Wyoming State Season Meetings


Very Active Member
This week the G & F is having their season setting meetings in many areas of the state. Check their web site for exact times and locations. Most are happening on 3/29. If you need a laugh and want to see how a bunch of useless biologists justify their jobs as well find out why they do what they do, attend and speak yer peace. I'll be at mine bitching as usual about how bad they mis-manage some of the deer area's around here. Should be interesting...
I went last week. You are right on. Several ideas and comments came out and the head biologist said "That will never happen" twice. They could not even understand one idea, so they asked the person to stay after the meeting and explain it.

I got the materials I wanted. I left when they started talking about waterfowl and pheasants.

I like getting the season information, but don't find the input sessions productive.
The WGF actually does have the least informed group of biologsts I have ever listened to, I spoke my piece as usual. I was basicly told they will never lower nonresident deer tags in G or H more than what they are now, and they actually propose letting all youth hunters kill does in buck only seasons, right now, when the herds are down and getting a beating, lets just kick em a few more times.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-29-11 AT 09:30PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-29-11 AT 07:08?PM (MST)

Maybe if a bunch of landowners would allow access to kids in other units in the state with huge deer populations to shoot does...the WGF wouldnt have to propose letting youth hunters kill does state-wide.

Access issues are the number 1 reason why people quit hunting, dont start hunting, and why we cant keep youth interested.

Hunting will die faster at the hands of the commercialization of the sport and trophy hunters that are only concerned about themselves, than it ever will from kids shooting does...and thats a fact.

We arent recruiting young hunters for $hit...and havent been for a very long time. We arent even keeping those in the sport that have been hunting for years.

The ME ME...bigger, better, at all costs has got to stop.
A good start would be for average joe hunters to get off the couch and quit thinking that buying a license once a year is all they have to do.

I hear constant whining and crying about how poor of a job the G&F is doing. How dumb the biologists are, how the wardens only harrass people, etc. etc. etc.

How about Resident hunters cough up some real money for permits? Management costs money, it isnt getting cheaper, and the problems and how to solve them are constantly getting more complex all the time. Further, the problems dont fix themselves.

You want to attract better wardens and biologists...pay them more. You want more warden presence to protect your resource, hire more. I cant tell you how many times I've heard people complain that all WYG&F biologists and wardens do is "drive around in new trucks". You want them driving a fuggin' skateboard to their job? Or would you feel better if they ran a 1970 dodge power-wagon that broke down every 10 miles?

I question at times if hunters really are serious about protecting and enhancing game/wildife...or only about protecting what they feel is their god-given right to blast it?

To further the problems you have people that are now only motivated by how they can profit from the public wildlife...mainly landowners and outfitters. Their agenda has nothing to do with improving anything except things that make them more money.

We're all part of the problem...and I dont see many willing to take one for the team to do whats best for wildlife.

Asking for a small license fee increase is about like asking for someone to chop off an arm or a leg. Asking outfitters to sacrifice anything will have the WYGOA marching on the Capitol steps. Asking landowners to sacrifice anything for the sake of wildlife will have every livestock group in Wyoming up in arms and crying.

Its a joke and its to the point that reasonable discourse in wildlife issues has become as corrupt as it gets.

We need a complete shift in culture as it relates to wildlife management if we want meaningful change...and everyone will have to pitch in and share in the responsibility.
+1 Buzz......on alot of what you are stating.

Look around us-----Leftover tags abound----

Mont Combo tags...

Wyo Leftover tags...

Colo Leftover tags....

Idaho very seldom sells all their available tags...

The list of states just keeps growing most every year now...

What they title Recruitment is falling fast.

I agree that we could and should pay more for the privilage of hunting, but Its very difficult to have a say in the way things are run in Wyoming, no local game boards, no way to have any influence beyond filling out the common survey. All the bioligists and wardens in this area are very young and seem to lack vision, hindsight, and the wisdom that experience can bring, most all the WGF people that were so passionate about Wyoming wildlife seem to be gone.Change is always hard, and in this state it seems nearly impossible.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-11 AT 05:17PM (MST)[p]Went to last nights meeting. They seemed a bit more interested in what folks had to say vs past years. I was already to pitch my beeatch about 66 deer and the warden starts telling us 66 is in trouble. I thought, you morons, I've been saying that for the last 6 - 7 years at these meetings. I remember a few years ago, there was probably 30 guys at the meeting and someone brought up raising resident license prices. Was surprised he didn't get beat up in the parking lot. About 1/2 the folks in the crowd went ballistic about having to pay higher prices. I'd just as well see them jack the rates up and run some of these hillbillies off so I might have a better chance of drawing a tag. With respect to the state having leftover tags, that's always been the case. The problem is there is way too much demand for quality area's which is what a lot of folks want. Most people don't hunt for meat anymore anyway and why would they. I spent $75 twice to fill up my truck when I went snow goose hunting weekend before last. With what fuel and everything else costs, you can go buy a cooler full of t-bone steaks for what it costs to go shoot a doe antelope or deer.
I agree with Buzz for once. I have lived in three Western States and I will say that most of the guys at are local office are stand up guys. there are bad apples and it is a govt bueracracy but their as good or better than the rest of the western states, after all they all graduate from the same wildlife biology programs.
Residents don't pay enough for permits and then whine that non residents get all the tags.
I would like to see Type 1 LE non resident permits capped at a flat 10% (just like the rest of the western states have done to us Wyoming residents that choose to put in ) I would like to see the resident prices raised to make up the difference plus a little.

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