Wyoming Sheep units 8 and 23



Well some how I beat the odds and drew a WY sheep tag for units 8 and 23. I sure am glad I decided to stick out the point price increase. I would really appreciate any suggestions or information about the units or hunting WY wilderness area in general. I have talked to a couple of outfitters and may have to go that way. I would prefer to go with a resident for a couple of main reasons. 1) the cost is a hard pill to swallow and 2) I have a few friends that are experienced sheep hunters that want to go; a sheep tag is such a rare thing that it a shame not to share the experience.
Thanks in advance
First of all, congratulations scree! Whatever you do, you are in for a real adventure and my advice is to take full advantage of it.
I had an area 4 permit a 3 years ago and it was totally awesome. I went with an outfitter (Fritz Meyer from Dubois) and after 20 years of applying for a bighorn tag, it was money well spent.(I don't think Fritz guides in your area.) My caution for DIY with a resident friend is that you are equipped for everything you need for this hunt, including dealing with grizzlies. They are plentiful in that country and will find your food, etc. if you don't keep a totally clean camp, etc. Fritz had Griz proof panyards, and a camp tender/cook to watch things, great pack and riding horses,etc. It took much more to do the hunt right, than I anticipated.
Also, I thought I was great at spotting game because of my 40 years of deer, elk, etc. hunting. But my sheep guide spotted almost every sheep we saw, because of his experience and understanding of where the sheep would be, etc.
Anyway, that's my 2 bits, and good luck whatever you do! Show us some pics next fall!
LAST EDITED ON May-14-07 AT 03:03PM (MST)[p]Okay scree....who's goin with ya?

So you can skirt the outfitter rule by finding a resident to go with you for no charge? I've never heard of such a thing!!!! You mean there are sheep nuts out there that will take time off work and hunt with someone just to go sheep hunting???? Hard to believe. LOL
You sound a little stressed! I think you need to take a road trip!
Make sure your resident friend is rock solid and for sure can commit to hunt with you as long and hard as necessary. Friends who have hunted sheep and may want to go does not sound rock solid. I have been let down by hunting partners with simmilar tags let me down too often to count on anyone else, especially for something like a sheep tag. Make sure you have enough time, get your hunt scouted before the season (no guide required to scout), and hope you only need your resident help for as short as time as possible. Also hunt early, as you may be able to slide in with a guide if your bud's bail.
Well Ramslam this serves as your official invite. I think Starbailey is right; a road trip would do you some good. How about a little trip to the Wind River Range with us?

As far as a sheep nut willing to lend a helping hand free of charge, I have heard of such a thing. I know I know I'm misinformed and that sort of thing simply does not occur. LOL
Elmer those are some good points. I'm leaning toward hiring a guide to take us and a camp in there and meet the legal requirements and not much more. I also agree with you regarding going in early. I really want to give it a good solid shot with my bow anyway so that early archery season may just be the ticket.
I think the guides in the wilderness rule means the guide pretty much has to babysit you at all times when hunting in the wilderness. If you are scouting, fishing, hiking, etc, you are cool on your own. Complete B.S., but it is Wyoming law.
Elmer's comments remind me that I have a friend that went scouting for deer in the Wilderness up there and got seriously grilled by a "fish cop" about being in a wilderness without a guide. If you park at a trailhead with out of state plates, plan on a visit from a Wyoming State Employee and make sure you are legal. You don't want to ruin a great hunt!
There is no doubt that I will be doing this thing completely legal. While I don't agree with the law, it is completely out of my ethical realm to skirt the law. On top of that I would loose my job if I broke the law. I guess what I did not make clear, was that I'm more interested in a guide that can keep me perfectly legal but he does not need to know how to score sheep or hunt them for that matter.
Congrats on the tag! I, too, have drawn the same tag as you. I, however, had a deposit with an outfitter before I applied. That's awfully mean country with success rates typically running from 50 to 67% (I would bet that unguided is lower than 50%). Best of luck to you! Perhaps we'll bump into one another on the mountain.
There are "play" hunts and there are once-in-a-lifetime hunts. A bighorn sheep hunt is the later. If you have great help and equipment, go DIY. If not, hire all the help you can get. Also, if you are a serious bow hunter, leave the rifle at home. If not, leave the bow at home and kill the ram. I like a bow and have all the respect in the world for someone that hunts with one. However, a sheep hunt is about making the most of a very limited opportunity. That means bringing a flat shooting rifle, quality glass, and great help.
You are in the Super Bowl of hunting. Don't be just "happy to be there", win the darn thing!
That is good advice Warren. I know Scree will take full advantage of the opportunity. He knows how to get after it and get it done. He has killed one of the biggest Cali's ever taken in Washington. In addition, he killed a whopppppper dall ram on the 15th day of a 10 day hunt. From what I hear he had a smile on his face every day and even wore out one of the guides. I think I know some of the help he is rounding up and they should have a great hunt!
Warren, yup you are right on the money this is the Super Bowl. In fact all of my "plotting" is in order to get the most out of this tag. I have a lot of vacation saved up (over 6 weeks) but not a lot of cash. My goal is to put every thing I have into this tag.

Thanks Ramslam; oh by the way the dall was on the 16th day but who's counting;)
Congrats on the tag, hopefully I'll draw one of these years. Maybe next year with 13 points.

If you are a die hard as it sounds and really plan on doing it yourself, I'll share a little information on the area. I've backpacked that country quite a bit.

First...be prepared...it's true wilderness, rugged country and has grizz.

Stick to the country around Daphne Lake, I'll bet you take your sheep within one square mile of that area. There are three ways to get into that country; Roaring Fork, Mill Creek and Clear Creek drainages. None of them are easy. The Roaring Fork is the easiest because it has a horse trail but it's around twelve plus miles in on that route (not bad if you have horses). Clear Creek is the way I usually go but due to all the downfall from old forest fires it gets worse all the time. It's a decent hike to Clear Lake and then extremely vertical, follow the outlet of Faler Lake and go up that way. Don't try the shale slides. The Mill Creek route is the shortest but the most difficult, there is only one route off of the backside of Osborn Mountain so study your topo maps. You should come off at a pass between Faler and Crescent Lakes. Cresent Lake is a good place to camp, so is Faler Lake, both are full of fish so take a lightweight rod and some 1/4 oz black and brown marabou jigs (Faler has Goldens and Cresent has Cutthroat). The cutthroats are much better to eat and a nice supplement to backpack food. Keep the grizzlies in mind. Around the fourth of July is usually when the lakes ice out (Faler and Cresent) and would be a good time for your first scouting trip.

Good Luck, that area has produced some huge sheep in the past (170-180) and starting to come back. It will be a tough hunt, work hard and I'll bet you do well.

Thanks for the information WyoXtec! I sure hope I can find someone to meat the legal requirement so I can put your information to work. Even if I end up having to hiring a regular outfitter I will likely end up doing a scouting trip on my own just for grins.
Thanks again.
LAST EDITED ON May-21-07 AT 09:17AM (MST)[p]Oops, sorry about that Scree. I suppose you're going to tell me your ram was bigger than mine too!
Congrat's on the tag. I am curious if you do go with a resident and ot a guide. I am wondered about that plan myself.

First lots of sheep nuts who live there that would go for free (legal).

Second, like other said, big worry is what if they bail at last minute? A legit family situation might arrise, who knows. I too sya if you go with a resident have an outfitter lined up as a backup for a late hunt.

Please post what you do later in summer and let us know how your hunt goes.

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