Wyoming Speed Goats!!!


Long Time Member
Meagan and her friend from Kansas, Caleb, drew antelope tags in Wyoming. This would be Calebs first "Speed Goat" hunt and Meagans second. We left Thursday night after Meagans soccer game and that put us into Rawlings at 2:00 a.m. We got up and met our friends early the next morning and finished setting up camp.

We headed out from camp on foot. Cableb and his dad went up the valley to the West and Meagan and I headed East to a place called "The Rock Pile". It over looks another smaller grassy valley with a pond at the head of it.

We had been at The Rock Pile for close to an hour. Most of the antelope were far to the North and East from where we were sitting and by that time it was hot and most of them were bedding down. I was glassing and noticed that it had got really quiet to my left. I looked over towards my hunting buddy and found that she had checked out on me. I guess that late night with an early wakeup call got the best of her.


We decided to head back to camp and get a bite to eat and take a little nap. We had been back to camp for about 30 minutes when Caleb and his dad strolled back in with blood on their hands. After spotting a couple of good bucks at about 300 yards, Caleb had closed the distance to 180 and dropped the hammer on his first goat.


We headed back out after lunch and decided to circle down below where we had seen the biggest concentration of antelope. We got the wind in our face and crawled the last 50 grueling yards to the edge of the valley. As we got closer to the edge we started seeing some does. Some were up feeding but most were bedded down. After glassing for a minute we spotted the buck. He was heavy with great curls on top and good prongs. I left the decision up to Meagan and she said he was good enough to end her hunt on the first day. Now we had to decide on how to get her into position to shoot without being seen. We had a little dirt birm that we were hid behind but if Meagan got into a sitting position to shoot off the bipods it would be really risky and more than likely they would see us. So we dicided to try a prone shot. We had a line of brush the topped the birm to our right with a small opening in the middle. We belly crawled over to the opening and Meagan took off her pack. Laying side by side, I slid the pack up in to the opening as Meagan layed the rifle on top. After getting several minutes of trying to jockey into position she finally found her spot. We had been laying there for around 20 minutes when they started to get up and feed. There were a lot more antelope than we originally saw and they all decided to get in front of the buck. Meagan had no shot. They started to file away to our left and fortunately the buck decided to wait. As Meagan waited for her shot 2 more bucks showed up. They started to mingle with the rest of them and I lost track of the buck Meagan was after. I had left my binos 6 feet away when we decided to belly crawl and all I could tell for sure was that they were bucks. Meagan was watching them file through her scope when she wispered, "I've got him." I asked her if she was sure and she said "Yep, he's the only one with the big curls on top". As the last of the does filed away, the 2 remaining ones were bucks. It just so happened that the other buck picked a spot in front of Meagans buck and stopped. Again, no shot. She waited patiently and finaly the buck turned, took 3 steps and stopped. Before I could say a word, the familiar sound of her .243 rang out. She sent a 95 grain Federal Vital Shock through his right front shoulder and into his left destroying everything in between. The buck dropped like a rock and Meagans hunt was over. After the high fives and the traditional victory dance we made our way over to Meagans buck and we were pleased with what we walked up on. Meagan did the majority of this on her own. SHe picked up the slack with her rifle scope when her dad didn't have his binos to help her. Great job babe! Enjoy!


This photo was taken back at camp. Dad forgot his camera too.

It's always an adventure!!!
Nice job you guys. I have got to get my wife up there to Wy hunting the goats. She keeps telling me that she wants to. I will have to give you a call sometime.

Wholelot, don't you just love antelope hunts? They are fantastic for youngsters and old "use-ta-coulds".

I've been building points for Wyoming, one of these days I'll be calling you to come join me in COWBOY country. Great to see you investing in that young lady's future, best thing you folks could have done this weekend.

Super hunting photo! Crystal clear blue skies, warmed by an Indian Summer sun, big buck dreams, and a great Dad "holden the reins". Dang near poetic.

Congratulations for giving your daughter the high life. Great buck too.

Huntin with the kids is great my oldest turned 12 just before the Utah archery deer hunt we couldn't connect but just got back from WY on our own goat hunt she made me proud and showed maturity during the hunt passed on several bucks even after some long stalks than decided to pull the trigger on this one


Your right these Wy speed goat hunts are a blast especially with newbies
Jim - Thanks for sharing such a great hunt with the kids. Really enjoyed reading about your experience. Meagan and Caleb did great and got some very nice bucks. I'm glad you decided to post such a great story and photos. Congratulations to all!
Now that's a nice Loper there Meagan!
You've got one of the BEST Teachers I know of anywhere,now if We can just teach him to shoot/release on his LE hunts!:D

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-10 AT 10:50AM (MST)[p]Congrats Jim and Meagan, can't wait to enjoy that with my girls.
Very nicely done Caleb and Meagan! I hope to hunt Wyoming next year for Pronghorn. What fun times!

Thanks boys. I would gladly give up every chance I had to shoot my own to watch these kids hunt and have some success. It's a very cool experience.

DC - You're on buddy! Let me know when you get that tag.

It's always an adventure!!!
Congrats to your daughter and to you on a fine buck!! Great pics too!

I am headed to Wyoming on the 8th for some speed goat fun of my own. I will be taking that Vortex 4-12x40 scope you hooked me up with for its maiden voyage. I love the scope and the new .270WSM is shooting great with it!!

Congrats again to you and your daughter!

Great job there both by your daughter and yourself.I know you really enjoyed that hunt.I have a 12 yr old also and so far only has shot whitetails here in the south,but she can't wait to go to Wyoming.Thanks for the pics!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-10 AT 05:27PM (MST)[p]awesome goats guys!!

By far the most memorable hunts I've been on are the ones I've had my kids on. I cant wait till my kids can tag something half as nice as those.


There are no big bucks in Utah! LOL

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