Wyoming Sheep Counts ?



I was told the sheep counts would be done by the 1st of Feb , but I can't seem to find anything on it on the WY web site.

Anyone heard anything or know when or where to find them? it would be nice to see before the application deadline.

Stay thirsty my friends
I was told by a biologist that his final sheep counts would be done by the third week of this month and his final report, which recommends tag numbers, was due by March 5th.
It sounds like you'd better have a good contact in order to have unit information before the application deadline!
Take that as a guide but not gospel.
That sounds about right. I guess I'll have to call right before the deadline and hope I get to talk to someone before it's too late.

I just spent a week sledding around NW Wyoming and it was tropical warm. lots of snow up high and nothing down low. unless something freaky happens I don't see how winterkill could be a factor but who knows what else might happen with sheep being what they are.

Stay thirsty my friends

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