Wyoming Sheep Outfitters



Anyone have an outfitter in the NW part of the state they can recommend? I have enough points I should be able to draw most of the units except area 5 with the next year or two .

I'd like to find someone who's not geared up for mass production but still has a game plan.
Three I know are good choices are:
Elk Mountain Outfitters (Myron Wakkuri)
Wind River Mountain Outfitters (Fritz Meyer)
Wapiti Ridge Outfitters (Justin Jarrett)

Also, you can purchase hunt reports on huntingreport.com for $0.99 a piece. I used this website to research Dall Sheep outfitters before I went. Meyer and Jarrett have reviews posted by hunters on this site. I hope you draw and kill a big one.
morning creek outfitters{they have the long range show on t.v}
ishoowa outfitters
wyoming wilderness outtfitters
I can highly recommend Crandall Creek Outfitters. You will not find a better outfit out there. Good horses, camps, and they know sheep. They guide in Units 1-5. Give Cory Fisher a call.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-12 AT 08:40AM (MST)[p]I hunted with Fritz Meyer(Wind River Mountain Outfitters) out of Dubois back in 2004. I hunted unit 4 and I had a great experience with his outfit. He has been involved in taking more Wyoming rams than any other outfitter in the state (well over 300) and back then his fees were more reasonable than most. There are lots of good reputable outfitters in Wyoming, as mentioned above, but I would not overlook Fritz. Good luck in the draws. It was an amazing experience for me. PM me if you have questions or need contact information.
Meade Dominick 7d ranch outfitters. He will guide you himself. He has been 100% sucessful, is a great guy and hunts in 1-5. You can call him up and decide which unit to put in for which is what I did last year. You will have a great time and kill a good ram. He only takes 6 hunters per year and 1st deposit gets first choice of dates.
I would highly recommend Shosone Lodge Outfitters. There at least worth a look give Josh a call (307) 899-4673. They also have a facebook page Shoshone Lodge Outfitters.
>I can highly recommend Crandall Creek
>Outfitters. You will not
>find a better outfit out
>there. Good horses, camps,
>and they know sheep.
>They guide in Units 1-5.
>Give Cory Fisher a call.

i ran into him this last year and cory gave me some info where some mountain goats were at. also had a nice camp and they pulled a very nice ram this last year
Thanks guys, sounds like there are lots of options .

I'll talk to some of these guys and pick a unit, then it's just the little matter of drawing the tag. I'm right there to be in the game but so are a bunch of others in my point class.
7D Ranch Outfitters...."Meade Dominick".....Killed my "Grand Slam" Ram with him in Area 2 in 2010....

or "Grizz Turner"...Lost Creek Outfitters!

Either one of the guys would be a Great choice!

Both are Hard working and excellent hunters and guides! Not to mention their horsemanship skills are second to none...
I'm playing some phone tag with some of these guys but I'm hearing tag numbers may be cut due to a much much worse than what was thought winterkill last winter. if that's the case I may have more time than I figured before I draw out.

Just my luck, but I'll get a game plan anyway.
That was my fear also....and why I decided to cash in my points on a unit I could draw....you never know what can happen with tag allocations ...especially when it comes to non resident Sheep Tags..
>I'm playing some phone tag with
>some of these guys but
>I'm hearing tag numbers may
>be cut due to a
>much much worse than what
>was thought winterkill last winter.
>if that's the case I
>may have more time than
>I figured before I draw
>Just my luck, but I'll get
>a game plan anyway.

i just seen on t.v. that morning creek outtfitters just guided there 100th kill on a ram. i think the cuts on tags will be in the duios area due to the fire this last year. hunters that held a tag last year could save there tag to this year. so that means they will just a cut a few.

one thing to do is talk to a game warden. thats what i did for my mountain goat hunt this last year. he told me where to go and heck he does the plane surverys for sheep and told me where he seen all the goats. all my time scouting i counted over 200 sheep.
+1 on Meade, Griz and Fritz. I know Meade and Fritz and they know sheep. Meade will be at the SHEEP SHOW in Reno next week. No booth, but stop buy WY WSF booth and they can put you in contact.
He trys to guide all his hunters, but he has a couple guides who work for him and they are just as good (personel comm. w/ Meade).

There will probably be tag reductions in Area 4. Not because of the fire but cuz of deep,deep snows on the west 1/2 winter range.

Talked to Fritz the 1st of Dec and he and other good sheep hunting residences had a hard time find good rams last year in 4. Several did not fill, thus success dropped to the mid-60's.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
That local information is good feedback kilbuc, since the recent Eastman's MRS rated area 4 as being excellent and stable.
Sheep units can turn down on a dime!
Sounds like there will be tag cuts in 4, not sure about areas to the north but maybe.

Any tag cuts anywhere won't help the draw odds for those of us one the fringe of the point pool thats for sure. I'm always a day late and a point short.
here are a couple of rams we pulled out of unit 4 a few years ago

K-watt......yes, will be at the WYWSF booth. Unless this kick ass cold doesn't get better. Feel like I got kicked thru the goal posts of life....LOL.

An update....helped WSF load there truck yesterday. Talked to Doug McWhirter, G&F biologist out of Cody. They flew sheep survey last Sat. Saw 7-800 sheep in three, but virtually no lambs. Last year, 2011, they killed some great rams in 3 with the ave. age over 7.5 years.

Also flew the east 1/2 of 4 and saw lots of sheep but also virtually no lambs. This was an additional flight paid for by WYWSF. One bad year is not dissater(sp) if we get normal or better lamb survival the next couple years. Also the areas were sheep winter is very open so far.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
i did notice this last year there was a lack of lambs. i been driving up the north and south fork on the weekends and been some monster rams migrating down.... i am seeing a lot lambs in the lower elevations since they have migrated down
kilbuc....I will stop by the booth when I make my rounds a week from tomorrow on Friday 20th...hope to see you then Dan.


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