Wyoming Sheep



My dad drew a Wyoming sheep tag in unit 22. It also allows him to hunt area 5 later in the year. Being a non-resident it is going to be hard to make more than one scouting trip. Any help would be great!
Is hiring a good outfitter out of the question?
They can be worth their weight in gold for a guy in your dad's position. Scouting, packing, transportation, judging, skinning, food preparation and the list goes on and on.
I'm kind of a DIY guy, so I understand, and he can do it on his own IF you have the time, equipment and proximity to do it all.
I'm also a DIY guy, but on a once in a lifetime sheep hunt like that I would go for as much help as I could find and afford! I would suggest you go on the Sheep, Goats, etc. Forum and you might find a member or two that will pitch in and help you because they all say that once you hunt them it gets in your blood and you can't stop. Good luck and keep us up on what's happening with your scouting, etc.
I get what your saying but its just not gonna happen due to the terrible experience he has had with the guides who are supposed to be the best. Its diy or nothing for him now.
Well, there you have it. DIY will be his hunt. It ain't all bad since I'd do it that way too.
Sorry I couldn't help you on 22 or 5 but I'm sure you'll find some. I know a few things about 2 and 3 but you're required to have a guide in the areas that I'm talking about.... and it would do your dad no good at all anyway.
Good luck and keep us posted.
Remember Topgun's advice. Make sure you post in the sheep, goat, moose, antelope section too. There are a bunch of crazy sheep hunters out there that should be willing to help.

Oh, remember the story too along with the pictures.

Good luck,
Zeke Grand Slam #1121 (crazy sheep hunter)
Don't have any specific info on 22. Call G&Fish Biologist out of Dubois, good guy and can give you some help.

Don't know your dads experience with guides but area 5 has some top notch guides that have 90% or better success records. Also, area 5 is one of the top/best units in WY.

But there are is an area in 5 that is out of the Wilderness Area SW of Meeteeste. Get maps and call the G&Fish biologist out of Thermopolis/Worland.

This is a once in a lifetime hunt, don't eat the tag!!

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"

wilderness area SW of Meetetseee
Oops sorry my phone didn't load any of the messages and said my reply didn't post..
I killed my ram in unit 4, which is across the road from unit 22. For what it is worth, I was guided by a great guy named Fritz Meyer out of Dubois. He was less expensive than most, but provided me with a fantastic experience.
I asked Fritz about 22 and he told me that there were only a few resident sheep in 22. I drove by it going into some of my area. It is not typical sheep country and is rolling hills, and "breaks" country. My guide pointed out some country in unit 5 where the sheep typically come down at the end of the season and he said there were always lots of sheep in there late.
I will echo what others have said. This is a "once in a lifetime" tag and taking a chance because of one bad guide experience, may be very risky. I am a serious hunter, and I consider myself to be a very experienced mountain hunter. But I am pretty sure I would have not got my sheep without the help of my outfitter. Unless you have horses and understanding of where to find Rams, DIY can be very difficult...for whatever that is worth.
Good luck
Already have the maps and everything. And my dad has call the biologist numerous times. Thanks
Its not been one bad experience its been many. He has hunted sheep three times before so he's not a rookie. If you get back in the unit it gets better looking for sheep. You can't truly judge it by driving past it on the highway.
Regardless of what your dad thinks about guides, I'd invest some time in a phone call to Larry Altimus. He's a guide, with a ton of experience right where your talking about hunting. He's also one of the most decent and ethical people you'll ever meet, and a very hard core sheep hunter himself. I think he and his wife, Stephanie, have 3 or 4 grand slams between them.
It might not hurt to do a search on here for Wyo 128 late LQ deer hunt.

I got to know the Ram hang outs in 22 by being in the overlap 128 late deer hunt.

There have been quite a few threads over the years on here (Mule Deer page) and it might be another good source for your dad's DIY Ram hunt in 22.

+++1 with what Zeke, Littlebighorn and others have stated...

A Once in a life time tag, and only being able to scout once, I'd be looking for a guide...I'm a DIY type of guy myself, but having drawn an Area 2 tag in Wyoming last year, I was glad that I went with a guide...(as a non res I really had no choice).But even if I hadn't been required to have a guide , I was planning to hire one anyhow....That country was very vast and the amount of livestock and equipment that it took to get into "Sheep Country" was overwhelming...

Good luck to you and your Dad on which ever way he decides to go.

Might I suggest another alternative. Give it a go DIY but have a backup plan. Talk to some guides and leave it open for help later in the season if they have time and you have trouble.There are many top notch guides in area 5!
I understand were your dad is coming from. Been there too. However, if none of his three sheep hunts were in Wyoming then this is a differnt situation. There are outfitters that give 100% effort to their clients in Wyoming.

I would not throw the towel in just yet!

You need some information. I would suggest you contact Stan Siggins in Cody, Wy. He only guided for Big Horn sheep. His reputation was spotless! I hunted with him. I would do it again too. However, he is now retired. He could give you some honest opinons of whom you could consider contacting.

Second, Contact John Porter of Morning Creek Outfitters also from Cody. John has taken nearly 100 Big Horns. Don't know his knowledge of Area 22 but he knows Area 5.

Doing it your self is great if 1. you are both in excellant shape for a back pack hunt, 2. if not have the stock etc. for a horses pack hunt, 3. really know where the walking ghosts hide and can find them again when the hunt is on and last, you have lots of time to accomplish it.

It is my guess that you have not been on a Big Horn hunt compared to your dad. If that is correct then the doing it yourself could be a hard reality with no great ram at the end. Those "little hills" always win if you are hiking them long enough!

What others have stated about a once in a life time tag is soooo true.

Step back some and re-visit going with an outfitter. Do some more good research before you do in yourself.

Good luck

I have tried to convince him many times. He wants it done by himself. He's doing everything on his own. In his mind he's put in enough money for it all ready. I knew that this was going to happen when I posted this. He will get a big ram. There's no doubt in my mind he can do it by himself. He's got the strength, will, time and money for it. He got his Idaho rams this way and his Alaska one too. Along with two border line B/C moose three big mule deer and a great mountain goat. I get that the other species are a whole different story but it shows he's a great hunter. He'll get his Wyoming sheep this way along with our Montana sheep too. I just wanted to see if I could give him any tips by going on this site. Thanks for everything everyone! I'll give those guides a call and see if they can give him some info.
Me thinks he made up his mind and set the wheels in motion for DIY by the very act of picking 22. There are better units that are easier to draw if you are going guided. Anyway, there are enough resident rams that the game department feels up to four a year can be taken. When I was making my decision of where to apply this year, there was mention of a possible loss of sheep in 22 this winter. Check that out... I'd try to scout early and get first crack at the best ram you can find in 22, but save enough time for 5 if that falls through. I remember reading a story by Duncan Gilchrist about his 22 sheep hunt...He was upset that he couldn't find rams in the unit, didn't get one, and thought it was a bad deal that they offered the hunt. Access was worse then, and you didn't have the option for 5, but....
When does the unit 5 kick in?? I did a diy a few years ago without going across the wilderness boundary. fantastic country and got a very pretty ram also. Do a search back in sheep/goats for a thread named "for those needing inspiration".

Middle ram is from #5

It starts in october I believe. He's planning to get it out of 22 during his first trip which will be the first 10 days of the season. But one never knows how long it will take.. i will do a search and see what we come up with. We don't have the time to make a scouting trip to 5 until after the 22 season has started so probably the week before he can hunt in 5. Also those are very nice animals you got there! The last two things on his bucket list are happening this season. Take a B/C ram and a B/C deer and he's got three deer tags this year, one drawn with max points and a true trophy area in idaho so we don't want to throw those tags out the window. Thanks for your time!
A B&C ram from Wyoming? Seriously? That is such a rare event that I don't think you can reasonbly expect that, even if you had a Governor's tag in your pocket.

A 160 class ram from area 5 is a true trophy that shouldn't be passed.
Yes we realize that its not very possible. My mistake on typing. Sorry. It should have said trophy sheep and bc deer

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