunting isn't high enough on your priority list.

As far as this Super Tag, It seems pretty ludicrous to me to charge someone for the license after they win. I'm betting that part will be a money-loser in the long run for G&F( at least with nr). I'll probably buy some tickets, though, because I'm not all that smart. Plus I'm a resident anyway.

Too bad so much of Wyoming's wildlife management is mandated by law. For those that don't understand this concept, that means our legislature has made it into law that the WGF must, BY LAW, manage these species. That's not WGF's fault...that falls squarely on the legislature, but still is paid for out of WGF monies. In my opinion, any species whose management is mandated by the legislature should be paid for out of general funds.
Nontypical is correct...the governors, commissioners, and super raffle tags do not come from the general pool of tags. Maybe a better way to say it, is, they dont reduce the general pool of tag numbers.

However, to believe that those tags are not taken into account while setting quotas, is being pretty naive...at best. In particular with sheep, moose, and bison. Antelope, elk, and deer, probably not so much.

Theres also a reason why the tags must be purchased for the super tags. There was no appropriation for the tag fees to the G&F from the general fund.

For the Governors and commissioners tags, there was an appropriation, via the legislature, from the general fund, to give the WYG&F the Non-Resident fee from the sale of both types of tags. In other words, the only direct payment that the WYG&F gets from commissioner/governor tags is the license fees associated with the tag.

With the Governors tags, the WYG&F can, and does, apply for some of that money via grants...along with many others. Granted, that money is to be used specifically for projects that benefit each species. However, there is no assurance, other than the tag fee, that the WYG&F will ever see another dime.

What bothers me, is that in the case of the Governors tags, the people that purchase them are being subsidized, via the general fund, for the price of their tag.

Conversely, the average guy, buying a couple chances at a raffle tag, and getting lucky...is forced to pay his own freight when it comes to purchasing the tag.

This is the exact reason why I was never in favor of this bill at the last session. It was a poorly thought-out, bake-sale, approach to raise more money for the G&F. Of course it was heavily backed by WYSFW and rammed through the legislature without much thought...surprised??? Not hardly.

Nontypical, the WYG&F is mandated by law to manage EVERY species in the state...including those we hunt and fish.
The tags don't come from the general pool?

If someone poached a deer in unit 102 it would be an atrocity! It would reduce deer numbers in the unit!

But, if we take a deer in 102 on a "supertag" it doesn't affect how many deer are left in the unit....and how many tags are approved next year for the unit?

Of course it does. These tags done officially come out of the pool but when a deer is shot in a unit it certainly is not left for a regular Joe to take with the tag he drew after putting in for 25 years.....and the reduction in herd size causes the amount of tags given for that unit to go down next year too.


It doesn't matter who killed the buck. It wont be there next year.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
Does it matter if 400...or 412 tags are given out in 102?


Will there only be 378 tags given out next year because all the deer com/gov/raffle guys hunted 102?


The Commission, Governor, and raffle tags are NOT taken from the general pool....PERIOD.

Also, if the G&F were to cut out all the gov./com./raffle tags, the quota in 102 wouldnt go up by 12.

The coffee is burnt...
A single additional animal being taken from any unit in the state with a "super" tag is statistically insignificant, especially bucks/bulls which are surplus animals anyway.

I have 18 points in Utah for the Early Rifle Elk hunt....I have been putting in for Monroe.

They said the amount of tags they were giving out to the Governor, was not significant.

Well, we are down to 15 tags given per year on that unit. Every once in a while a Guv tag takes a bull on that unit. About 10 years ago they were giving out 35 tags for that unit. Now they give out 15 which is less than half.

Every bull taken in that unit is significant to me. I am tired of waiting. I have seen them give away management tags. I have seen them open the unit to spike hunters, I have seen them give away youth tags, I have see the Guv tag take bulls, I have seen them give away tags to the Hunt Expo in SLC....

Meanwhile I have yet to draw in Utah, my tags are cut in half for the unit I want...

So, I will buy 10 or so super tags in Wyoming and help make it a little harder for you all to draw.....and the bull I take in the unit you have been trying to draw....well according to you guys it is statistically insignificant.


"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
AA said, "I have seen them give away tags to the Hunt Expo in SLC...."

Yet, you still support BGF and SFW...

You will get no sympathy from me, you deserve to have only 1 bull elk tag in your lifetime.
>AA said, "I have seen them
>give away tags to the
>Hunt Expo in SLC...."
>Yet, you still support BGF and
>You will get no sympathy from
>me, you deserve to have
>only 1 bull elk tag
>in your lifetime.

***Yep, and Wyoming isn't Utah with their sorry tag programs, thank God!!!
"Statistically insignificant" as in: it will not impact the health of the herd to any significant degree; and it therefore will not influence quotas. I was referring to the impacts of the super tag from a bioligical and/or wildlife management perspective. The significance increases in some of the hunt units that offer very few tags, such as Devil's Canyon and Platte Valley bighorn sheep,which is why hunt units that offer fewer than 10 moose or 8 sheep tags are exempt from the super tag raffle.

If someone draws a super tag and chooses to use it in a unit that I have applied for, it will not influence my draw odds to any extent, and I certainly won't worry about a super tag holder harvesting an animal in the unit. Folks are taking big bulls, rams, and bucks every year in units that I fail to draw. If people worry about what other folks are harvesting in the units that they covet, they are in for a mighty miserable life...

So a poached buck doesn't affect quotas?

The Henry Mtns here in Utah only issue a few tags. I would say one buck is significant. I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this one.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
Every single tag that hunts my area and harvests a 200" buck....or draws a tag intead of me (who has been putting in for eons)...is very very significant to me.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
I laugh that everyone hammers Utah's tag give away but no one is critical of Wyoming Commissioner tags.

-Utah conservation permit. All money goes back to the DWR except 10% that goes to the group selling the tag. All the money is directly or indirectly going to fund wildlife projects or pay the expenses of wildlife conservation groups.

-Wyoming Commissioner tag. All money is kept by the organization and none is kept by the Wyoming G&F. About 10-15% of the commissioner tags are awarded to groups that having nothing to do with wildlife like 4-H, Library funds, and big boy/girl clubs. Were not talking chump change either. If the average sell price is 8k it equates to about 500k each year.

I hate what "big money" and technology is doing to hunting and there are some validity with the flaws of Utah's "tag grab" but Wyoming Commissioner tags take the boat for misallocation of hunting permits in the Western United states. If the average sell price
I'll second feduptwo's post on the Wyoming Commissioners tags...although 51/56 tags directly benefitting wildlife related groups is still pretty good.

I would like to see a 50/50 split with the WYG&F.

Oh, and AspenAdventure, if you support BGF, you support SFW...

I guess thats another issue you didnt have time to research.

Why am I not shocked?

Oh, and have you read your signature line yet?
>I'll second feduptwo's post on the
>Wyoming Commissioners tags...although 51/56 tags
>directly benefitting wildlife related groups
>is still pretty good.
>I would like to see a
>50/50 split with the WYG&F.
>Oh, and AspenAdventure, if you support
>BGF, you support SFW...
>I guess thats another issue you
>didnt have time to research.
>Why am I not shocked?
>Oh, and have you read your
>signature line yet?

***I'd also agree with that summation. AA is a real pip! I guess he doesn't know BGF IS a direct offshoot of SFW created by "you know who" and he probably still is making big bucks from it just like RB is!!!
Nope, I didn't know they are one in the same. However, I do support the cause and it seems that they are doing a great job at it. I receive updates on their work constantly.

Do you know of an organization that has more influence on controlling wolves?

Anyway.........now its time for me to go shoot one of your statistically insignificant animals....which unit do you hunt...I would like to start there.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
>Nope, I didn't know they are
>one in the same.
> However, I do support
>the cause and it seems
>that they are doing a
>great job at it.
> I receive updates on
>their work constantly.
>Do you know of an organization
>that has more influence on
>controlling wolves?
>Anyway.........now its time for me to
>go shoot one of your
>statistically insignificant animals....which unit do
>you hunt...I would like to
>start there.
>"The penalty good men pay for
>indifference to public affairs is
>to be ruled by evil
>men." - Plato

***I'd suggest you get your head out of your butt if you believe one word of what you posted. As BuzzH has mentioned before, have you read your tag line? It's obvious from your remarks that you need to start doing some reading. Maybe you should join the "Hunt TalK" website and let Big Fin clue you in about BGF and it's relationship with SFW, how they screwed the pooch on the wolf delisting issues, etc, because you dont have a clue!!!
If anyone has a question ask TOPGUN.....He's a know it all. Shut up

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
Shame on me for not knowing BGF and SFW are the same company. Shame on you for not knowing your head is in your rear.....whats your point?

Nevermind, I thought you might be helpful but I should have known better.

Thumpers mom says ,"If you cant say something nice....SHUT UP!"

Better to pay BGF than to do nothing..... but sit around and waste your time on the internet think'n you are a stud. How about you put up your cash or shut your mouth big guy.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
My point is that you're the one who should shut the flock up when you obviously don't know a GD thing about BGF if you didn't know it's a FOR PROFIT arm of SFW that they can funnel money to, LOL!!! They also had more to do with fugging up the wolf delisting process than any other groups out there. Do you know where one cent of your money went other than probably into one or two dipchits pockets?!!! When you say it's better to pay BGF than to do nothing is about as dumb as anything someone could come up with. Hey, if you want to line the pockets of DP and RB, have at it, but my cash is going to better things than that bunch. FYI the hunting seasons are now closed up here and all there is to do is blow snow while you blow smoke out your azz. I finished the three driveways I do, but you just keep on spouting your BS and blowing smoke. FYI I was out on the road for three month hunting in five different states this past season, so now I'm taking it easy in between ballgames and moving snow. Happy Holidays Mr. BGF supporter, LOL!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-14 AT 03:20PM (MST)[p]AspenAdventures said, "Anyway.........now its time for me to go shoot one of your statistically insignificant animals....which unit do you hunt...I would like to start there."

The only thing you shoot is your mouth...followed closely by your foot.

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